How long for White and Red Blood Cell Counts to come up?

AngieD Member Posts: 493
I finished my 4th round of A/C 2 weeks ago. On the lab before that one, my WBC was 45.6, so my onco said I should skip the Neulasta shot that time. I was supposed to start Taxol today, but my WBC was 1.2 and my RBC was 8.8. :-( I guess that explains why I get to feeling tired and winded. So, chemo was postponed til next week, and I was told to avoid public places and infection. How long does it take for the WBC and RBC counts to get back to normal levels?


  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493
    Still wondering if any of
    Still wondering if any of you have experienced this, and, if so, how long before your counts came up,
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    AngieD said:

    Still wondering if any of
    Still wondering if any of you have experienced this, and, if so, how long before your counts came up,

    Angie, I didn't have chemo
    Angie, I didn't have chemo so I don't have answers for you. Hoping that more sisters that took chemo and had this happen will post to you.

    Good luck,

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    AngieD said:

    Still wondering if any of
    Still wondering if any of you have experienced this, and, if so, how long before your counts came up,

    Angie, Angie, Angie .. I was the QUEEN - of house
    arrest, or lock down during my chemo infusions. Yes, the pesky WBC & RBC -- sends our
    systems and bodies into over drive = with fatigue.

    ===how long this will last, depends on the individual == personally, thu out my
    entire -- chemo regiment (Sept 09 thru end of Jan 10) -- then again, in April where
    I contacted a staph infection in my fully expanded .. right TE -- emergency surgery
    to removed infected TE -- etc .. towards June/July 2010 -- while still on Herceptin
    I did maintain good White blood cell counts. So, almost 1 year -- LOL .. seriously,
    no laughing matter, I was going stir crazy at home -- but I did, what I had to do.
    Just my story, just my case.

    Please .. please .. please ask your Oncologist for suggestions -- or his chemo RN == she should be full of off the books information.

    What helped me ..

    Early .. and I mean early a.m. shopping at Target, or grocery stores == less people to
    come in contact with.

    Lysol == sprayed everywhere

    Hand sanitizer wipes for door knobs, stair cases etc.

    Iron enriched foods .. almonds, raisins, fish, prime rib == and green leafy

    Staying away from Restaurants at peek times, and very public places where small
    children ran wild, also helped.

    Strength, Courage and HOPE for a Cure.

    Vicki Sam