Mucoepidermoid carcinoma, grade II



  • dee248
    dee248 Member Posts: 5

    Hi Dee,

    How is your sister doing? I hope all is well and will say a prayer for her. Take care.

    Hiii, I'm sorry my response is so late. To say things have been crazy is an understatement. My little sister just had her 6 month check up following her April surgery and she is doing great.

    Her surgery turned out better than expected. She ended up not having a hole since her sinuses were so little (the only upside to being young) and did not require a mouth guard. Recovery was awful. She was in a lot of pain and not able to eat for almost 3 weeks. Her thigh was super painful and required the longest healing time. Walking was a challenge. Did anyone else need a skin graft from another body part?

    Her follow up scans are still a scary thing basically waiting to see if any of the cancer is back. She's gotten sick way more than ever and don't know if it's related to her surgery or not. She also get headaches more frequently now.

    To all the people who've had surgery, has your cancer come back at all? Her surgeon said the chance of reoccurance is lower when she reaches 5 years post surgery.

    Thank you all for your kind words and emails. It's been the hardest thing to watch my little sister battle something so severe and we've never had a cancer in our family before. It's reassuring knowing there is a place to talk and sometimes vent about this.
  • kingcole42005
    kingcole42005 Member Posts: 178
    dee248 said:

    Hiii, I'm sorry my response is so late. To say things have been crazy is an understatement. My little sister just had her 6 month check up following her April surgery and she is doing great.

    Her surgery turned out better than expected. She ended up not having a hole since her sinuses were so little (the only upside to being young) and did not require a mouth guard. Recovery was awful. She was in a lot of pain and not able to eat for almost 3 weeks. Her thigh was super painful and required the longest healing time. Walking was a challenge. Did anyone else need a skin graft from another body part?

    Her follow up scans are still a scary thing basically waiting to see if any of the cancer is back. She's gotten sick way more than ever and don't know if it's related to her surgery or not. She also get headaches more frequently now.

    To all the people who've had surgery, has your cancer come back at all? Her surgeon said the chance of reoccurance is lower when she reaches 5 years post surgery.

    Thank you all for your kind words and emails. It's been the hardest thing to watch my little sister battle something so severe and we've never had a cancer in our family before. It's reassuring knowing there is a place to talk and sometimes vent about this.

    Hi Dee,
    I did have a skin graft taken from my thigh. It is painful, but endurable. Pain meds helped that is for sure! It is scary waiting for the results of the scans, but the longer out you are from your surgery the easier it gets, at least for me it has. Your memory fades a bit. I am two years out from my surgery, January 14, 2010 is my last rad date. I had appt today with the surgical onco, I still have some issues with bones dying in my mouth from the rads, but other than that outlook is great. I bet it is for your sister too! I also had high grade MEC, so we just gotta keep pluggin along and take life one day at a time. Live every day with Joy and gratitude!
  • rlcombs70
    rlcombs70 Member Posts: 2
    Tim6003 said:

    Hi RL ...
    So sorry you are having to endure this...

    I'm sure you already know, MD Anderson is tops in this area your son is experiencing...
    ..also, there are many survivors on you can see if you poke through just the 1st page of threads...

    ....I lost my Dad and brother the same year to cancer, and then I had to tell my five children ages 2 - 13 I had cancer Base of Tongue Stage III.

    Now I am 8 months past my last radiation and I have been given NED (no evidence of disease) ...there is another guy on here (names Pat, longtermsurvivor is his screen name) and boy has he been through it 3 TIMES, the first time 10 years ago..and guess what, his most recent time was only 7 or 8 months ago and he too is NED!!

    I won't pretend it's not scary and there are no words, I was fortunate that it was me with cancer and not one of my kids, so I won't pretend I can relate...but my heart goes out to you and I whispered a prayer for your son (and all of you his family) right before I hit the post button.

    Keep us posted,


    MEC Claims Another Life

    My son lost his battle with MEC last Wednesday. He had the high grade type. He was only 24. 

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    rlcombs70 said:

    MEC Claims Another Life

    My son lost his battle with MEC last Wednesday. He had the high grade type. He was only 24. 

    so very sorry

    I am sorry or your loss.

    Thoughts and prayers,


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    rlcombs70 said:

    MEC Claims Another Life

    My son lost his battle with MEC last Wednesday. He had the high grade type. He was only 24. 

    So, so sorry

    I cannot even imagine what you are going through.  He was so young.  Thankfully he had his family supporting him throughout.

  • Hummingbird3
    Hummingbird3 Member Posts: 67
    rlcombs70 said:

    MEC Claims Another Life

    My son lost his battle with MEC last Wednesday. He had the high grade type. He was only 24. 

    Prayacres for you and your

    Prayacres for you and your family during this time.  As a mom, i will be lifting you up.

    Wishing you peace at this time,


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    rlcombs70 said:

    MEC Claims Another Life

    My son lost his battle with MEC last Wednesday. He had the high grade type. He was only 24. 

    I am so sorry!

    This truly hurts me to read.  I am very sorry and will keep you in my prayers. 

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    rlcombs70 said:

    MEC Claims Another Life

    My son lost his battle with MEC last Wednesday. He had the high grade type. He was only 24. 

    my heart breaks for you! 

    my heart breaks for you!  keeping u and ur family n my thots and prayers.  God bless you.


  • sin9775
    sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member
    rlcombs70 said:

    MEC Claims Another Life

    My son lost his battle with MEC last Wednesday. He had the high grade type. He was only 24. 

    I am so sorry.

    Words cannot express how extremely sorry I am for your loss.  Prayers going up for you and your family.
