Glassy Cell Andeno... Mothers? Survivors? Any Tips?

I am a 35 year old mother of 3 ( 5 yrs, 19 mo & 5 mo). I have been diagnosed with a rare form of Cervical Cancer called Glassy Cell. Overall I am doing OK.....having radical hysterectomy and lymph nodes taken in the next few weeks.

I am looking for other Glassy Cell survivors.
I am looking for advice on how to explain my recovery period to my 5 yr old.
I am looking for advice on wether or not I should have my ovaries removed.

Thank you all so very much in advance for your consideration and comments.
Best to you all!


  • Marcymiran
    Marcymiran Member Posts: 1
    also diagnosed with glassy cell

    Hi kelsey,

    I've also been diagnosed with glassy cell. Wondering if u can give me any insight


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,535 Member

    also diagnosed with glassy cell

    Hi kelsey,

    I've also been diagnosed with glassy cell. Wondering if u can give me any insight


    Marcymiran, this group can be

    Marcymiran, this group can be a little slow and what you (probably) want is help and answers now.  I found the National Cervical Cancer Coalition when I wanted to find out more when a friend was diagnosed with CC.  You will have to log in to post like you did here, but thier site is a very active site and are a wonderful group of women as well.

    I am sorry you have had to find a chat room like this, but please know you are not alone.