HI everybody - new member



  • Kathryn_in_MN
    Kathryn_in_MN Member Posts: 1,252 Member
    I am also stage IV and I was on "chemo for life." Well, I haven't had any treatment since last December! Keep in mind that whatever a situation is today, doesn't mean things won't change later. Many people have gone from not being surgical candidates, to qualifying after chemo and/or radiation. Some like myself have gone from "chemo for life" to getting a break. Am I cured? No. But I am living well with stage IV disease for 3 or more years now. (Misdiagnosed for 2 years - I know I've had stage IV disease for 3 years, but possibly up to 5 years when I started having problems due to a large obstructing tumor.)

    I am a realist, but also have hope. I doubt I'll be cured of my stage IV colon cancer, but I do expect to live a long time treating it as a chronic disease. I'd have more hope if my mets were in my liver or lungs or stuck to resectable sites, but mine are distant lymph nodes only, which have popped up all around my chest and abdomen the last 3 years. Two months of daily radiation last fall got me to a point of a treatment break. My cancer markers are elevated, but there is nothing large enough to see on scans, so for now I choose no treatments. Everyone's situation is unique. The lesson I've learned in dealing with cancer is to be an advocate for yourself - keep asking questions and reassessing as your situation changes. Predictions for you today may not remain the same, and may be different within months depending on your reaction to treatments chosen now.
  • glinka65
    glinka65 Member Posts: 132
    sorry you are here karen, it sucks!!! im a stage iv as well 2 colon resections , heavy chemo, maint. chemo, radiation, cyberknife the works!!!! you have come to the right place here, you will get any question or concern addressed here by the best people on the face of the earth, this site is a godsend!!! lord knows my fears and questions have been vented on here and everytime these wonderful people always help me!!!! seems like you have a great attitude!!! thats the first step!!! im on chemo for life....just part of the stage 4 life!!!! you can message me anytime for advice an ear or whatever....sometimes those that are around you dont get it....here, everyone does!!!! keep your chin up....the big C will be beat!!! hope to chat with u soon and my prayers are with you!!!! tommy