Need some positive thoughts please

Hi guys, back on the board... Mum was diagnosed last year with advanced ca cancer, some sports in abdomen area. Had 6 months of chemo- infusion and oral ... first blood work and scan NED..... this was about 6 months ago...seems we are not over the worst of this yet!!! Today second scan results back and some small spots again in abdomen area, more chemo to come in a few weeks. Doctor says no rush still go on holiday and will start when back so i guess this is a good sign. I needed to come on here and see people who have many relapses and are still ok, heaven help us prayers needed. mum is positive and said ugh iv done it before, il do it again...What a great attitude huh!!!!?? :)


  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    We are sending good thoughts
    We are sending good thoughts and prayers to you and your mother.

    Unfortunately this is not uncommon. I was in remission for 30 months and found out the Big C was worse then ever. More Surgery, more Chemo, and now in remission again. CEA was 1125 and now CEA 2.0

    This is why several people talk a lot about Diet, Hydration and Exercise. That is the basis of good health.

    Be strong for your mother. She needs that more then ever. It is also ok to cry, and share a moment. Believe me we have all cried and then went on to be strong, to get healthy.

    Best Always, mike
  • steved
    steved Member Posts: 834 Member
    A long journey
    It is a long journey this fight- I have been at it 8 years with long periods NED but in stage 4 the reality is mainly like this for many of us. However, the longer we manage this illness the more advances that davelop and the more hope we haev of really beating it.
    Go on holiday and enjoy that time. Let your mum build her strength physically and mentally to face the next battle. Squeeze evey moment of joy and every drop of pleasure out of your time together. You are clearly doing a great job as a carer too so take time to gather your own strength- she is going to need to draw on it at times.

    Will be thinking of you,steve
  • scareddaughter24
    scareddaughter24 Member Posts: 68
    thxmiker said:

    We are sending good thoughts
    We are sending good thoughts and prayers to you and your mother.

    Unfortunately this is not uncommon. I was in remission for 30 months and found out the Big C was worse then ever. More Surgery, more Chemo, and now in remission again. CEA was 1125 and now CEA 2.0

    This is why several people talk a lot about Diet, Hydration and Exercise. That is the basis of good health.

    Be strong for your mother. She needs that more then ever. It is also ok to cry, and share a moment. Believe me we have all cried and then went on to be strong, to get healthy.

    Best Always, mike

    Thanks Mike, crazy ride
    Thanks Mike, crazy ride huh!!!!! great to hear the stories of people on here beating it down and being back in remission all the time!! Im so pleased for youo to be currently in remission...long may it last!!! Being strong is what i do well... We are both positive!!! thanks again for your support and encouragment
  • scareddaughter24
    scareddaughter24 Member Posts: 68
    steved said:

    A long journey
    It is a long journey this fight- I have been at it 8 years with long periods NED but in stage 4 the reality is mainly like this for many of us. However, the longer we manage this illness the more advances that davelop and the more hope we haev of really beating it.
    Go on holiday and enjoy that time. Let your mum build her strength physically and mentally to face the next battle. Squeeze evey moment of joy and every drop of pleasure out of your time together. You are clearly doing a great job as a carer too so take time to gather your own strength- she is going to need to draw on it at times.

    Will be thinking of you,steve

    thanks steve, my mum is one
    thanks steve, my mum is one tough cookie and one positive cookie too!!!! im sure she will get back into remission very soon! sounds like its managable at the moment from what i hear so this is positive also!! what a journey!!! life altering really, i do feel it makes me a stronger person so thats something good right?
  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I have had spots in the
    I have had spots in the liver followed by surgery and chemo 3 times and am currently NED again.
  • jjaj133
    jjaj133 Member Posts: 867 Member
    absolutely! colon and 2
    absolutely! colon and 2 liver resections and i am still here!!! Started in 2005.
    Will be sending prayers.
    Tell you mum, keep up the good attitude.
    Hugs to you both,
  • omrhill
    omrhill Member Posts: 125
    Positive vibes
    Your mother sounds like she has the right attitude. You'll find lots of success stories here. I am pulling for her...and you!
  • Kathryn_in_MN
    Kathryn_in_MN Member Posts: 1,252 Member
    She has it right
    She said she did it before and she'll do it again. That is all we can do. One day at a time. I had the summer off from treatments 2010, and I've been off treatments since December - 7 months now! But it is likely I'll have to do something again at some point. The reality is most stage IV is not cured. But it is not an immediate death sentence either. We beat it down for a bit, and it rears its ugly head again, so we beat it some more!
  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member

    She has it right
    She said she did it before and she'll do it again. That is all we can do. One day at a time. I had the summer off from treatments 2010, and I've been off treatments since December - 7 months now! But it is likely I'll have to do something again at some point. The reality is most stage IV is not cured. But it is not an immediate death sentence either. We beat it down for a bit, and it rears its ugly head again, so we beat it some more!

    We all live it one day at a time. Even in the Lord's prayer it's "Our daily bread." Also we are all aging at the same rate as the newborn babies. LOL
  • scareddaughter24
    scareddaughter24 Member Posts: 68
    danker said:

    We all live it one day at a time. Even in the Lord's prayer it's "Our daily bread." Also we are all aging at the same rate as the newborn babies. LOL

    Giving thanks to you all
    Thankyou for all your positive thoughts and prayers, what a wonderful place this is!!! what an inspiation you all are!! isnt medicine and god great!!!!