hi mates it is FRIDAY ! any interesting plan for the WEEKEND?



  • steved
    steved Member Posts: 834 Member
    Pyjama party
    Between watching wimbledon and the Euro final on Sunday I have my daughter's fifth birthday with 13 five year olds decending for a birthday party at our house. Makes chemo seem a walk in the park!

  • tommycat
    tommycat Member Posts: 790 Member
    steved said:

    Pyjama party
    Between watching wimbledon and the Euro final on Sunday I have my daughter's fifth birthday with 13 five year olds decending for a birthday party at our house. Makes chemo seem a walk in the park!


    LOL Steve----somehow I suspect you will be right there playing with them.
    There are some great stories on this thread today. Love it.
    Joe Metz, good luck with your takedown.
    Everyone enjoy the weekend.
  • omrhill
    omrhill Member Posts: 125
    danker said:

    I see my oncologist at 9am. Hope to be put on 6 months review rather than the current 3By noon I'll decide what to do this weekend.
    Being retired, everyday is Saturday except Sunday to go to church. Enjoy your party' !!!

    Saturday everyday!
    I'm jealous! Good luck at the Oncologist. Let us know how it goes.
  • omrhill
    omrhill Member Posts: 125
    jjaj133 said:

    Hi everyone.
    We are getting

    Hi everyone.
    We are getting ready for the 4th of July picnic. Lots of cooking. Also Larry is painting the living room which, means i stay out of the way. If there is one spot of wet paint around, i will find it and smear it LOL.
    Have a wonderful weekend everyone,

    Wet Paint
    Don't you love it when someone tells you NOT to paint?! Enjoy your time in the kitchen and I hope the paint dries quickly!
  • omrhill
    omrhill Member Posts: 125
    steved said:

    Pyjama party
    Between watching wimbledon and the Euro final on Sunday I have my daughter's fifth birthday with 13 five year olds decending for a birthday party at our house. Makes chemo seem a walk in the park!


    Pajama madness
    A pajama party with 13 five year olds makes chemo look tame. Enjoy! I loved those days.
  • YoVita
    YoVita Member Posts: 590 Member
    Weekend plans
    Special weekend for us. Going to Ann Arbor (Go Blue) for my niece's wedding with my husband, son and his fiancee. Both my husband and son live out of state - so a nice family reunion for us. Then taking a week vacation, spending it with my husband in his new rented condo in Milwaukee - yes!
  • ketziah35
    ketziah35 Member Posts: 1,145
    I am going to surprise my mother
    Mmy mother expects my flight to arrive this Monday evening. I changed the flight to arrive tomorrow morning. I am going to surprise her and take her out to celebrate her clean scans. She keeps saying that she is excited about me coming home to visiit. She is really going to be surprised when I arrive 3 days early. Lol.I am such a sneaky daughter.

    Then we will go to the beach, visit with family, eat lots of fresh seafood.
    (No ice cream)
  • Kenny H.
    Kenny H. Member Posts: 502 Member
    ketziah35 said:

    I am going to surprise my mother
    Mmy mother expects my flight to arrive this Monday evening. I changed the flight to arrive tomorrow morning. I am going to surprise her and take her out to celebrate her clean scans. She keeps saying that she is excited about me coming home to visiit. She is really going to be surprised when I arrive 3 days early. Lol.I am such a sneaky daughter.

    Then we will go to the beach, visit with family, eat lots of fresh seafood.
    (No ice cream)

    Going to my granddaughters
    Going to my granddaughters 1ST birthday party saturday. Sunday chilling, as last chemo before surgery on monday.
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Kenny H. said:

    Going to my granddaughters
    Going to my granddaughters 1ST birthday party saturday. Sunday chilling, as last chemo before surgery on monday.

    Best of luck with your surgery Monday - good thoughts for you:)

  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    steved said:

    Pyjama party
    Between watching wimbledon and the Euro final on Sunday I have my daughter's fifth birthday with 13 five year olds decending for a birthday party at our house. Makes chemo seem a walk in the park!


    Hope you can enjoy the weekend Steve! hahaha! What a
    courage!, What a shame Rafa is been out of Wimbledon ,but we steel have the football!
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    YoVita said:

    Weekend plans
    Special weekend for us. Going to Ann Arbor (Go Blue) for my niece's wedding with my husband, son and his fiancee. Both my husband and son live out of state - so a nice family reunion for us. Then taking a week vacation, spending it with my husband in his new rented condo in Milwaukee - yes!

    enjoy the family YoVita!
    Have a nice family reunion !
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    tommycat said:

    LOL Steve----somehow I suspect you will be right there playing with them.
    There are some great stories on this thread today. Love it.
    Joe Metz, good luck with your takedown.
    Everyone enjoy the weekend.

    Have a great weekend Tori
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member

    Hi Pepe,

    Today is Rick's birthday (45 years young). So his family is going to throw him a birthday party on Sunday. After everyone has had their fill of cake and ice cream, we'll head over to the town pool for the remainder of the day with his kids and their cousins. Which reminds me, I really need to get a new bathing suit...

