Just diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer



  • marbleotis
    marbleotis Member Posts: 720 Member

    Wow!!!! What a great bunch
    Wow!!!! What a great bunch of advice and support for a newcomer. I will definitely be a frequent visitor and poster, and will share everything I learn about "my" cancer. Thanks again for the kind words and advice.


    You Are Very Welcome
    I am glad I can help as I am relatively new to this (Dx 1/13/12, surgery 1/31/12 and will have chemo #8 of 12 on Tuesday). Keep on the boards and share your concerns. I have learned there are alot of super smart, honest and very giving people here. They will help you with any concerns. Keep posting! You are NOT alone.
  • joemetz
    joemetz Member Posts: 493
    Phil64 said:

    I'm in the same boat...
    Joe's story is really an example of how I hope to deal with this issue. I had a colonoscopy April 21 and was diagnosed a few days later with colon cancer. I ended up with a lower anterior colon resection on 5/11 and a right lower lung wedge / resection on 6/1. This all happened several months after having a right orchiectomy to remove testicular cancer (11/1/11). I'm scheduled to begin chemo (FOLFUX) next week on Thursday 6/21. Up until the testicular cancer I hardly ever went to the doctors... Maybe for an earache or physical, but always have been a pretty healthy person.

    I'm going to keep a positive outlook that I will beat this cancer! Some (even on this site) say stage IV colorectal cancer is not curable. My oncologist (my second one, fired the first one) told me he has had patients beat stage IV colorectal cancer - it can be beat!!!

    I know that the LORD can heal in a blink of an eye and I pray that he will deliver me from this disease. And if it is not the Lord's will, I will keep faith and my family will survive.

    I am 48 years old (born in 1964) and I have five children ages 27 to 12 (two blood children, three step children).

    We can beat this disease! Keep the faith!


    Keep up that great attitude and fantastic smile.
    there are plenty of people in your family and friends circle that are worried and praying for you... now you can sit back and enjoy the ride and love those hugs and care of everyone.

    Live Life to the fullest.

    My doc told me (finally) that he thinks that i'll be "living life with cancer" for the rest of my life. But, he did continue with... but your body has reacted so well to this chemo that you will have a life to live.

    good luck with your folfox treatment. That stuff is working for me. Are they adding Erbitux or Avastin to your treatments? I've had Erbitux and that stuff worked for me very well.
    you may want to ask about it, along with your other "chemo cocktail"

    Cheer my brother in this cancer fight!
