Claudia, what do YOU eat on typical day?

RoseyR Member Posts: 471 Member
Claudia, you've been such a great source of information on nutrition--including posts on curcumin, foods that minimize angiogensis, acid versus alkaline foods, low gylycemic fruits, and other nutrition-related subjects.

So given this fount of information, I'd love to know what you eat in a typical day or two. Jill has often shared this with us but after your warnings about too much brown rice, would love to know what you are eating these days. (Am trying not to eat TOO much brown rice and quinoa with chickpeas or beans and would like to know what to substitute to get a whole protein!



  • bea-mil
    bea-mil Member Posts: 108
    I will be more than happy to hear from you too.
  • bonniep
    bonniep Member Posts: 36
    Typical Day of Eating.
    I too would like suggestions. What staples do you always keep around for breakfast,lunches, snacks, etc.? What are the Herbs & Spices you keep on hand? What about sugar/sugan substitues, salt, milks, cheese, eggs, breads, cereals, etc.? What about vitamins and supplements and their Mg./day? Can most items be bought at a regular grocery store? I think HEB has organic foods, but not sure. For me, there are several health stores like GNC, etc. for supplements, but a place like Whole Foods for groceries is way across town and not a place I could just go to frequently for a few things. Books are wonderful, but there are millions of them and their suggestions are not practical for the average household even if one member has cancer.
    Living, planning, shopping and cooking will definitely be different for my family, so I pray there are some simple, practical suggestions to help implement this new standard of meal planning.
  • Tresia23
    Tresia23 Member Posts: 77 Member
    What is wrong with quinoa
    Hi Rosey, just read your post. I eat quinoa every morning but did not know there were issues. What is the problem with brown rice and quinoa?
  • RoseyR
    RoseyR Member Posts: 471 Member
    Tresia23 said:

    What is wrong with quinoa
    Hi Rosey, just read your post. I eat quinoa every morning but did not know there were issues. What is the problem with brown rice and quinoa?

    Nothing innately wrong with quinoa

    As several point out, quinoa (and millet, buckwheat brown rice) are among the healthiest of grains, quinoa offering the most complete protein of all fo them.

    The question is how MUCH grain we should eat; Tethys and proponents of the "paleo diet" believe that we should cut back on grains and perhaps even chickpeas as they are carbohydrates--which quickly become glucose after digestion. And Claudia reminds us that brown rice is not alkaline, but acidic, despite its many assets otherwise so we shouldn't go "overboard" with it, eating it every day.

    I myself feel really good when eating grains and legumes.

  • norma2
    norma2 Member Posts: 479
    Me, too.
    Interested in hearing your reply.