Life Changes

Angela_K Member Posts: 374 Member
As everyone on this site knows, cancer brings on many life-changing experiences. For me, it brought about getting very real, becoming very true to myself. And since ending treatment I have morphed into a certified Pilates instructor and a holistic personal trainer with plans to open my own studio called 'Breathe' by the end of the year so I can help others achieve and maintain balanced whole wellness. I'm also in the infancy stages of creating a jazz quintet called 'The Stardust Social Club' and will be in full swing by early fall. I've decided that I need to declare what I want to do, who I want to be, and do it. Be it.

Yes, I have days that I feel like I've been run over by a Mack truck. I have days that I poop in my britches. It takes me a good 10 steps to really get moving in the morning due to hip and back pain. But hey, for the first time in my life, I'm truly LIVING. I expect great big things from my God. And I'll forever be grateful to that lump I found in my butt in the fall of 2010 that got me here.

Peace and blessings to all.



  • Cheyenne
    Cheyenne Member Posts: 77
    Thank you
    What a wonderful post! This is one of the best examples I've ever seen of someone making lemonade out of lemons! :o)
  • sephie
    sephie Member Posts: 650 Member
    you are truly a fabulous person to find so much good out of this horrible experience. go for it!! good for you!!! sephie
  • RoseC
    RoseC Member Posts: 559
    Thanks Angela
    Beautiful post - thank you so much.
  • rds711
    rds711 Member Posts: 113
    So Happy for you!
    It is really amazing how something so traumatic can lead you to such a wonderful place in life! Live outloud Angela!!!!

  • cap630
    cap630 Member Posts: 151 Member
    You are amazing and an inspiration!
  • lil lady
    lil lady Member Posts: 36
    You are my hero today
  • lizdeli
    lizdeli Member Posts: 569 Member
    lil lady said:

    You are my hero today

    What inspiring news! Congratulations. Makes me want to get out of corporate America more than ever! Ughhhh....I wish I could but that gnawing fear of not having health insurance....

    Wishing you success and most of all a happy heart and healthy body!
  • shirlann54
    shirlann54 Member Posts: 162
    'YOU GO GIRL'I,m happy for you.Just having had cancer is such a life changing experience.I take better care of me then i did before cancer.And i enjoy life more.Good luck with every thing .....Shirley
  • Angela_K
    Angela_K Member Posts: 374 Member
    lizdeli said:

    What inspiring news! Congratulations. Makes me want to get out of corporate America more than ever! Ughhhh....I wish I could but that gnawing fear of not having health insurance....

    Wishing you success and most of all a happy heart and healthy body!

    Exiting corporate America
    Liz ~ I was so very afraid of the prospect of no health coverage, but it has all fallen into place (so far) for me. I elected Cobra coverage when leaving my state employer when first diagnosed with Cancer. Fifteen months with an additional 6 months at the end with no changes in coverage or premium ~ except the employer contribution to the premium, of course, is not there. (Mine is BCBS, about $400 per month with $2500 deductible, 80/20 in network, $4000 annual out of pocket max.) I am still under this coverage and at then will be eligible to roll over into the Texas Risk Pool. Quite a bit higher premium (around $600 per month) for less benefit ($5000 deductible) but it's THERE, and I will make it doable.

    I'm am exploring adding group insurance coverage to my 'Breathe' business. Comparing it Texas Risk Pool to see if it's worth pursuing.

    You can also look at it this way, Liz . . .you can use your Cobra for 21 months to educate/change your career path and then go to work in your new career with a business that does have group health insurance. It's a risk, I know. But what's living without risk? You and I have beaten anal cancer. We can move that rubber tree plant. :)

    Hoping high,

    AZANNIE Member Posts: 445 Member
    Best of luck to you in your new and positive journey. Wish I lived closer so I could go to your studio!

