
Hi All

Thank you everyone for your kindness. This trip has been interesting. The weather has been so nice since it stopped raining the first night. Does not feel like normal Key West weather. That is the good news.

My business meeting has been extended for 60 days. After spending all morning till 6:30 pm yesterday in conference, being told that I have to return so soon is really not so great. Depending on what happens with my tx, I may be able to get a longer postponement. I'll just have to wait and see.

The other news is my mom. She is not doing well. I had tried to get my flights changed to today, but It was not possible. So still am heading home tomorrow. We leave in early afternoon.
I am so concerned for her. I was able to get hospice started today. That gives me a little bit of comfort. All the extra care by people who know what they are doing is really a blessing.

Please keep her in your prayers.
Thank you all so much.
I will keep you updated as I can.


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Prayers for your mom
    As if you did not already have enough on your plate! Well, the hospice workers of my experience are absolutely wonderful, caring people. They really ease the day to day stresses. Prayers ascending.
  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    You're in my thoughts
    Hi Lisha,

    Sorry you are overloaded here lately.
    Your mother and you/yours are in my thoughts.

    I'm hanging in there myself - have had a few low days
    which I suppose is to be expected.

    Big hugs,

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    So sorry...
    Hi Lisha,
    Sorry your mom is not doing any better. It's so much to deal with on top of everything else you are going through. Being away from home and your mom keeps your stress level high, so I'm glad you are headed back home today. Hang in there dear friend and let us know when you are safely home again. My thoughts and prayers are of course with you. Much love...Sue
  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    Hi Lisha
    Hi Lisha,
    I've been praying for you and your mom! I've asked God that he gives you enough strength to handle everything that you're going through! I'm sorry that your mom is not well and that you are suffering. I wish that you wouldn't have to go through it...
    Take care of yourself! (((HUGS)))