    Best wishes to everyone for a nice restful weekend. :-)


    HBD45 Rick
    ...and many more


  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    ketziah35 said:

    I am going to surprise my mother
    Mmy mother expects my flight to arrive this Monday evening. I changed the flight to arrive tomorrow morning. I am going to surprise her and take her out to celebrate her clean scans. She keeps saying that she is excited about me coming home to visiit. She is really going to be surprised when I arrive 3 days early. Lol.I am such a sneaky daughter.

    Then we will go to the beach, visit with family, eat lots of fresh seafood.
    (No ice cream)

    Hahaha Ketz, it's so nice,
    Well, wish you a great and peaceful weekend!
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    Kenny H. said:

    Going to my granddaughters
    Going to my granddaughters 1ST birthday party saturday. Sunday chilling, as last chemo before surgery on monday.

    Have a nice party Kenny,
    wish you the best for Monday my friend! will keep you in my prayers !
  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    staying close
    Got treatment so will be staying close to home. Its been so hot and our air conditioner broke down so been messing with that. Praying for some rain and cooler temps. Everyone enjoy your weekend. Jeff
  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    We will go to the Farmer's Market, then re-plant our garden.

    We moved to the mountains in Arizona to live in clean air and have wild life around us. We have Elk in our front yard, and last night we had Javelina (Wild Pecory) in our back yard. The dogs were stir crazy this morning at 4am. We let them out and did our own bathroom break. My wife shouts out, "The dogs are gone!" We both put on sweats and her dog is on our back hill barking and running back and forth. There is a hole in the fence on the south side. I open up the hole and call for her dog. He comes to me looking relieved. (A pekingese mix) A couple of seconds later my dog (Beagle mix in my Picture) comes running from the neighbor's property full bore through the bushes and through the hole. All I see is a big cloud of dust following her and lots of snorting. I drop the fence, drop my light, and grab a Pitch fork. The snorting is loud and clear in the bushes. We never saw the Javelina, just heard several of them. Our two dogs behind me barking a storm. My wife and I are laughing pretty hard now.

    Our garden is 1/2 devastated. We will re-plant and laugh about it tomorrow. I fixed the fence a few minutes a go. We have Green Beans, tomatoes, artichokes, cucumbers, and zucchini to replace. A friend from California asked if we were mad. I told them we moved to the mountains and away from the city to see nature. We got to see nature. The Elk cleared our plum trees of plums last week. It was neat seeing them less then 3 meters from our front door.

    Tour de France starts Saturday morning! Woo Hoo The strategy involved in cycling is amazing. The stages are so long because the real race does not start until the riders have ridden about 4 hours at 25 mph. Imagine exercising 4 hours hard, and then starting an all out sprint for the last 10-20 minutes. Then one has to do that every day for the next 21 days. These are the best athletes in the world.

    Best Always, mike

    PS We will go to the State Park (about 200 meters from our back yard) and walk for 5-6 miles. We really are loving the Mountains!
  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    SLEEEEEEEEPPP!! Getting my
    SLEEEEEEEEPPP!! Getting my hair done (kind of comical considering now it has a good chance of falling out but my daughter's baby shower is coming up and I haven't done my "do" in months! All my grays are showing. After my hair I have my brother in laws 50th birhtday and then Sunday more SLEEEEEEEEPPP. lol I'm seeing a pattern.
  • smokeyjoe
    smokeyjoe Member Posts: 1,425 Member
    Helen321 said:

    SLEEEEEEEEPPP!! Getting my
    SLEEEEEEEEPPP!! Getting my hair done (kind of comical considering now it has a good chance of falling out but my daughter's baby shower is coming up and I haven't done my "do" in months! All my grays are showing. After my hair I have my brother in laws 50th birhtday and then Sunday more SLEEEEEEEEPPP. lol I'm seeing a pattern.

    It's a long weekend here in
    It's a long weekend here in Canada, so fireworks, and lots of boating, tubing. Supposed to be hot all weekend. So, the only time I'll put clothes on is to run to the store to get groceries....the rest of the time I'll be in my bathing suit!!!
  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    Helen321 said:

    SLEEEEEEEEPPP!! Getting my
    SLEEEEEEEEPPP!! Getting my hair done (kind of comical considering now it has a good chance of falling out but my daughter's baby shower is coming up and I haven't done my "do" in months! All my grays are showing. After my hair I have my brother in laws 50th birhtday and then Sunday more SLEEEEEEEEPPP. lol I'm seeing a pattern.

    When I first started turning grey, a friend told me to dye it. I said I didn;t care what color it was as long as I still had it. Now at 80 it is snow white, but I still have lots of it. Remember the short story oF THE GIFT OF THE MAGI? Her hair was also important to her. Just
    tyake it as it comes and LOL.