“The Trials and Struggles of This Journey That We Call LIFE” (NEW UPDATE to the UPDATE)



  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    janie1 said:

    YOU & KIM
    Agree with Pat. This is about You and Kim. You can only do so much. I guess I 'm horrible, but can you just wash your hands with your Dad? I mean, really. Toxic is toxic. There is WAY TOO MUCH STRESS....it needs to be whacked way back. Some of it is beyond our control, but some.....well.....it takes some hard core decisions. Ohhhh Craig. (I am one of those that still thinks God is Good....and always will.....it's just real personal. I look at it in the long-term. But that is just me. It's real, real deep.)

    Hi J

    Do me a favor, will ya? Next time you talk with the Big Fella, will you put in a good word for me? Can you tell him that I'm just a soldier in his army and that I'm just on a mission to try and help others in this life, through Him?

    I can't help if I'm not here...and you know if I could not help here on this board, then my life is worth just a little bit less to me.

    I don't blame God for any of it - He's got his hands full with 8-billion of us roaming the planet...I'm just questioning things again at this juncture of my life...

    The answers that we seek - and the rewards that we expect to reap, just may or may not come in this lifetime. And maybe just maybe, the real answer, the real truth lies right there.

    The Big Guy and I certainly have had talks - after my sister was murdered, I turned away...when cancer returned, I opened the door....as the days go by, I just wonder about things and why they are the way they are - with all of us - and why, why, why?

    Again, I'm not a smart man, so I haven't figured it out yet - maybe never will - but you know I won't stop looking under the rug to try and get a clue.

    You know, J, when I first met you, I was "sitting in the Walmart parking lot." That was a rough time in my life sick with the chemo and all of that, but those moments when I was sitting there with my radio on and the sun shining and people and cars whizzing by, I was really was content during that hour or so. I had broken the chains of the house and was a free spirit and could go anywhere I wanted to.....as long as it wasn't more than a mile away, because I didn't have the cash for a longer trip.

    Looking back to those days and staring at the days I find myself in....I long for those more simplistic times alone in my car - trying to reconnect with a society that I had lost touch with and longing to be a part of it once again.

    Read below and you'll see some answers to your post....I can't walk not yet. Truth be told, I haven't begun to kick **** yet - but just wait....

    Love ya, J!

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member

    Just remember you have provided
    lots of love/support to a lot of people and you are doing what you can for your dad, but what counts now is you and Kim. We all have diffrent life journeys, good/bad, some really bad, some really good and if you are on here, probably not so good. I hope Kim is ok and you too...I watch life going on around me and you can only do what you can do.....thougts and hugs to both of you.....Pat PS I admit to ativan....when needed...

    Hi Pat:)
    I joked with Kim last night that I might need "some help."

    But sleep and turning my mind off was all I needed. I hope Kim is well too or that we can do something about it. Life is going around fast and it seems as we get older, it becomes increasing difficult to hang onto it like we did when we were younger.

    Just more responsibilites and committments and different stages of life bring with them a different set of duties...

    Thank you for writing and so nice to see you again!

  • Minnesotagirl
    Minnesotagirl Member Posts: 141
    Sundanceh said:

    (Ron) "Life goes on long after the thrill of living is gone"
    John Mellencamp sang that one:)

    Yes, thyroid is a treatable cancer - of course my wife, like anyone, doesn't understand all the ramifications and she's a little scared and needed some reassurance from me. I'll know what to do - and we'll get it done. And maybe it's something else....we should know more soon.

    Take it easy, mate - and thanks for your response today.


    Awaken the sleeping lion

    Do you ever wonder if all this stuff with your dad is creating a path for you to take your mind off the burden of cancer? I know sometimes it sounds crazy, but I believe God works in mysterious ways if we keep an open mind and heart.

    As far as the Sunday school daughters ~ don't waste your time on thinking about their relationship with your father ~ that is something you will never be able to resolve at this point in your fathers/your life. Let your father have his "girls" ...if you are the executor of the estate, you have total control anyway so don't waste any more time letting them or him upset you.

    You are the executor of the estate for a reason and although it is alot of responsibility, you do get the final say in how the story ends!

    So I say, end the story on your terms, not your fathers, not the adopted daughters, relatives, etc... let the awaken sleeping lion end the story and move on with your own joy!

