Help me please... Lymphadema



  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    So sorry
    Dawne, I'm so sorry you're going through all of this. Just keep on everyone until they give you the relief you need. Seems like there must be other meds they can give you that may not be as hard on you.

    The good news is of course that once you've killed off the beast once and for all, the weight will come off.

    Prayers and hugs.


    Cancer really sucks and I
    Cancer really sucks and I hate what it does to all of us. So sorry Dawne and I pray that you get some relief for this.

    Please keep posting updates for us.

    Hugs, Angie
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    ladyg said:

    I have had to deal with lymphedma as well. At my rad onc suggestion I went to a therapist that specializes in treating this problem. She did a massage and taught my husband how to do it so he could do it for me at home. It was a great help. She also had me get a compression sleeve. Mine has improved and only bothers me on occassion now. I hope you can get the same relief.


    From what the others have
    From what the others have said and from what I know of lymphedema Dawne, be sure and get someone who is certified in this, not just a physical therapist, unless that is all that is at your cancer center. Good luck and praying you get some relief.
  • Melaniedoingwell
    Melaniedoingwell Member Posts: 80
    more on lymphedema
    Just realized with new comments on here - too late to prevent an attack, but my LE specialist also told me - keep the affected arm up whenever possible (rest on back of sofa, or whatever), no extremes of temperature (ice packs OR heating pads), even avoid insect bites (DEET may be a new best friend) cuts any injury at all on affected side - including the previously mentioned needles. I would even check with a LE specialist before trying acupuncture!
    Oh - of course also if you ever step foot on an airplane and /or go to a different elevation - wear your lymphedema sleeve, gauntlet, unless you WANT to have LE!!

    Hope you are having improvement.

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Sequential Circulator 2004.......
    ......Is the pump I use to control my lymphedema. It was covered by my insurance. I went to a therapist then started the pump.

    Are you feeling any better
    Are you feeling any better Dawne? Did you get some help?

    Hugs, Jan
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    RE said:

    So sorry!
    Dawne if it is lymphedema you need to get the fluid moving, here is a link to a video of my therapist massaging my arm aiding in the moving of the fluid which actually helps quite a bit. This is something your hubby can do to help you, keeping it elevated is also very helpful.

    Hope you get some relief soon! Hugs,


    Re's link is a good link to watch, so, thanks Re for posting that. I will pray Dawne that you will get some relief from this and get it soon.

  • Tkitty
    Tkitty Member Posts: 56

    more on lymphedema
    Just realized with new comments on here - too late to prevent an attack, but my LE specialist also told me - keep the affected arm up whenever possible (rest on back of sofa, or whatever), no extremes of temperature (ice packs OR heating pads), even avoid insect bites (DEET may be a new best friend) cuts any injury at all on affected side - including the previously mentioned needles. I would even check with a LE specialist before trying acupuncture!
    Oh - of course also if you ever step foot on an airplane and /or go to a different elevation - wear your lymphedema sleeve, gauntlet, unless you WANT to have LE!!

    Hope you are having improvement.


    I wanted to get a handle on my lymphadema when I saw my hand on the mastectomy side was twice the size of my other hand. I went to a lymphadema therapist and had my entire arm wrapped, which immediately broke out all over with a rash. BUT, the compression sleeve worked well for me. I do the massage techniques the therapist taught me at home and so far it is working to keep the fluid out of my arm.
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    Hi Dawne -- Just checking in
    Hi Dawne -- Just checking in to see how you're feeling. Hope way better! Sending you hugs, prayers and positive energy.