Your Thoughts please

24242 Member Posts: 1,398
edited February 2012 in Breast Cancer #1
You don't see me on this site to much anymore. But believe you me I know where to come to find opinions on things. There isn't a better place where so many can respond so quickly and I too still like to share a few things.

After struggling on and off with my health my Cancer Struggle never seems to stray to far but living in the real world has become a very comfortable thing and after 15 years I finally feel there is allot more of life sure worth living. I get through by just doing and carrying on with the pain and finally quit going to doctors because that my friends was more stressful than ever. I am tired of trying to convince people there are things the matter but I know now I will just live with them.

A dear friend told me this story last night and I guess I am interested in what you all think of this. My friend was born with a birth defect known in 1 in something like 200,000 female babies but she didn't find out until she was 18 and trying to have sex. No channel her body started at hymen. Reconstruction occurred. I knew her then and wow all she had to go through. Well we are now 52 and she has heart trouble not uncommon to people I know but medication and other things haven't worked to kick her heart into proper rhythum. She has been going to chiropractor for a time and he did an altra sound and found that actually she has only one kidney. I almost fell off my chair. Sorry but with all the work she had done your telling me that wouldn't be found? She has been to doctors and had problems through time but what you wouldn't know that? Ok she didn't go to doctors when she was young so her problem not found until way late for period, I get that. Our kidneys are pretty improtant and why I try not to take medication if I can survive without. I sort of wonder why she isn't being studied because through age I wonder what else they will find out.

I decided long ago if the pain gets so bad that I can't function then I will go and at that I will have to think long and hard now. I went to walk in clinic because these pains in upper back got worse over a month and now buckling my knees and that wouldn't be good to have an attack up there on my stilts. Fear of falling exists lolol. The doctor took my palse and listened to heart and sent me to emergency because he couldn't rule out I wasn't having heart attack. Pain Right Side coming into chest now. Ater 12 hours in emerge and 2 doctors later they said I was good to go. I laughed as I had sat in agoney the whole time without any pain meds at all. Then they came with a mit full 4 pills something I would never do since 6 pills is usually the max daily dose. Got rid of head ache but I am in trouble thinking to myself I am passing a stone or someything not my heart. They did a few more tests and ruled out a blood clot and then was going to give me oxycotin for the pain. I refused the meds and said I would rather take methadone than that so gave me percaset which is oxycotin just a different base and I have never taken that either. I cannot believe they hand that s--t out like candy in ER, everyone got a perscription and the doctor was pissed I didn't take one. I decided I can self medicate better than that.

I would have thought with all this technology things would be getting better but I am left with more questions than answers how about you?? Please do NOT TAKE THIS WRONG...
I am very grateful I am alive and beat allot of odds which many more of my sisters haven't had the oppotunity to do. I think of them with my Valentine HEART for they are my SOUL SISTERS for all time.

I too have decided that LOVING OTHERS is more about me than them for if we are not whole we truly don't have allot to give to others. Sharing is so much better.
Keep ON Keeping ON


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    You have to concentrate on the good times
    There is suffering plenty in everyones life. Concentrate on the good and be as happy as you can.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    You have to concentrate on the good times
    There is suffering plenty in everyones life. Concentrate on the good and be as happy as you can.

    No input ... or thoughts with the exception that you
    are such a STRONG Woman/Warrior. Peaceful surroundings I pray for you.

    Gentle hugs ...

    Vicki Sam
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    There is no reason to live
    There is no reason to live with pain in this day and age. Have your Dr. refer you to a pain managment center. My cousin has numerous health issues and her Dr.'s sent her to their pain managment center which helped her immensely. Due to them she was able to cut down on her meds and actually elimanted two of them.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    VickiSam said:

    No input ... or thoughts with the exception that you
    are such a STRONG Woman/Warrior. Peaceful surroundings I pray for you.

    Gentle hugs ...