    ~Prayers for you... "Minnie"
  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    (Ron) "Life goes on long after the thrill of living is gone"
    John Mellencamp sang that one:)

    Yes, thyroid is a treatable cancer - of course my wife, like anyone, doesn't understand all the ramifications and she's a little scared and needed some reassurance from me. I'll know what to do - and we'll get it done. And maybe it's something else....we should know more soon.

    Take it easy, mate - and thanks for your response today.


    Once again my heart goes out
    Once again my heart goes out to you my friend. I can't or don't want to imagine how I would handle the possibility of my wife having to deal with this miserable disease. I don't wish it on anyone. You are both in my payers.
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member

    Once again my heart goes out
    Once again my heart goes out to you my friend. I can't or don't want to imagine how I would handle the possibility of my wife having to deal with this miserable disease. I don't wish it on anyone. You are both in my payers.

    Craig what an unfair situation .
    Since I am also one of those who still believes that God is good, I will keep you in my prayers and will tell him how all of us need you here among us.
    This place wouldn't be the same without you my friend!.
    I Also will keep Kim in my thoughts hoping it's nothing but just a false alarm, we need her as well please give her a big hug!.
    God bless you both my friend.
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Oh My Goodness
    Didn't know that she was having issues as well. My heart goes out to both of you as both of you have struggled with so much and now issues with your father and all that entails. Sometimes it does feel like we are walking alone and actually feel so alone when we are going through burdens and trials. You will be in my prayers. Just can't express how much you are being thought of as the words just don't come out right.

  • dasspears
    dasspears Member Posts: 227
    Well holy crap!
    I hear your pain and I share it with you! I'm glad you are able to identify and understand that you are hurting and that you are in pain. It's a cathartic process as opposed to denying the feelings.

    So sorry you are experiencing the ugly side of people in regard to the Sunday sisters. Unfortunately, they are everywhere.

    You may have already done this but have you consulted with a trust attorny or someone who specializes in wills? They usually give you a free consultation.

    I think I mentioned before that I watched my husband go through something very similar with his father. His father passed away in 2009, we entered into a lawsuit with the stepson in 2010 and eventually won, my husband developed prostate cancer in Spring 2011 (Stage 1 thankfully) and in Nov 2011, we learned his sister and only living immediate relative has a grade 4 glioblastoma brain tumor and given 7 to 11 months to live. I have no idea how you and my husband find the strength to deal with this stuff but you do and I have great admiration for you both.

    Keeping you in my thoughts, Craig!!!

  • lesvanb
    lesvanb Member Posts: 905
    Lots of good folks have posted lots of good stuff
    so I'll just add what came across my Facebook page today from a friend; the mom of an 11 yr old cancer survivor.

    "People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.

    If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

    If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.

    If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

    The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.

    Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.

    For you see, in the end, it is between you and God
    (or whatever still small voice that always is there within you- my addition :)
    It was never between you and them anyway."
    ― Mother Teresa

    No question that there is no rhyme nor reason to the path we travel in life. I've found it best to travel light.

    love, Leslie
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Sorry to hear Kim has stuff to deal with now too.
    Stress! We all need some in our lives but too much is NFG
    Sorry to hear your Dad's not well too. BEWARE OF THE “Adopted Daughters”...
    They sound more like the preying type than the praying type. Let them believe/think whatever they want. They are intruders and interlopers in your life as well as your Dad's. Everyone loves attention but it's easy to not see clearly at times.

    And remember Gregg, YOU are the executor of your Dad's estate. His wife gets her 50%, hopefully she will help instead of just putting her hand out but something tells me that the “Adopted Daughters” may seek a donation to their cause.

    Life's hard, life with cancer's even harder. Don't let them screw you. I know you weren't born yesterday but as a friend I feel I have a responsibility to chime in on this.
    My best to you & Kim
  • sasjourney
    sasjourney Member Posts: 395 Member
    Its got to get better!
    "When you are going through hell, keep going". I am so sorry that you are going through all of this, Craig. Wish I could make it all better. I am praying for you and Kim.It will get better!

    Luv you,
  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member

    Its got to get better!
    "When you are going through hell, keep going". I am so sorry that you are going through all of this, Craig. Wish I could make it all better. I am praying for you and Kim.It will get better!

