Question about Arimidex....again

eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
I read in another post that many women have female problems associated with Tamoxifin. Has anyone heard of that relation to Arimidex. My doctor prescribed this for me and I picked it up but have not yet taken it. I have several questions for him and will have to wait till after Easter. My concern is that my mom died of Ovarian cancer and I worry about that being in my future. I have serious scar tissue side effects from pelvic radiation for Anal cancer before my more recent breast cancer, and a vaginal hysterectomy is almost impossible. My doc will prob not want to to a hysterectomy unless genetic tests show a need anyhow and I can't begin that till June. Is it important that I start the Arimidex immediately is another question. Also I read of vascular problems from this drug, I have severe vericose veins (the purpley kind) is this considered another problem. I don't mind trying it, but am now a bit scared. I have read both good and bad, just wondering if I have some high risk factors. I will talk to him next week, just looking for more opinions. Thanks and hope all are able to enjoy the holiday weekend.


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Arimidex was worse for me than tamoxifen
    both medications are estrogen blockers, they suppose to change patient's hormonal status. Please read side effects of Armidex to make yourself ready, or prevent from having them. Everyone is differents, until you try you would not know. While I have had all of the side effects listed by Arimidex manufacture, I switched back and continue with Tamoxifen.
    Please have heart to heart with your doctor to evaluate if benefits of taking Arimidex or Tamoxifen overweight Arimidex's side effects FOR YOU.
    Since your are survivor from 2 cancers, have cancer family history and your age, which usually a significant factor (younger patients are given more agressitive treatment). Only you can make this decision weather or not to take this pill.
    Wishing you the best
    New Flower
  • tufi000
    tufi000 Member Posts: 745 Member
    Since 2003
    I have been on Arimidex since 2003. One thing I learned is that everyone reacts differently. I also think with all the people taking it,we tend to hear more from the ones with more severe reactions on the board. I have been fine considering.Since BC can met to female organs , I have not heard of studies directly connecting problems to Arimidex. Mostly the bone stuff which needs to be monitored and proactively treated. My feeling is not to reject a treatment or procedure without definite serious issues across the board.

    Do what you want, do the research, and not on the internet, ask all the questions till you are satisfied with the answers, then make up your mind.

    May all go well for you.
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    tufi000 said:

    Since 2003
    I have been on Arimidex since 2003. One thing I learned is that everyone reacts differently. I also think with all the people taking it,we tend to hear more from the ones with more severe reactions on the board. I have been fine considering.Since BC can met to female organs , I have not heard of studies directly connecting problems to Arimidex. Mostly the bone stuff which needs to be monitored and proactively treated. My feeling is not to reject a treatment or procedure without definite serious issues across the board.

    Do what you want, do the research, and not on the internet, ask all the questions till you are satisfied with the answers, then make up your mind.

    May all go well for you.

    All I can give you is my experience
    I was diagnosed Stage 3C invasive ductal carcinoma, with 10 positive nodes. I had a lumpectomy, re-excision for clear margins, 6 rounds of TAC chemo, 33 rads. I was then put on Arimidex for 5 years. At 18 months into Arimidex therapy, I developed pain in one vertebra. I had a CT, total body bone scan, MRI and PET scan. Turns out I had bone mets in T-12 and numerous foci in the entire spine and pelvis. Total surprise--not a good one. Anyway, did the Arimidex not work--or did it stop working--I'll never know. I did not have any major side effects--some hot flashes, bone/joint aches.

    Now we're on to the next phase of treatment--Faslodex injections with Zometa infusions once a month. Fingers crossed and hoping for the best.

    The moral of this story is---not everything works for everybody--and sometimes it's trial and error. I follow the advice of my professionals who I trust.

    Good luck to you with your treatment--follow your heart.

    Hugs, Renee
  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    tufi000 said:

    Since 2003
    I have been on Arimidex since 2003. One thing I learned is that everyone reacts differently. I also think with all the people taking it,we tend to hear more from the ones with more severe reactions on the board. I have been fine considering.Since BC can met to female organs , I have not heard of studies directly connecting problems to Arimidex. Mostly the bone stuff which needs to be monitored and proactively treated. My feeling is not to reject a treatment or procedure without definite serious issues across the board.

    Do what you want, do the research, and not on the internet, ask all the questions till you are satisfied with the answers, then make up your mind.

    May all go well for you.

    Thanks so much
    Thankyou all so much for your advice. I find it true that sometimes we hear more from people with negative reactions to things while when all is going well people seem not to post. As I said, I still have questions for my doc, just feeling anxious about this drug.