
meaganb Member Posts: 244 Member
Ok guys, I feel like I can ask about anything...I mean, there's a thread about oral sex so it's ok to ask about funky breath, right? Before my mouth got really sore I was very diligent about oral care. I brushed 2-3 times a day and flossed at night. I don't have any oral health issues. I visit my dentist every six months and had a cleaning/ got a script for flouride toothpaste before radiation started.

Ok, fast forward to now. I still brush my teeth twice a day. I numb myself up with lidocaine first and use a soft bristle toothbrush. I'm using the biotine dry mouth toothpaste because it doesn't have a strong flavor it's low sudsing. I also use guaze( tip from an awesome friend I met on here) and I run that all along my gum line and along the other surfaces of my moth to get any particles off.

I constantly have this white film that is buildingbup in my mouth. My RO says it's normal from the Rads so it's not thrush. And I feel like I have the worst breath ever. I won't get near anyone and thankfully I'm not talking much because I wouldn't want to knock someone out with my breath

I have discontinued the flouride toothpaste until my mouth heals up more. It burns even when I'm numbed up with lidocaine and I also haven't been flossing because my gums bleed if they even look at apiece of floss and I haven't had solid food in 5 weeks so there isn't much getting caught in between my teeth

Any suggestionson how I could freshen my mouth up or am I stuck being stinky till I heal a little more? I'm pretty desperate guys. My husband really wants a kiss...just a little peck on the lips and I refuse to do it because I think my breath is that bad....please help!!


  • Sam999
    Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member
    Try probiotics for the white
    Try probiotics for the white tongue. Buy a good refreigerated one. Open one dose of capsule, put in one tablespoon of water, coat your tongue with it and swallow it. You will see results in 3 days if it works, it does not work for everyone. It works for me.

    I also love waterpic. Realy cleans along gum line.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    stink breath
    Hi Meagan,

    They do ask any question here, for sure.

    Are you sure your breath stinks? Blow in your husband face and find out. Now that we confirmed you ate a skunk what are you going to do? It sounds like you are doing everything correct. I brush my teeth with the gentlest toothpaste 4 or 5 times a day and I am trying to get back to flossing every day (I had not missed a day of flossing in 14 years before cancer). Maybe, someone makes a gentle rinse you could swish around. I tried gum, mints, etc. they all tasted nasty, I could not stand them and without spit it is even tougher. Some of the gentle toothpastes don’t require Lidocaine to use.

    There, not much help, but I think, your breath is worse to you than others. What do they call it here…bionic nose? It got to the point where I could not stand the smell of Jevity, smelled like vitamins, yuk.

    Good luck,

  • DaveACC911
    DaveACC911 Member Posts: 8
    This too will end
    Until the swelling in my mouth subsided, I was very worried that big chunks of tissue would start sloughing off in my mouth. Fortunately, that never came to pass. However, particles of what I can only assume were tissue, were always getting caught between my teeth. I had to do a lot of careful, gentle flossing, along with frequest salt & soda rinses. I also had to use the Biotine toothpaste for two months after treatment, before I could tolerate my usual AIM. Everything burned my mouth. Oh yeah, and my tongue was the color of Grey Poupon mustard. It's three months out from the end of treatment, and almost everything is back to normal. As far as the kiss? My only suggestion is Saran Wrap. I guess it's that, or you take the Pepe LePew approach and charge ahead with gusto. At least he's not self isolating in the guest room.
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    As far as the probiotics go....
    I have used them and they work...Acidopholis is the one I used just for my mouth...Primadophillus Bifidus is the one I used for all mucous areas (had a vaginal discharge that cleared up in 5 days). The refergerated ones are capsules, the others are tablets that you can chew. I like the idea of opening the good kind and mixing with water, tho like Sam said.

    I thought too, that maybe you breath only smells bad to you...I find many people's breath offisive since I started treatment (the super nose, ya know)....and I know it has to be me, and not them...

  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    stink breath
    Hi Meagan,

    They do ask any question here, for sure.

    Are you sure your breath stinks? Blow in your husband face and find out. Now that we confirmed you ate a skunk what are you going to do? It sounds like you are doing everything correct. I brush my teeth with the gentlest toothpaste 4 or 5 times a day and I am trying to get back to flossing every day (I had not missed a day of flossing in 14 years before cancer). Maybe, someone makes a gentle rinse you could swish around. I tried gum, mints, etc. they all tasted nasty, I could not stand them and without spit it is even tougher. Some of the gentle toothpastes don’t require Lidocaine to use.

    There, not much help, but I think, your breath is worse to you than others. What do they call it here…bionic nose? It got to the point where I could not stand the smell of Jevity, smelled like vitamins, yuk.

    Good luck,


    actually this is a really good point
    as Matt says, make certain you really have bad breath, by having someone else confirm it. Sometimes people have a bad smell only they can smell. This can come from sinuses or teeth. Or bionic nose. The bionic nose thing is very real. I've had it. Though different than some, it wasn't related to rads, it was for about 10 days after my radical surgery. Geez, I could smell individual perfumes from clear down at the nursing station from my bed, three rooms down. It just drove me nuts.

  • meaganb
    meaganb Member Posts: 244 Member

    As far as the probiotics go....
    I have used them and they work...Acidopholis is the one I used just for my mouth...Primadophillus Bifidus is the one I used for all mucous areas (had a vaginal discharge that cleared up in 5 days). The refergerated ones are capsules, the others are tablets that you can chew. I like the idea of opening the good kind and mixing with water, tho like Sam said.

    I thought too, that maybe you breath only smells bad to you...I find many people's breath offisive since I started treatment (the super nose, ya know)....and I know it has to be me, and not them...


