Mets to Liver - Radiation?

westie66 Member Posts: 642
HI all: I have stage IV gallbladder cancer - gallbladder, its tumour, and part of my liver removed surgically in 2010. Mets were identified to the liver and to the peritoneum. I've been on chemo since then - first cisplatin + gemcitibine (which didn't shrink the masses) and then 12 rounds of folfirinox (oxaliplatin + irenotecan + 5fu pump). With that regime the masses were either stable or shrunk in size. I had a 6 month chemo break while awaiting surgery approval (denied because of mets to both liver and peritoneum). I am now back on folfirinox. My latest CT scan showed stability in the peritoneum masses but growth in the only liver mass (now less than 1 inch in size). My oncologist is recommending radiation for the liver mass (as well as continuing the folfirinox).

Has anyone had radiation to the liver?



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