  • z810840b
    z810840b Member Posts: 207 Member
    thank you
    Lets face it...its easy to feel sorry for ourselves after going through cancer ...The scariness of the disease....the treatment...and the after effects of treatment.I look forward to your positive posts Angela..I need a good kick in the pants sometimes..And you do it so gracefully.. Thank you.....Hugs ..alyse
  • Angela_K
    Angela_K Member Posts: 374 Member
    z810840b said:

    thank you
    Lets face it...its easy to feel sorry for ourselves after going through cancer ...The scariness of the disease....the treatment...and the after effects of treatment.I look forward to your positive posts Angela..I need a good kick in the pants sometimes..And you do it so gracefully.. Thank you.....Hugs ..alyse

    Moving foward
    Yesterday. right here in my hometown, I finally found a GP (MD) who is on the same page with me regarding integrative medicine. She is newly out of medical school and subscribes to the quote "You can never medicate yourself out of the what you behaved yourself into." She strongly believes that traditional chemo and radiation doesn't 'cure' cancer. It can remove it. But to cure cancer is to cure ones immune system. Chemo and radiation further compromises your immune system so it's VITAL to boost your body with super high nutrients during and following treatment. I've said over and over that a super healthy diet designed to boost your immune system is so important in preventing and curing cancer and it's so nice to have an MD who isn't 300 miles or more away who agrees!

    I'm moving on to bio-identical hormones and slightly increasing my thyroid intake to find an optimal hormonal balance within my body. She also totally agrees with my holistic breathing practices and thinks that visual/guided imagery, reflexology and massage therapy combined with my Pilates classes are a good mix for whole wellness. Finding her is just as exciting for me as getting that first 'all clear' reading after treatment ended. Prayers have been answered. God is good. All the time.

    Can I hear an "Ommmmmmmmm?"

    AZANNIE Member Posts: 445 Member
    Angela_K said:

    Moving foward
    Yesterday. right here in my hometown, I finally found a GP (MD) who is on the same page with me regarding integrative medicine. She is newly out of medical school and subscribes to the quote "You can never medicate yourself out of the what you behaved yourself into." She strongly believes that traditional chemo and radiation doesn't 'cure' cancer. It can remove it. But to cure cancer is to cure ones immune system. Chemo and radiation further compromises your immune system so it's VITAL to boost your body with super high nutrients during and following treatment. I've said over and over that a super healthy diet designed to boost your immune system is so important in preventing and curing cancer and it's so nice to have an MD who isn't 300 miles or more away who agrees!

    I'm moving on to bio-identical hormones and slightly increasing my thyroid intake to find an optimal hormonal balance within my body. She also totally agrees with my holistic breathing practices and thinks that visual/guided imagery, reflexology and massage therapy combined with my Pilates classes are a good mix for whole wellness. Finding her is just as exciting for me as getting that first 'all clear' reading after treatment ended. Prayers have been answered. God is good. All the time.

    Can I hear an "Ommmmmmmmm?"


    Congrats on finding a dr who practices integrative medicine! That's great! Sadly, I didn't realize the impact that treatment would have on my system. I guess I was more concerned that the cancer be destroyed. Live and learn and needless to say, this has been a learning experience.

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    Angela_K said:

    Moving foward
    Yesterday. right here in my hometown, I finally found a GP (MD) who is on the same page with me regarding integrative medicine. She is newly out of medical school and subscribes to the quote "You can never medicate yourself out of the what you behaved yourself into." She strongly believes that traditional chemo and radiation doesn't 'cure' cancer. It can remove it. But to cure cancer is to cure ones immune system. Chemo and radiation further compromises your immune system so it's VITAL to boost your body with super high nutrients during and following treatment. I've said over and over that a super healthy diet designed to boost your immune system is so important in preventing and curing cancer and it's so nice to have an MD who isn't 300 miles or more away who agrees!

    I'm moving on to bio-identical hormones and slightly increasing my thyroid intake to find an optimal hormonal balance within my body. She also totally agrees with my holistic breathing practices and thinks that visual/guided imagery, reflexology and massage therapy combined with my Pilates classes are a good mix for whole wellness. Finding her is just as exciting for me as getting that first 'all clear' reading after treatment ended. Prayers have been answered. God is good. All the time.