    Luv you,

    Hey Craiger,
    Yep...the ole plate is full and runneth over! I spoke with Kim the other nite and she brought me up to speed on things. You guys are certainly dealing with a lot right now. One thing I noticed you BOTH said was you two are sharing a closeness that you have not felt in a while. So maybe something good coming out of this huh??? However, that " adopted daughter" beotch....... You tell her JENNIE SAID...to stay the hellout of your face or I'm gonna kick her arse!!!! She is not to be messin with MY craiger! Seriously my friend..... I am in total agreement with Marie.... You have got nothing but BS your whole life from him...if you ain't getting nothing in the end...screw it...... U gotta look out for you and Kim. Also, I am with Bucky on the book. I would certainly buy a book in any format. that's all I have strength for. I am recouping. Just got out of hospital today cause that dang stomach flu bout killed me! Ok now but it's been rough. Love you and Kim.

  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    My Friend,
    What Jenny said!!!! Between we two blond's that beotch doesn't have a chance. And, as for your dad, he is who he is, he isn't going to be changing at this late date, I just want you to remember my friend, you are a good man and don't let him start making you doubt yourself or blame yourself, you grew into a good man in spite of him.
    As for Kim, well, got all the fingers, toes and whatever else crossed. Dang, man, when exactly does it get easier?
    Put me with the others, you know I'm looking forward to your book as well.
    Love you man, and I'm pulling for you every step of the way in all the faucets of your life, opening the bottle to let your feelings out and share them with us, I'm sure there are others with a parent or other that have that type of relationship, and this may allow them to talk it out as well, and start feeling a little better about themselves.
    Thinking of you and yours,
    Winter Marie
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    "The Lion's Roar"
    I woke up this morning feeling dog tired and did not want to embrace the morning. While I was getting ready for work, my mind resumed all the thinking I’ve had to do. By the time I pulled out of the driveway and made it to the highway….guess what?

    I felt this sudden rush of “Feeling Good.” I mean I feel good today, really good. Strong, virile, resilient, energetic, enthusiastic, confident, yet combined with a surreal calm that also washed over me this morning – at this time, I can’t explain it any better than that right now.

    I don’t know if it was Big Billy whispering in my ear, but this morning I’ve once again found “The Fightin’ Side of Me.”

    Do you hear that?

    That’s the blood rushing through my veins with a deafening roar – feeding that mighty warrior heart of mine - that’s the sound of my spine stiffening as I stand up tall and straight, filled with the resolve of that, which I must overcome.

    I’ve sloughed off the “Victim’s Shroud” and I find myself suddenly able to see what must be done with a clarity that is quickly coming into much sharper focus.

    I realized this morning, that what I’ve been experiencing is much like it is when we first discover we have cancer. It’s very much like our opening chapter in the book – “The Diagnosis.”

    Where we get the news – our world turns over – it’s all so overwhelming because we’re in an unknown spot with no road maps or sign posts to show the way. We are stunned – we are confused – we are lost – and we are uncertain.

    This is where I am right now with all of this mess with my dad. I’m in the land of the unknown with all of the secrets and back stabbing and the ugliest side of our natures on display. There is a legal world I must learn about – there are other legal obligations on all levels that I’ve never had to contend with before, so that’s always unnerving until you can find your footing.

    And there’s the innuendo and church folk talking about us – acting as the “family” and getting away with it, because dad set it all up that way. So, there’s so many dynamics coming into play. It resembles a very bad soap opera.

    And here I was just thinking I didn’t have any fight left in me…but The Lion is ready to fight now and he’s on the prowl and ready to do what is necessary to watch out for his dad’s interest and do what is the right thing to do to resolve everything in a satisfactory manner.

    And I’m going to see this thing through to its rightful conclusion. It’s the right thing to do. All of you know that I’m a man of my word….I say what I mean – and I mean what I say.

    I aspire to all the great human virtues that we have to offer…Honor – Trust – Loyalty – Commitment – Virtue.

    It’s not going to be easy along the way – nothing in this life ever really is. But, I now have found the resolve to see it all the way through…I’m tired of running – I’m tired of pretending – and I’m tired of the victim role.

    I found out that once a warrior – always a warrior. I found that missing gear that I was looking for and it arrived in the form of my wife. I see a new side of her – I see the gal who’s saddled up and battled beside me for 22 years – she’s in the fight mode now and is united in spirit and walking back in-step “with me.”