    I'm sure hubby will love the
    I'm sure hubby will love the idea of being my guinea pig. "come here honey, let me blow my breath in your face to confirm it smells horrid." haha! I think you guys are right though, I think it is worse to me than to others because my RO got pretty close inspecting my mouth every week, even yesterday and didn't seem offended. It's just gross though. No other way to put it. Thanks for the advice guys. I know this too shall pass.
  • meaganb
    meaganb Member Posts: 244 Member

    This too will end
    Until the swelling in my mouth subsided, I was very worried that big chunks of tissue would start sloughing off in my mouth. Fortunately, that never came to pass. However, particles of what I can only assume were tissue, were always getting caught between my teeth. I had to do a lot of careful, gentle flossing, along with frequest salt & soda rinses. I also had to use the Biotine toothpaste for two months after treatment, before I could tolerate my usual AIM. Everything burned my mouth. Oh yeah, and my tongue was the color of Grey Poupon mustard. It's three months out from the end of treatment, and almost everything is back to normal. As far as the kiss? My only suggestion is Saran Wrap. I guess it's that, or you take the Pepe LePew approach and charge ahead with gusto. At least he's not self isolating in the guest room.

    Dave, I really wish there
    Dave, I really wish there was a Like button similar to facebook. Only you would suggest Saran Wrap!
  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    meaganb said:

    I'm sure hubby will love the
    I'm sure hubby will love the idea of being my guinea pig. "come here honey, let me blow my breath in your face to confirm it smells horrid." haha! I think you guys are right though, I think it is worse to me than to others because my RO got pretty close inspecting my mouth every week, even yesterday and didn't seem offended. It's just gross though. No other way to put it. Thanks for the advice guys. I know this too shall pass.

    Bad Breath
    Hi Meaganb,

    I had really horrible breath in the beginning of my journey when my tongue was cut. Could not swallow anything for almost two weeks. On the second week my breath was so bad my wife couldn't sleep in the same room. It was the stomach acid that kept producing even though there was no food in there. After the second week my stomach got used to having no food and slowed down the acid production.

    So the big question is, are you eating enough? That is my only guess and I'm figuring the others are correct about you and only you smelling it.

    Is there a neighbor you don't like who can test out your breath?

  • meaganb
    meaganb Member Posts: 244 Member

    Bad Breath
    Hi Meaganb,

    I had really horrible breath in the beginning of my journey when my tongue was cut. Could not swallow anything for almost two weeks. On the second week my breath was so bad my wife couldn't sleep in the same room. It was the stomach acid that kept producing even though there was no food in there. After the second week my stomach got used to having no food and slowed down the acid production.

    So the big question is, are you eating enough? That is my only guess and I'm figuring the others are correct about you and only you smelling it.

    Is there a neighbor you don't like who can test out your breath?


    I love that you all have a sense of humor about this, that's why I didn't hesitate to post here. I was thinking today that it must not be too bad because my daughter still snuggled up to me, although she's one and still wears a diaper, therefore poops in her pants so maybe she isn't the best judge of bad smells?;)

    ANYWAYS, I'm just going to keep plugging along doing what I've been doing and praying for the day I can swish some listerine again.
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    meaganb said:

    I love that you all have a sense of humor about this, that's why I didn't hesitate to post here. I was thinking today that it must not be too bad because my daughter still snuggled up to me, although she's one and still wears a diaper, therefore poops in her pants so maybe she isn't the best judge of bad smells?;)

    ANYWAYS, I'm just going to keep plugging along doing what I've been doing and praying for the day I can swish some listerine again.

    Boitene rinse...
    I've always had a bionic nose....but I agree with the other posts. After my resection, and bout with rads....I feel like not getting to close to people because I felt like my breath stunk horrible. Now guys I don't have teeth, have dentures but use them cosmetically, due to my severe lympedema. So yeah usually toothless ! I do use the biotene not only for dry mouth 3x's a day....but it makes me feel better about my breath. Just a thought. Mouth rinse not paste. Katie
  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    meaganb said:

    I love that you all have a sense of humor about this, that's why I didn't hesitate to post here. I was thinking today that it must not be too bad because my daughter still snuggled up to me, although she's one and still wears a diaper, therefore poops in her pants so maybe she isn't the best judge of bad smells?;)

    ANYWAYS, I'm just going to keep plugging along doing what I've been doing and praying for the day I can swish some listerine again.

    it's THEM not you....
    Hey Meagan, I kept thinking the same thing as you...that the meds, rads or whatever was giving me the worst ever bad breath... but then I realized it was my super duper sensitive nose and it was EVERYONE ELSE...not me. I, like Kate, have dentures, so fairly easy to rinse the mouth and not worry about trapping food particles causing bad smells.

    And you're right, if your docs and nurses aren't backing off when they examine you.... it's not you.

    I think I had told Phrannie that I could have given our golden retriever a run for his money, when my nose was so sensitive !

    I am 13 months out of radiation and still have the good nose, but it is slowly getting a bit less sensitive.
  • arndog64
    arndog64 Member Posts: 537
    Ingrid K said:

    it's THEM not you....
    Hey Meagan, I kept thinking the same thing as you...that the meds, rads or whatever was giving me the worst ever bad breath... but then I realized it was my super duper sensitive nose and it was EVERYONE ELSE...not me. I, like Kate, have dentures, so fairly easy to rinse the mouth and not worry about trapping food particles causing bad smells.

    And you're right, if your docs and nurses aren't backing off when they examine you.... it's not you.

    I think I had told Phrannie that I could have given our golden retriever a run for his money, when my nose was so sensitive !

    I am 13 months out of radiation and still have the good nose, but it is slowly getting a bit less sensitive.

    When my husbands breath
    When my husbands breath changed, it was a yeast infection in his mouth. Once it went way, so did the infected smell.