    Can I hear an "Ommmmmmmmm?"


    Hi Angela!
    All I can say is you are awesome! Love ya!
  • lowens
    lowens Member Posts: 37
    Angela_K said:

    Moving foward
    Yesterday. right here in my hometown, I finally found a GP (MD) who is on the same page with me regarding integrative medicine. She is newly out of medical school and subscribes to the quote "You can never medicate yourself out of the what you behaved yourself into." She strongly believes that traditional chemo and radiation doesn't 'cure' cancer. It can remove it. But to cure cancer is to cure ones immune system. Chemo and radiation further compromises your immune system so it's VITAL to boost your body with super high nutrients during and following treatment. I've said over and over that a super healthy diet designed to boost your immune system is so important in preventing and curing cancer and it's so nice to have an MD who isn't 300 miles or more away who agrees!

    I'm moving on to bio-identical hormones and slightly increasing my thyroid intake to find an optimal hormonal balance within my body. She also totally agrees with my holistic breathing practices and thinks that visual/guided imagery, reflexology and massage therapy combined with my Pilates classes are a good mix for whole wellness. Finding her is just as exciting for me as getting that first 'all clear' reading after treatment ended. Prayers have been answered. God is good. All the time.

    Can I hear an "Ommmmmmmmm?"


    Moving forward WITH Angela

    What is your hometown/state? How long ago was your treatment completed? I am just 7 weeks/almost 2 months so I assume my body is and will be healing for some time now. How long do you believe it took your body to heal, to get to its new normal?

    You have a great attitude and approach to your health; I strive to be like you. I just went to my Gynocologist Wednesday where they drew blood to check my hormones. I may be coming back to this site to ask you more questions about bio-identical hormones. There is always something new to learn these days when it comes to my health.

    I always look forward to reading your posts. Keep them coming; you are helping me and I am sure so many others.

  • Shes_my_hero
    Shes_my_hero Member Posts: 4
    Life Changes
    It means so much--to a newbie like me--to hear such an encouraging outlook from a woman who has the same spit-fire determination that my hero, my daughter, has. She's my hero when I see how she is taking on this fight! Just 32 years old, mother of one terrific 12 year old, she was diagnosed in April with T1 Squamous Cell Anal Cancer. After 2 chemo rounds and with three more RT left, we're at the final stretch of this phase. Life has changed for everyone in the family, and in a way, everyone who is praying for us. CS Lewis said that prayer doesn't change God, it changes me. And my experience is that it's true. We see the hand of God in the little details ever since the diagnosis, making a way in the darkness. And we trust in His perfect love to get us through. May God bless each of you who post here. Your courage and generosity means more than you may know.
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    Life Changes
    It means so much--to a newbie like me--to hear such an encouraging outlook from a woman who has the same spit-fire determination that my hero, my daughter, has. She's my hero when I see how she is taking on this fight! Just 32 years old, mother of one terrific 12 year old, she was diagnosed in April with T1 Squamous Cell Anal Cancer. After 2 chemo rounds and with three more RT left, we're at the final stretch of this phase. Life has changed for everyone in the family, and in a way, everyone who is praying for us. CS Lewis said that prayer doesn't change God, it changes me. And my experience is that it's true. We see the hand of God in the little details ever since the diagnosis, making a way in the darkness. And we trust in His perfect love to get us through. May God bless each of you who post here. Your courage and generosity means more than you may know.

    I'm sorry your daughter's circumstances have brought you here, but she sounds like a very determined person who will come through this just fine. She is at the end of treatment, which is the roughest part, but please know that recovery happens pretty quickly and soon she will be feeling much, much better! With your support and the support of her family and friends, she will do great in the healing phase. Please keep us posted on how things go for her.
  • Shes_my_hero
    Shes_my_hero Member Posts: 4
    mp327 said:

    I'm sorry your daughter's circumstances have brought you here, but she sounds like a very determined person who will come through this just fine. She is at the end of treatment, which is the roughest part, but please know that recovery happens pretty quickly and soon she will be feeling much, much better! With your support and the support of her family and friends, she will do great in the healing phase. Please keep us posted on how things go for her.