    My heart is filled with joy, because I thought we could never re-capture any of our past glory – I thought that part of us had died along the cancer trail. But like the Phoenix, we rise from the ashes – to be together and ride out into battle once more – “As One.”

    It’s a blessing for all to see:)

    I’ve got tears in my eyes as I write this…Tootsie, are you out there, darlin’? Maybe your prayers really were answered after all…I know this news will make your heart sing - I know, you have prayed for this for so long – bless you for everything, honey.

    Tina – I know you will appreciate this part of the story as well, if you’re reading.

    We’re off to a great start – and maybe this is the good news from all of this…we’re always looking for the silver lining in any tragedy – this is as close as it can be right now. And it feels so good to have Kim “with me” again…hell, she’s actually blowing the trumpets and sounding the charge!

    She’s off and down the trail going “rogue” on their **** – she’s a tough customer. I’m so proud to have her with me again…I’ve needed her and have missed her – and I think that’s where all of this loneliness was stemming from all these past many months. I tried to pass it off as ‘other’ family members not being there for me – but it wasn’t that – it was not having her with me that was hurting me at the deepest core. Of course, if my sister and uncle were alive, they are “the family” that I had and lost – and it is empty without them – and has been for many, many years.

    But I thought that substituting other family was the answer – and since they were really never there, they couldn’t be now, or ever. The crux of the whole issue was I had lost Kim and we had become “roommates” and not partners – and it hurt me – and I’m sure it hurt her. But, that $hit is all over with now…the clouds have lifted and I see the sun over the horizon now – I think we both see it clearly.

    Cancer nearly broke us – and now this is going to save us…who knew?

    Yeah, I feel good now – I’m ready to fight – I love a good fight. I just need to get my lip bloodied and taste my own blood – and then the $hit is on – Hell is coming with us both now…Big Billy may be out of a job, LOL!

    I love the sting of battle – it tastes like…….like….Victory!

    We are going to see about a free consultation with an attorney – and lay out the story and see what options are available – or could be made available to help keep his estate from falling to the state. Then, we would see what it took to retain their services. Apparently, we’re going to need representation as something is going on that we haven’t figured out. But, it will all come out in the wash somehow.

    I still would like to bury him honorable and let his friends say their good-byes. He set the money for his funeral aside, but of course, made it where I can’t help him at a time when he needs help the most.

    As always, I’ve got to be the bigger man in the relationship, always have had to be. And I’m doing this more for myself now, even though I still don’t want to see dad hurt and taken advantage of.

    I’ve got to be able to live with this, you see? I’ve got to have my conscience and the slate wiped clean, so that I won’t have to carry the guilt around with me for the rest of my days. My bill for all of this will have been paid in full.

    In the end, everything that he has done is bad, real bad. But, I can’t sink to his level, because I march to a different drummer and my name has to stand for something. I would run for awhile, but never be able to hide – and I would remain haunted and I know this.

    So, there it is…The Lion has roared.

    Thank you so much for all your supportive posts – I guess I’m finally at a time where I need you more than I ever have in my life…I know it sux to have to wade through this with me, but I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you continue to stand by me.

    I hope to one day be able to return the favor.

    -The Lion
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member

    Awaken the sleeping lion

    Do you ever wonder if all this stuff with your dad is creating a path for you to take your mind off the burden of cancer? I know sometimes it sounds crazy, but I believe God works in mysterious ways if we keep an open mind and heart.

    As far as the Sunday school daughters ~ don't waste your time on thinking about their relationship with your father ~ that is something you will never be able to resolve at this point in your fathers/your life. Let your father have his "girls" ...if you are the executor of the estate, you have total control anyway so don't waste any more time letting them or him upset you.

    You are the executor of the estate for a reason and although it is alot of responsibility, you do get the final say in how the story ends!

    So I say, end the story on your terms, not your fathers, not the adopted daughters, relatives, etc... let the awaken sleeping lion end the story and move on with your own joy!

    ~Prayers for you... "Minnie"

    Dear Minnie:)
    Hey, you know I love to give nicknames...you were using "Minnesotagirl" and when you posted, I shot back with Minnie - did you change to that just for me or did I miss something? Go ahead and humor me, LOL!

    Listen, "Minnie", your first sentence...
    "Do you ever wonder if all this stuff with your dad is creating a path for you to take your mind off the burden of cancer?"

