New to site

Luckygirl2 Member Posts: 308
I am new to this site (as of yesterday) I found myself up until midnite reading posts and garnering sooooo much great information! I felt all of your strength and determination. I read about the loss of Carl and Lisa they were wonderful souls. I wish I had found this site June of last year! So much wealth of knowledge. I feel better already!


  • janie1
    janie1 Member Posts: 753 Member
    Hi there!
    Glad you posted. Sorry for the dx. It is a roller coaster, but glad you are doing well. Yes, as you can see, just about everything is discussed here. It's great support. We are all in this together.
  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    Sorry you have to be here,but if you have any questions just ask,someone will have an answer,or can find one.Good luck.
  • Jaylo969
    Jaylo969 Member Posts: 824 Member
    Welcome Luckygirl2,

    Glad to meet you and hope you will find this a good group to be a part of. I know it has been a great help to me. Thanks for filling in your profile. It helps us get to know you and your particular circumstance. I too had right colon cancer and am almost 2 years out from last chemo treatment and so far, so good.

    Glad to hear you are feeling well.

  • tommycat
    tommycat Member Posts: 790 Member
    Welcome to the Board!

    Welcome to the Board!
  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member

    "I wish I had found this site June of last year! So much wealth of knowledge."

    Just keep in mind, that it's -all- just opinions, not "fact"!

    We all took our own way; some of us have "made it", and
    some of us have not, and you can not assume that one way
    was better than another. You can only know what -your own-
    "gut" tells you is right; you have to re-learn to listen to your
    own intuition, your own instincts for survival.

    You'll do well, as long as you don't entrust your life to anyone
    other than -you-.

    Best wishes for better health!

  • need support
    need support Member Posts: 40
    welcome aboard
    I felt the same way a month ago, but have found some nice people to talk too. We are all in the same boat. Just ask away, good insight on this forum..
  • christinecarl
    christinecarl Member Posts: 543 Member
    I am glad you have joined, I rememember when I first joined, it was so nice to be able to speak openly about any fears or questions I had or have still. Everyone is always so willing to lift you up when you are down and offer so much wisdom. Good luck in your journey.
  • Luckygirl2
    Luckygirl2 Member Posts: 308
    John23 said:


    "I wish I had found this site June of last year! So much wealth of knowledge."

    Just keep in mind, that it's -all- just opinions, not "fact"!

    We all took our own way; some of us have "made it", and
    some of us have not, and you can not assume that one way
    was better than another. You can only know what -your own-
    "gut" tells you is right; you have to re-learn to listen to your
    own intuition, your own instincts for survival.

    You'll do well, as long as you don't entrust your life to anyone
    other than -you-.

    Best wishes for better health!


    Thank you
    My body has shown me I need to listen better when it is trying to talk to me...
  • Luckygirl2
    Luckygirl2 Member Posts: 308
    Jaylo969 said:

    Welcome Luckygirl2,

    Glad to meet you and hope you will find this a good group to be a part of. I know it has been a great help to me. Thanks for filling in your profile. It helps us get to know you and your particular circumstance. I too had right colon cancer and am almost 2 years out from last chemo treatment and so far, so good.

    Glad to hear you are feeling well.


    Folfox and xeloda
    I see where you had both as well, frankly I didn't like either one..dealing with the neuropathy in my fingers and feet. I think I'm going to try the glutomine that was suggested even though I'm no longer on chemo...surely it can't hurt..will check with pharmacist to make sure it won't taint all my other Meds. My onc moved my June CT up to next month for both our peace of minds since I've noticed a few changes in bms and the pain I'm having. He is thinking just scar tissue but I think he could see I was a little apprehensive.

    I feel so much more at peace though after finding all of've been there and if you guys don't know ...

    Thank you all so much!
  • barbebarb
    barbebarb Member Posts: 464
    Welcome I am new too
    I found this site in Oct., and everyone is kind, supportive and informative. I I have spent many hours reading and learning from our group! Wishing you the best and further support for our journeys.
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Sorry you have to be here but out of the support sites, this one is very good. You get people from various stages/diagnosis who've tried various treatments. Unfortunately, no one's cured cancer and there's no "right" way to deal with cancer. Hopefully you'll find information and guidance that will help you make informed smart choices. I've been fortunate to have found a great medical team at the start who has a plan that suits me. It may not suit someone else.

    We're a very expressive and passionate group at times. Usually there's no problem getting input from many people on a topic and rarely will there be a consensus. That's what makes this site so much fun!!!
    That's the beauty of cancer, it's customizable for each of us because we're unique, just like everyone else ;-)
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    PhillieG said:

    Sorry you have to be here but out of the support sites, this one is very good. You get people from various stages/diagnosis who've tried various treatments. Unfortunately, no one's cured cancer and there's no "right" way to deal with cancer. Hopefully you'll find information and guidance that will help you make informed smart choices. I've been fortunate to have found a great medical team at the start who has a plan that suits me. It may not suit someone else.

    We're a very expressive and passionate group at times. Usually there's no problem getting input from many people on a topic and rarely will there be a consensus. That's what makes this site so much fun!!!
    That's the beauty of cancer, it's customizable for each of us because we're unique, just like everyone else ;-)

    i want to copy phil's welcome, now thats just so well said
    you have to post this to all the new comers.
    i cannot stop smiling.

    really "rarely will there be consensus"

    thanks phil, this is so good.

  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    maybe you found us at the right time
    welcome and post away.
  • steved
    steved Member Posts: 834 Member
    Again- sorry to meet you here but it is an invaluable place to use in any way that helps you. Some (like me) come and go when we need it and others remain as stalwarts to this community. All are welcome and respected which has always impressed me. Find what helps you here and use it to support your recovery.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Welcome to the forum. We are
    Welcome to the forum. We are all here to support each other.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Welcome to the forum. We are
    Welcome to the forum. We are all here to support each other.

  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    We are sorry to hear that you have cancer, and our thoughts and prayers are with you!

    This has been a good resource for me to hear other's experiences and resources for diet, etc... We all fear the unknown and reading other's experiences helped me prepare for the side effects. Mental preparedness helped me a lot!

    Bananas, Gator Aid, and Ginger helped me get calories when nothing else was palatable.

    Best Always, mike