NED is Cheating on me



  • Lynne Logan
    Lynne Logan Member Posts: 105 Member
    We're on a team
    Hello Sweet Lady,
    I got the results of my PET scan on June 12th and that's when I found out I'd been jilted too. NED was only with me for about 3 months and after some radical surgery and that last scan I also joined the Stage IV Club. My back and ribs have been hurting so badly since early April but I had no idea this was due to bone mets.
    So many of us have had this same dx and while I figured I didn't have much future, the more time I spend here , the more confident I feel that I do have more living to do.
    I live about 90 miles east of San Francisco so if you're still there please wave.
    Hugs and best wishes,
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    This is heart breaking, to
    This is heart breaking, to say the least!! A beautiful courageous woman like yourself having to face this!! It is really shocking. Please know you have our support, if there is ever any way we can help or anything we can do for you please let us know. You are in our hearts.
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member

    We're on a team
    Hello Sweet Lady,
    I got the results of my PET scan on June 12th and that's when I found out I'd been jilted too. NED was only with me for about 3 months and after some radical surgery and that last scan I also joined the Stage IV Club. My back and ribs have been hurting so badly since early April but I had no idea this was due to bone mets.
    So many of us have had this same dx and while I figured I didn't have much future, the more time I spend here , the more confident I feel that I do have more living to do.
    I live about 90 miles east of San Francisco so if you're still there please wave.
    Hugs and best wishes,

    Lynne, I am sorry to hear
    Lynne, I am sorry to hear that you are in the same boat. My gosh, this is just awful. I live in Palo Alto, where exactly are you?
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member

    This is heart breaking, to
    This is heart breaking, to say the least!! A beautiful courageous woman like yourself having to face this!! It is really shocking. Please know you have our support, if there is ever any way we can help or anything we can do for you please let us know. You are in our hearts.

    NED is turning out to be fickle indeed
    But we'll all take him back when he comes around again
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    skipper54 said:

    NED is turning out to be fickle indeed
    But we'll all take him back when he comes around again

    I am sorry to hear this
    I am sorry to hear this news. I have no words to tell you how I feel this morning. Sending love and prayers.
    Love ya
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Oh, darlin".....sending hugs....
    I'm not here as much got in the way...

    BUT I am putting my arms around you, safe and warm...can you feel them?

    BIG hugs, Kathi
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Olga, I am sending you
    Olga, I am sending you comforting prayers, warm thoughts and the gentlest of hugs. xoxoxo Lynn
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    Olga, I am sending you
    Olga, I am sending you comforting prayers, warm thoughts and the gentlest of hugs. xoxoxo Lynn

    I am so mad I didnt see this
    I am so mad I didnt see this sooner, I cant alsways get on here and can only read a couple before the site gets cranky. NED can be a real A#$hole sometimes. And right now thats what I am thinking. But knowing you, NED will be sorry he left, you will prevail. Its so hard to have to realign your thinking, but you will. Take good care of you, dont try to be too brave too soon. We know you have the strength, you can lean on us. You are important to us!
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    carkris said:

    I am so mad I didnt see this
    I am so mad I didnt see this sooner, I cant alsways get on here and can only read a couple before the site gets cranky. NED can be a real A#$hole sometimes. And right now thats what I am thinking. But knowing you, NED will be sorry he left, you will prevail. Its so hard to have to realign your thinking, but you will. Take good care of you, dont try to be too brave too soon. We know you have the strength, you can lean on us. You are important to us!

    My dear dear Olga, I havent
    My dear dear Olga, I havent been on the website in a while but something urged me to sign on this evening and I was able to get on with little problem. I am so so sorry to hear this news from you. I just hate this and I'm praying for you. It is simply, stinky, sucky, sad news. We love you very much and know you are a great fighter. Hugs to you.
  • epark
    epark Member Posts: 339
    natly15 said:

    My dear dear Olga, I havent
    My dear dear Olga, I havent been on the website in a while but something urged me to sign on this evening and I was able to get on with little problem. I am so so sorry to hear this news from you. I just hate this and I'm praying for you. It is simply, stinky, sucky, sad news. We love you very much and know you are a great fighter. Hugs to you.