    Vicki Sam

    Praying for you!Hugs, Leeza
    Praying for you!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    More questions than answers
    Yes doctors are smart. They are also human beings who can make mistakes and overlook things. About your pain. Go to a different doctor who will act on your pain and be sure you find out his philosophy about what to do regarding pain so that you get a good match.
  • angela.barnes38
    angela.barnes38 Member Posts: 15
    You get great support &
    You get great support & advices here. I don’t have any advice! Prayers & hugs for you!
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398

    You get great support &
    You get great support & advices here. I don’t have any advice! Prayers & hugs for you!

    I have been
    I spent years with a pain specialist and yes I liked mine. It took me years to get off medication that caused more side affects something I am sensative to. I spent more than 10 years out of sorts due to the side affects and quite frankly not eager to get back to them.
    Thanks for the your thoughts. I can only hope others are spared the years of pain and discomfort that I have battled through but the only thing I seem to have found that keeps me going is hard physical labor for it keeps me moving and keeps in me in shape.

  • zahalene
    zahalene Member Posts: 670
    24242 said:

    I have been
    I spent years with a pain specialist and yes I liked mine. It took me years to get off medication that caused more side affects something I am sensative to. I spent more than 10 years out of sorts due to the side affects and quite frankly not eager to get back to them.
    Thanks for the your thoughts. I can only hope others are spared the years of pain and discomfort that I have battled through but the only thing I seem to have found that keeps me going is hard physical labor for it keeps me moving and keeps in me in shape.


    Hi Tara!
    Great to see you again, girl. I don't hang out here much these days either, but like you, I never forget my friends here.
    You may recall that I too am a long-term survivor. Over 25 years for me. Breast twice and bone once.
    And, yes, I still have pain issues also. But not so bad that I have considered evaluation or medications....yet. I don't see doctors any more either except for the 'usual' issues that anyone is likely to have from time to time. I decided a long time ago to live as though I had never had cancer, as much as possible.
    Lately my pain is caused by advancing arthritis in hips and spine. I know the time will come when I will have to get medical help for it, but for now I can manage it on my own. I hate medications of all kinds, especailly long term. As you suggested, the side effects were worse than the disease at times.
    I am in a good place now with someone who cares for ME, in spite of my 'breastless' state and other permanent effects of the cancer ordeal. Staying focused on the positive and being thankful for the good times helps me avoid the deep well I was in for so many years.
    Keep the faith ladies. You just never know what tomorrow may bring, and it can hold a wonderful surprise when you least expect it.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    More questions than answers
    Yes doctors are smart. They are also human beings who can make mistakes and overlook things. About your pain. Go to a different doctor who will act on your pain and be sure you find out his philosophy about what to do regarding pain so that you get a good match.

    Positive thoughts, prayers
    Positive thoughts, prayers and infinite hugs!
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    24242 said:

    I have been
    I spent years with a pain specialist and yes I liked mine. It took me years to get off medication that caused more side affects something I am sensative to. I spent more than 10 years out of sorts due to the side affects and quite frankly not eager to get back to them.
    Thanks for the your thoughts. I can only hope others are spared the years of pain and discomfort that I have battled through but the only thing I seem to have found that keeps me going is hard physical labor for it keeps me moving and keeps in me in shape.


    You are in my prayers. Keep
    You are in my prayers. Keep posting to update us.

    Hugs, Debby
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    I wish I had some very wise
    I wish I had some very wise words of wisdom to say to you Tara. All I can offer is my prayers and to just say that this is a wonderful world and I just hope that everyone enjoys it to the utmost. We only get one chance at it.

    ♥ Kristin ♥
  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    Pain Meds

    Glad to hear you are doing it your way. I find it interesting that you won't take pain meds. I guess they must effect you negatively. I for one find no need to be in constant pain if there is something I can take for it. I only take them when I need them, but don't enjoy living in pain. Keep On Keeping ON!
