Advice on recovery from vulvar wide local excision



  • Kgillies
    Kgillies Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2020 #42
    jgal said:

    Same Same

    maryg_789 My type of vulval cancer and VIN sound very similar to yours. I am 4 weeks post surgery and still healing. Have also had some stitches break and skin separation which Doc says should heal. She keeps telling me that the area is very forgiving!! Just wondering, now that you are nearly 2 years down the track, how everything has gone for you.


    Me to

    Hi . I was wondering how your healing was in the end. I had the se surgery last Thursday and all my stitches have disolved  already. The part at the bottom Close to the entrance is wide open and the stitches leading up towards the uritha have gone and the wound has seperstedt slightly. I'm so worried is wont heal properly. Did you eventually get any better ? 

  • noodle2020
    noodle2020 Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2020 #43
    post op care

    Hi! I was recently diagnosed with Paget's cancer of the vulva. I will be having a vulvectomy in the next few weeks, once we confirm that the cancer isn't found anywhere else. I know recovery will be uncomfortable, and it is reccommended that you go undie free for a while, but, has anyone tried wearing men's boxer shorts under loose pants when they have to be out and about? I know skirts are better, but it is cold outside, so, no good on the skirts right now!

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,524 Member
    edited December 2020 #44
    noodle, it can be quiet here

    noodle, it can be quiet here but I think you have a very creative idea there!  Maybe you can cut out the crotch area of a pair of leggings so you can just be covering your legs with a skirt?  I am sorry I can't offer you any other advice, but I with you success dear warrior!  You are in my prayers.

  • oh_really
    oh_really Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2020 #45
    Thank You All

    I am 3 days post surgery and feeling all the things; pain, fear, resolve. I am thankful for each and every story posted here. There is so little information available which left me feeling very very tiny and alone. The shared information here is priceless and I will be forever grateful. 

  • 5yearsapart
    5yearsapart Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2020 #46
    Day1 post-op

    just had a wide local excision for squamous cancer. Wondering how long recovery period is? Basically had a partial vulvectomy. 

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,524 Member
    edited December 2020 #47
    oh_really and 5yearsapart, I

    oh_really and 5yearsapart, I am a visitor from the uterine board, and will tell you I cannot imagine what you are going through.  You two seem to be very close in your lines of treatment, both having just had surgery, and I would suggest you two definitely connect.  Sometimes it helps to chat with someone who is experiencing the same thing, and as I think oh_really stated on such little information or others with what you have going on.

    You ladies are in my prayers.

  • Tammys-alterego
    Tammys-alterego Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2021 #48
    Is it still vulva cancer or???

    I am 10 years clear after vulva cancer in 2009...recurred in lymph nodes in 2011. I have a lesion now that is suspicious looking. It looks like my first lesion but has developed from a "radiation errosion" that I've been dealing with since 2009. This new lesion is near my anus where as the first one was near my vagina. The doctor won't biopsy it because I have lichen Schlerosus and "a viable biopsy sample would be near impossible to obtain" due to skin thickening...etc. She wants to excise it and send it to pathology...which is fine because this area cracks and bleeds chronically and with my history, we want to act boldly. I'm just not sure if this is still considered vulva cancer or if it's anal cancer now. Anybody have this experience?

  • depthomp1017
    depthomp1017 Member Posts: 1 *

    I found a lump area 1 Nov 2021 and remember a young 22 yr old girl local had a lump blew it off and now has end stage Vulva cancer terminal. She saved my life. I went to OB/GYN at end of Nov 2021, she put me on 7 days antibiotics to see if infection. Went back took biopsy and came back VIN III. Went to UVA OB GYN Oncologist set-up local wide excision of area Feb 2022. She had to take more than anticipated and still in shock when I look at area because it does not loom anything like normal anatomy. I am 2 weeks post op, still walk very slowly and sitting is a task, no underwear and loose pajamas. I'm just glad was told got everything.

  • Belindasd1955
    Belindasd1955 Member Posts: 13 Member

    WOW...I was going to the gynecologist I just saw for a prolapsed bladder and pap exam. She found what turned out to be VIN high grade 2 on my perineum. Makes me nervous just because it's surgery in a hospital, right? Was it an overnight stay for you? Whereabouts do you live? I'm in Ohio.

  • lauriegb
    lauriegb Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited July 2022 #51

    I am really not used to using these boards. I think you are responding to me?? My surgery for VIN2 w/wide excision of vulva lesion was yesterday 7/25/22. She ended up having two areas to remove. It is outpatient under general anesthesia. Procedure took about 45 mins. I am in Texas. I attached pictures of things I purchased to prepare but maybe I posted it to another conversation. I thought I was sending them to you.

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  • Belindasd1955
    Belindasd1955 Member Posts: 13 Member

    I'm not used to using these either. So, how are you feeling today?

  • lauriegb
    lauriegb Member Posts: 12 Member

    I’m feeling ok. I am taking the pain meds which I usually don’t. It’s just such a weird area! There is a burning and raw feeling. I would definitely see if your surgeon is able to do the CUSA method, which is the laser. I think not having stitches helps. Were you able to locate some of the things I recommended buying? I find the gel pads to be wonderful.

    did you hear anything about your referral? It seemed to take about a week and then to schedule me in another week. The waiting is terrible!

  • Belindasd1955
    Belindasd1955 Member Posts: 13 Member

    I see the surgeon August 15th for an exam, consult, and to schedule surgery. Sounds like it would be better than stitches! Hopefully she can tell me if that's what he can do for me.

    How long from your appointment until the procedure? I'm hoping very soon after. The less time to think about what could be.

  • Evelynlake
    Evelynlake Member Posts: 2 Member


    I hope you are feeling ok, I completely understand how you are feeling. I am from London and I had a wide local excision in May 22 due to VIN3 on my labia, it was day surgery and I was home by the evening. A large area of my vulva and perineum had to be removed. I was in surgery a week after diagnosis. It was a very scary time but I was relieved that it was removed as it was just over the margin. Recovery was 5-6 weeks, I was off work for 4. My advice would be, take it slow, rest and keep the area clean and as dry as possible. I took painkillers and antibiotics every day for a week and after that the pain eased up. Dissolvable stitches were still there on week 5 and swelling went down around week 4. I got the all clear 6 weeks post surgery and it was such a relief. I suffered for two years with the pain and misdiagnosis and I am now free from all of that. I will be checked every three months moving forward. Good luck with your surgery, thinking of you!

  • Belindasd1955
    Belindasd1955 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thank you, I'm looking forward to this being over. I have a friend who, hopefully, has only three or four chemo treatments for breast cancer. It's hard to watch. She's always been so healthy!

  • Belindasd1955
    Belindasd1955 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Two years before getting a proper diagnosis must have been torture. I'm so happy you got the all clear and are getting better each day!