IV or injection.How do you get your herceptin treatments?

cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
I am just curious, for those of you who are her2/neu positive, how do you get your herceptin treatments?


  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member
    Port Infusions...
    I had 6 rounds of Herceptin with Taxotere and Carboplatin. I continued to receive Herceptin for a total of a year after the Chemo. All infusions were through my port. I am sooo happy I had port infusions. I would not have it any other way. The thought of all those infusions with a neddle was not appealing. I have problem with any form of neddles. The port was a God send. Made all of the infusions bearable. I get my port out next month during the time of my reconstruction. YAY!!! ;0)

    I highly recommend a port. It's an EZ and painless out patient surgery!!!

    Mitzi ;0)
  • Muschi
    Muschi Member Posts: 85 Member
    I have a port put in and this is how I get the IV herceptin done. Very easy for me, just takes 1 hr.
    Let me know how you are doing with the herceptin and for how long?
    Lots of hugs
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    I get port infusions. I get
    I get port infusions. I get Herceptin weekly. I have not noticed any side effects from he Herceptin.
  • Melaniedoingwell
    Melaniedoingwell Member Posts: 80
    Herceptin Infusions
    I was highly positive for Estrogen, Progesterone AND HER2/neu and my chemo infusions consisted of the TCH combo for my so-called "cocktail" followed by the rest of the year of Herceptin.

    I should have only 1 or 2 infusions left!! I have a port; they really do not want your veins to collapse which is why I was told to get a port!

    There have been no side effects for me with Herceptin infusions. You will have to have your heart health monitored but my oncologist advises that any apparent heart damage (a potential side effect from Herceptin) is recoverable. Should this happen to you, they will stop infusions for a period of time and restart later, when heart function improves.

    That may sound scary, but it is not something I have any worries about. If you do an internet search about Herceptin, you will be directed to an official website where you can ask them to send you information. This has actually been helpful to me and you might want to request it from them as well.

    Good luck on your journey; you CAN do it.