    Had I replied yesterday, it would have been a much different answer than the one that I have for you today. Upon reflection, my answer is I don't think is being created to divert me from cancer - cancer is actually the last thing I'm worried about, at least for me...Kim would be a different story, I don't want that for her.

    But, when you go on to say "that He works in mysterious ways..." It's easy to dismiss that sometimes, many times actually, when life becomes more than you think you can bear.

    But, then this morning "something" came over me (read my post of this morning below "The Lion's Roar")...the mysterious may be that my wife and I are working our way back to one another as a result of all this...and this just be "The Ways." You know?

    Your prayers are certainly welcomed and appreciated here - I think sometimes it is easy to dismiss them...but I should never discount them, because I just don't know what will work and what will not.

    I want to thank you for your post and thank you for being a friend to me...we're going to look back on this and just say Wow one day - and then we'll be on to the next disaster, LOL!

    Thank you, sweetheart:)

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member

    Once again my heart goes out
    Once again my heart goes out to you my friend. I can't or don't want to imagine how I would handle the possibility of my wife having to deal with this miserable disease. I don't wish it on anyone. You are both in my payers.

    Big Jeff:)
    Hey bud

    "I go as Kim goes." When she's running the house, my life is good...the train had slid off the tracks the last couple of years....and she's been affected by my life and all that comes with cancer.

    I don't want her sick, just like none of us want anyone to have it. If it is, I have to step up and get her through it....watching me these past 8-years still does not alleviate her own fears...and the trembling in her voice the other day, would make any man or husband feel a rush of empathy.

    As I talked, she stopped shaking and was agreeing...at least I was able to calm her initial fears....we'll just hope until we get the new test and what comes out of that.

    And I hope I stay clean for another cycle for a few months....both of us down at the same time would be extremely difficult...we just don't have people in place here to take care of both of us if we are in treatment and all that we live through with that.

    I continue to appreciate your support and thank so much, man - I mean that.

  • lauragb
    lauragb Member Posts: 370 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    "The Lion's Roar"
    I woke up this morning feeling dog tired and did not want to embrace the morning. While I was getting ready for work, my mind resumed all the thinking I’ve had to do. By the time I pulled out of the driveway and made it to the highway….guess what?

    I felt this sudden rush of “Feeling Good.” I mean I feel good today, really good. Strong, virile, resilient, energetic, enthusiastic, confident, yet combined with a surreal calm that also washed over me this morning – at this time, I can’t explain it any better than that right now.

    I don’t know if it was Big Billy whispering in my ear, but this morning I’ve once again found “The Fightin’ Side of Me.”

    Do you hear that?

    That’s the blood rushing through my veins with a deafening roar – feeding that mighty warrior heart of mine - that’s the sound of my spine stiffening as I stand up tall and straight, filled with the resolve of that, which I must overcome.

    I’ve sloughed off the “Victim’s Shroud” and I find myself suddenly able to see what must be done with a clarity that is quickly coming into much sharper focus.

    I realized this morning, that what I’ve been experiencing is much like it is when we first discover we have cancer. It’s very much like our opening chapter in the book – “The Diagnosis.”

    Where we get the news – our world turns over – it’s all so overwhelming because we’re in an unknown spot with no road maps or sign posts to show the way. We are stunned – we are confused – we are lost – and we are uncertain.

    This is where I am right now with all of this mess with my dad. I’m in the land of the unknown with all of the secrets and back stabbing and the ugliest side of our natures on display. There is a legal world I must learn about – there are other legal obligations on all levels that I’ve never had to contend with before, so that’s always unnerving until you can find your footing.

    And there’s the innuendo and church folk talking about us – acting as the “family” and getting away with it, because dad set it all up that way. So, there’s so many dynamics coming into play. It resembles a very bad soap opera.

    And here I was just thinking I didn’t have any fight left in me…but The Lion is ready to fight now and he’s on the prowl and ready to do what is necessary to watch out for his dad’s interest and do what is the right thing to do to resolve everything in a satisfactory manner.

    And I’m going to see this thing through to its rightful conclusion. It’s the right thing to do. All of you know that I’m a man of my word….I say what I mean – and I mean what I say.

    I aspire to all the great human virtues that we have to offer…Honor – Trust – Loyalty – Commitment – Virtue.

    It’s not going to be easy along the way – nothing in this life ever really is. But, I now have found the resolve to see it all the way through…I’m tired of running – I’m tired of pretending – and I’m tired of the victim role.

