excessive eye tearing on taxotere

ktamp Member Posts: 81
I'm about to lose my ever loving mind with the eye tearing. Has anyone else had this side effect on taxotere? My eyes are like a fountain all day long. I wake up with them crusted shut from tearing all night long. Is this going to go away now that I am done with chemo? Is there anything I can do about it in the meantime?


  • carolenk
    carolenk Member Posts: 907 Member
    I never had this problem;
    I never had this problem; however, it sounds like you have a problem with a deficiency of the tears that lubricate eyes. There are two kinds of tears: tears that lubricate the eyes & tears that flow from eye irritation. The latter will increase when you don't have enough of the former. You need both tears.

    Dry eyes w/ excessive tearing should be investigated by a medical professional; I think you are probably correct in suspecting that your problem is from the chemo.

    The other possibility is spring allergies--that's why you need to see your family doctor or whomever you see for primary care.
  • ktamp
    ktamp Member Posts: 81
    Thank you! Your answer
    Thank you! Your answer makes alot of sense actually. I was googling in the middle of the night about excessive tearing and taxotere and kept coming up with suggestions of lubricating eye drops. I thought that sounded ridiculous. I'm thinking why the heck would I want to put more liquid into an eye that is overflowing? I will give the eyedrops a whirl and see if that helps. I'm willing to try it now that I have a reasonable explanation of why it might help. And I will make an appointment to see my primary doc. I swear chemo has destroyed my body. I'm also dealing with a mysterious toothache. Excruciating pain but nothing shows up on x ray.
  • susangr
    susangr Member Posts: 64
    I had tearing on Taxotere for the very reason that was stated. Seemed weird to think you have too few tears and yet your eyes are tearing all the time. My opthalmologist just suggested I use Geltears which can be bought over the counter. These seem to lubricate a bit longer. About 3 months post treatment the tearing went way but I still have a runny nose! Susan
  • antcat
    antcat Member Posts: 270
    Eye trearing
    I know just what you're going thru. Med. onc. never told me about eye tearing, couldn't understand what was happening, so I asked my primary care doc. He said it was from the taxotere and that I should just use regular lubricant eye drops to help. It did help, but in the beginning I looked like I had a stream running down my face.
  • AnneBehymer
    AnneBehymer Member Posts: 738 Member
    I had that problem when I was on all three at the same time I do remembering reading that one of the chemo did cause the eys to water just right now I don't remember which one. I saying to friend I should have stock in kleenex with all the tissue that I used. It has gotten better since I am not on all three at the same time.

  • garden gal
    garden gal Member Posts: 212 Member

    I had that problem when I was on all three at the same time I do remembering reading that one of the chemo did cause the eys to water just right now I don't remember which one. I saying to friend I should have stock in kleenex with all the tissue that I used. It has gotten better since I am not on all three at the same time.


    I had the same thing
    but it was when I was on taxol. Kathy
  • ktamp
    ktamp Member Posts: 81
    I tried the eye drops and my
    I tried the eye drops and my eyes are much better. Thank you so much for your help ladies. My eyes were driving me crazy. I started with a generic lubricating eye drop and went back and got the gel ones after I saw someone else suggest that. The gel ones seem to last longer. I went back for 3 more bottles so I can have them everywhere. One in the car, one in my purse and one in each bathroom. My eyes are so much better, I was a little paniced about being somewhere and needing them and not having them. I'm probably going to go back for one more. I saw the genteal brand has one for nighttime that is supposed to last longer. I'm still waking with crusty eyes as I think the regular gel drops just aren't lasting me all night. All in all though, it is much improved and I am so much happier.
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    ktamp said:

    I tried the eye drops and my
    I tried the eye drops and my eyes are much better. Thank you so much for your help ladies. My eyes were driving me crazy. I started with a generic lubricating eye drop and went back and got the gel ones after I saw someone else suggest that. The gel ones seem to last longer. I went back for 3 more bottles so I can have them everywhere. One in the car, one in my purse and one in each bathroom. My eyes are so much better, I was a little paniced about being somewhere and needing them and not having them. I'm probably going to go back for one more. I saw the genteal brand has one for nighttime that is supposed to last longer. I'm still waking with crusty eyes as I think the regular gel drops just aren't lasting me all night. All in all though, it is much improved and I am so much happier.

    so glad to hear you're feeling better
    We'll all be keeping your solution in mind.
    (((HUGS))) Maria