    I'm so sorry you are going
    I'm so sorry you are going through this. I just wanted you to know that I have you in my thoughts and prayers

  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    I on the other side have plenty word to tell you but
    then I would get flagged...

    I am so mad that his is happening you. But that would
    be wasting my energy, so instead I will direct my good
    vibes, healing thoughts, love.... called it what you want
    but it is coming your way sistaah!!

    Take good care of yourself, and don't worry about NED.
    As independent of a woman as you are, you don't wait for
    NED to ask you for a dance, you simply dance your beautiful
    dance... and I am sure he can't resist you.

  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    You are sooo sweet and
    I'm really, really ticked NED did this to you. The guy just can't be trusted :(

    But you DO have ALL of us surrounding you, loving you, praying for you and rallying around you sweet friend.

    Sending you BIG hugs!

    We'll be on that bus with you next week.

  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    sea60 said:

    You are sooo sweet and
    I'm really, really ticked NED did this to you. The guy just can't be trusted :(

    But you DO have ALL of us surrounding you, loving you, praying for you and rallying around you sweet friend.

    Sending you BIG hugs!

    We'll be on that bus with you next week.


    I'm so sorry I missed this
    Please know that I'm sending hugs and prayers to you.
    We are all here and love you.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    I'm so sorry I missed this
    Please know that I'm sending hugs and prayers to you.
    We are all here and love you.

    Thank you for being positive and supportive
    Hello everyone,
    I just came home from airport. Thank you very much for love and encouragement. In fact I do need it. While we all aware of NED's unfaithful nature, everything came as as a shocking surprise. I am frustrated by scheduling office, as we want to do several test prior finalizing my treatment plan.

    Hugs back
  • lginny63664
    lginny63664 Member Posts: 4
    i am sorry ned is not being good to you . i been fightng 12 years and ned has never even given me call .but if he does i will tell him to go back to you.i will help him have more then one friend then onen at a time. as they say on sister wifes loves to give not to divide. now ned is the only one i will share and be delghtedd to
  • lginny63664
    lginny63664 Member Posts: 4
    i am sorry ned is not being good to you . i been fightng 12 years and ned has never even given me call .but if he does i will tell him to go back to you.i will help him have more then one friend then onen at a time. as they say on sister wifes loves to give not to divide. now ned is the only one i will share and be delghtedd to
  • lginny63664
    lginny63664 Member Posts: 4
    i am sorry ned is not being good to you . i been fightng 12 years and ned has never even given me call .but if he does i will tell him to go back to you.i will help him have more then one friend then onen at a time. as they say on sister wifes loves to give not to divide. now ned is the only one i will share and be delghtedd to
  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    Feeling Mad
    New Flower,

    I'm so sorry to hear NED is being such an A**. You of all people who have given so much advice and stayed so positive. I'm mad you have to go through this again. I am praying for you and hope everything turns out well. They will treat it as a chronic disease now that you have mets, but look at me three years out. We are all here for you, whenever you need to vent or chat about what is happening. Sending love your way.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    mom62 said:

    Feeling Mad
    New Flower,

    I'm so sorry to hear NED is being such an A**. You of all people who have given so much advice and stayed so positive. I'm mad you have to go through this again. I am praying for you and hope everything turns out well. They will treat it as a chronic disease now that you have mets, but look at me three years out. We are all here for you, whenever you need to vent or chat about what is happening. Sending love your way.


    Bone Biopsy on Tuesday
    I will be having a bone biopsy (just to get more data). To be honest a little scary about this procedure
    Tips will be appreciated.
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member

    Bone Biopsy on Tuesday
    I will be having a bone biopsy (just to get more data). To be honest a little scary about this procedure
    Tips will be appreciated.

    We will be holding your hand

    We will be holding your hand and thinking of you!