    I found out that once a warrior – always a warrior. I found that missing gear that I was looking for and it arrived in the form of my wife. I see a new side of her – I see the gal who’s saddled up and battled beside me for 22 years – she’s in the fight mode now and is united in spirit and walking back in-step “with me.”

    My heart is filled with joy, because I thought we could never re-capture any of our past glory – I thought that part of us had died along the cancer trail. But like the Phoenix, we rise from the ashes – to be together and ride out into battle once more – “As One.”

    It’s a blessing for all to see:)

    I’ve got tears in my eyes as I write this…Tootsie, are you out there, darlin’? Maybe your prayers really were answered after all…I know this news will make your heart sing - I know, you have prayed for this for so long – bless you for everything, honey.

    Tina – I know you will appreciate this part of the story as well, if you’re reading.

    We’re off to a great start – and maybe this is the good news from all of this…we’re always looking for the silver lining in any tragedy – this is as close as it can be right now. And it feels so good to have Kim “with me” again…hell, she’s actually blowing the trumpets and sounding the charge!

    She’s off and down the trail going “rogue” on their **** – she’s a tough customer. I’m so proud to have her with me again…I’ve needed her and have missed her – and I think that’s where all of this loneliness was stemming from all these past many months. I tried to pass it off as ‘other’ family members not being there for me – but it wasn’t that – it was not having her with me that was hurting me at the deepest core. Of course, if my sister and uncle were alive, they are “the family” that I had and lost – and it is empty without them – and has been for many, many years.

    But I thought that substituting other family was the answer – and since they were really never there, they couldn’t be now, or ever. The crux of the whole issue was I had lost Kim and we had become “roommates” and not partners – and it hurt me – and I’m sure it hurt her. But, that $hit is all over with now…the clouds have lifted and I see the sun over the horizon now – I think we both see it clearly.

    Cancer nearly broke us – and now this is going to save us…who knew?

    Yeah, I feel good now – I’m ready to fight – I love a good fight. I just need to get my lip bloodied and taste my own blood – and then the $hit is on – Hell is coming with us both now…Big Billy may be out of a job, LOL!

    I love the sting of battle – it tastes like…….like….Victory!

    We are going to see about a free consultation with an attorney – and lay out the story and see what options are available – or could be made available to help keep his estate from falling to the state. Then, we would see what it took to retain their services. Apparently, we’re going to need representation as something is going on that we haven’t figured out. But, it will all come out in the wash somehow.

    I still would like to bury him honorable and let his friends say their good-byes. He set the money for his funeral aside, but of course, made it where I can’t help him at a time when he needs help the most.

    As always, I’ve got to be the bigger man in the relationship, always have had to be. And I’m doing this more for myself now, even though I still don’t want to see dad hurt and taken advantage of.

    I’ve got to be able to live with this, you see? I’ve got to have my conscience and the slate wiped clean, so that I won’t have to carry the guilt around with me for the rest of my days. My bill for all of this will have been paid in full.

    In the end, everything that he has done is bad, real bad. But, I can’t sink to his level, because I march to a different drummer and my name has to stand for something. I would run for awhile, but never be able to hide – and I would remain haunted and I know this.

    So, there it is…The Lion has roared.

    Thank you so much for all your supportive posts – I guess I’m finally at a time where I need you more than I ever have in my life…I know it sux to have to wade through this with me, but I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you continue to stand by me.

    I hope to one day be able to return the favor.

    -The Lion

    Ahhh..what a great post, I
    Ahhh..what a great post, I am so happy for your renewed closeness with your wife. And you have risen above, after all you've been through with your father, you don't want to see him hurt and taken advantage of. Your attitude will bring good to you. Your different drummer takes you to a better place. Releasing the past is cleansing and I'm so happy for you that you know what you need to do so that you will be without guilt. And you know you can take the advice of others and bale if you need to, if things get too toxic, and still there should be no guilt.

    Thanks for your soulful entries.
    Keeping you in the light.
  • lauragb
    lauragb Member Posts: 370 Member
    tommycat said:

    So much to say...but this quote summarizes...
    “People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
    If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
    If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
    If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
    The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
    Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
    For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”
    ― Mother Teresa

    Love this Tommycat. I am in
    Love this Tommycat. I am in a women's choir and we sang this as the song, "Anyway". The words ring true.
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member

    Oh My Goodness
    Didn't know that she was having issues as well. My heart goes out to both of you as both of you have struggled with so much and now issues with your father and all that entails. Sometimes it does feel like we are walking alone and actually feel so alone when we are going through burdens and trials. You will be in my prayers. Just can't express how much you are being thought of as the words just don't come out right.


