Pain in Stomach - CT scanned shows large grey area in the omentum - having biopsy

ftreloar Member Posts: 2
I was reading everything about the omentum & am very scared right now.
I have a biopsy next week to find out what's going on.
Could the gray area really be cancer - my surgeon said it could be anything - even inflamation.

Any ideas? THe pain in my stomach is weird, it only hurts if pressured it applied on that area. But I think it is getting worse.

Please help


  • PatsieD
    PatsieD Member Posts: 99 Member
    The omentum
    Welcome to this board. It's hard I know when you have to have initial tests to see what's going on in the abdomen. I think the time to worry is if you're actually diagnosed but I know that's probably easier said by me than done by you at the moment. There are lots of things the scan could actually be showing. Recently, my CT showed was I had a hiatus hernia, but when this was further investigated, there was no hernia there at all. So, these things are not 100% accurate. Healing thoughts are sent to you in all sincerity. If you want any information about me, I've previously posted under wanttogetwellsoon.