    Thank you
    Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement.
  • Angela_K
    Angela_K Member Posts: 374 Member

    Life Changes
    It means so much--to a newbie like me--to hear such an encouraging outlook from a woman who has the same spit-fire determination that my hero, my daughter, has. She's my hero when I see how she is taking on this fight! Just 32 years old, mother of one terrific 12 year old, she was diagnosed in April with T1 Squamous Cell Anal Cancer. After 2 chemo rounds and with three more RT left, we're at the final stretch of this phase. Life has changed for everyone in the family, and in a way, everyone who is praying for us. CS Lewis said that prayer doesn't change God, it changes me. And my experience is that it's true. We see the hand of God in the little details ever since the diagnosis, making a way in the darkness. And we trust in His perfect love to get us through. May God bless each of you who post here. Your courage and generosity means more than you may know.

    Nothing inspires me more than a fighter . . .
    and your daughter sounds like one. Facing anything in life, the ONLY thing we have control over is ourselves. Our minds and our actions. We control what we let in our heads. We control feeding ourselves with positive thoughts or negative thoughts, surrounding ourselves with positive people or negative people. We choose whether to make excuses or to not make excuses. To talk about 'doing' or actually doing something.

    I believe with my whole heart that in fighting cancer, determination and staying extremely focused and positive is CRUCIAL. Gaining and maintaining optimal health is CRUCIAL. Being your own best advocate is CRUCIAL, even if it means questioning doctors and their practices. (And sure, we're going to have 'down' moments. That's being human and a vital part of the healing process. But I don't think we should allow ourselves to dwell there for too long.) To me, the medicine is secondary.

    Chemo and radiation may win the battle, but a healthy spirit, mind and body win the war.

    Send your daughter my love. She is going to be JUST. FINE. And she (and you!) can always come here for support.

    Blessings to all,
  • Angela_K
    Angela_K Member Posts: 374 Member
    lowens said:

    Moving forward WITH Angela

    What is your hometown/state? How long ago was your treatment completed? I am just 7 weeks/almost 2 months so I assume my body is and will be healing for some time now. How long do you believe it took your body to heal, to get to its new normal?

    You have a great attitude and approach to your health; I strive to be like you. I just went to my Gynocologist Wednesday where they drew blood to check my hormones. I may be coming back to this site to ask you more questions about bio-identical hormones. There is always something new to learn these days when it comes to my health.

    I always look forward to reading your posts. Keep them coming; you are helping me and I am sure so many others.


    Thank you, Lisa
    But at times, I too, am uncertain about everything. I just pray and give myself a pep talk every morning before getting out of bed to set the tone for my day. Your thyroid is probably the most crucial hormone that regulates your body. Even though 'normal' ranges for THS levels is anywhere between .3 and 3., ideally it should be 1. or under. But there are other circumstances with T3 and T4 readings so I would recommend finding someone who has experience working with menopausal women and thyroid function ~ not just a doctor who is fine with 'normal' THS level of, say, 2.10 (like one of my former doctors was.)

    I live in San Angelo, Texas. My treatment ended in January of '11. I had my treatment at Scott & White Cancer Center in Temple, Texas, a well respected teaching hospital in Central Texas. But these excellent oncologists are conventional practitioners only. No integrative medicine practiced at Scott $ White. (but I'm working on that. :))

    I suggest following Roby Mitchell, MD, who initially opened my eyes to hormonal imbalances. He is out of Amarillo, Texas and is a BIG advocate of women's health. You can find his website at He also is on FB. He works with other physicians who want to expand their knowledge of integrative medicine, especially as it applies to hormone balancing. Very inspirational man . . .and not a big fan of the current 'medical establishment.'