    Thanks for posting to me, I know you are on break, so it means alot to me to hear from you...and of course, you know what you mean to me personally. :):)

    And yes, I'm a student of human nature - what drives us - what makes us tick - what makes us do the things we do - what makes us become the best people that we can be - how we can overcome advertisity and not turns towards the darker side of life.

    Many times in my life, I've just asked "Why?" I don't know why things happen to us the way that they do - the way that life can just keeping stacking chips on your shoulder that are weighing you down to the point where you can't even breathe.

    This life, it seems, is all about "Trials and Tribulations." There are certain tests that we are presented and we have to find a way to pass the tests. We must "Adapt and Overcome" at all times. Perhaps, it is this way out of design.....not ordained or predestined by any means....just that alot of life can be random....certain factors line up like the "Cherries on a Slot Machine"....alot of times they come up with just lemons.

    Then we try and find our way to the next morning and so on. Me and the Big Fella' have been at odds at points of my life....it has been a tragedy to a large degree and yet I've found my way somehow. I know you're in close, so light a candle for me and say a prayer if you would like too. I am a "work in progress" after all.

    Believe me, you've "expressed" your feelings...and I feel them...and I appreciate them...and I appreciate you...and believe me, it all came out right:)

    Love to you

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    dasspears said:

    Well holy crap!
    I hear your pain and I share it with you! I'm glad you are able to identify and understand that you are hurting and that you are in pain. It's a cathartic process as opposed to denying the feelings.

    So sorry you are experiencing the ugly side of people in regard to the Sunday sisters. Unfortunately, they are everywhere.

    You may have already done this but have you consulted with a trust attorny or someone who specializes in wills? They usually give you a free consultation.

    I think I mentioned before that I watched my husband go through something very similar with his father. His father passed away in 2009, we entered into a lawsuit with the stepson in 2010 and eventually won, my husband developed prostate cancer in Spring 2011 (Stage 1 thankfully) and in Nov 2011, we learned his sister and only living immediate relative has a grade 4 glioblastoma brain tumor and given 7 to 11 months to live. I have no idea how you and my husband find the strength to deal with this stuff but you do and I have great admiration for you both.

    Keeping you in my thoughts, Craig!!!


    Give Me a "D" for Debra
    You know me well...I'm not in denial about too much, LOL!

    Yeah, "the gold rush" does bring out the uglier side of our natures - and that's why I try and espouse the better sides of what we are...but I know the dark side too. The "sisters" are going to try something and make this thing uglier than it has to be. I just feel something under the surface but it's an itch I can't get reach to scratch.

    Your husband sounds like another tough guy - he obviously has alot of strength - I admire that as well...I'm sorry to hear about his sister too...this is a tough old life for many of us...the older we get, the more problems we incur...please pass along my best to him, because I miss having my sister with me and I love to see love between a brother and sister...my sister loved me unconditionally - and I mean, really loved....I never knew why, did not think I was anything special...but she saw something...

    One of the reasons her loss is so profound in my life....even 25 years after the fact. If I had her with Kim, we'd be unstoppable.

    Thank you for reaching out, "Debra" and so nice to see you again - thank you for such kind words - they really do mean alot to read and "hear" them.

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    lesvanb said:

    Lots of good folks have posted lots of good stuff
    so I'll just add what came across my Facebook page today from a friend; the mom of an 11 yr old cancer survivor.

    "People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.

    If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

    If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.

    If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

    The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.

    Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.

    For you see, in the end, it is between you and God
    (or whatever still small voice that always is there within you- my addition :)
    It was never between you and them anyway."
    ― Mother Teresa

    No question that there is no rhyme nor reason to the path we travel in life. I've found it best to travel light.

    love, Leslie

    To: Leslie
    To the woman "who believes in me so strongly"...at the times that I cannot see it for myself.

    We just did not get enough time in Chicago - you are so much smarter than me, Les...you are at places that I'm trying to reach, but I'm still grasping for a foothold to hang onto, until I can move forward and reach that destination you have found.

    "Love you!"
