Warnings, hints, suggestions of things to do!!



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Most everyone had a different experience with the mask. For me it was no big deal at all. The first day I was really anxious because I didn't know what to expect. You don't feel a thing while being radiated so after that I just zoned out and it was over before I knew it.

    A little caution with the Xanax. You will most likely be given .50mgs and believe me, that is strong. It seems to take around 45 minutes for it to work so take it early. And make sure someone drives you the first time you take it so you know how it affects you. I get really sleepy on it and am in no condition to drive.

    And yes, it is addictive but only if you take several a day for months on end. I took one per day for two months and stopped w/o any problem. Some may differ on my 2¢

    Stay the course and it'll be over soon. I wish you well.


    Xanax ...
    Like you, I took the Xanax initially to edge the anxiety, and it worked very well.

    But it would make me really dosed by the end of the day... So after the second day, I cut it in half, then again a day or so later. Finally by the second week I was good with the anxiety and stopped the Xanax.

    It didn't bother me until late in the day and after the initial dose knew I could rive and function normally.

    Each of us are different and can have differeing effects.

    I wasn't concerned with the addictive properties of any of my meds. I figured I'd get through treatment first and then work on any of that after the fact.

    But I feel that many of the meds if taken as prescribed aren't a threat. But there are a few are prescribed for sever pain than can end up giving you problems once they are no longer needed.

    Anyways, thoughts an prayers...