finally............... made a decision!

jphilpo Member Posts: 177
Hi all,

After dealing with side effects, femara, then tamoxifen and several surgeries ,chemo, rad & diep flapetc... I finally made a decision to ask for help. I suffer from chronic joint pain, night sweats and fatigue. I work in an elementary school as a reading teacher and it has been so hard! Pain is always there and I get sick alot! The school nurse is my best friend and encouraged me to contact HR about time off. I did and was so relieved! I decided to take 1 day off a week on a "as needed basis" . They told me because of the laws about cancer survivors it is no problem. My principal has been wonderful too.

I guess what I am trying to say is that sometimes, we have to give in and ask for help. I have been struggling with these pain issues for so long, and now I can breathe easier knowing that I won't be judged for taking a day off here or there. As we all know , breast cancer doesn't end with our last treatments. I didn't know that!

So... ask for help if you need it. I learned there is help if you ask,
Best wishes to you all,



  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    Hi Jean
    I am so happy you reached out and have such understanding co-workers and supervisors. Now, with an eased conscience, you will be able to take a day or two off and not feel guilty (which you shouldn't, but I was the same way when I was working). That one or two days can make all the difference enabling you to rest, re-energize and feel better.

    You're right in saying that breast cancer doesn't end with our last treatments. I was surprised to find out how many people don't know that.

    Take good care and hope you are feeling better with your new "schedule."

    Hugs, Renee
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    none of us want to ask or
    none of us want to ask or have to ask..but there comes a time when we must..

    when people offer me anything..I say to them.."ARE YOU sure" cuz I will take you up on your offer...and I have many times in past years..

  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    I am so glad you finally
    I am so glad you finally asked for help,there's an old saying ask and ye shall res eave some times we just need to put our pride aside.No Breast Cancer does not stop when treatment stops we have many side affects for some times years after it takes a toll on our body's and mind.get the rest when you need it.

    Hugs Frankie
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    missrenee said:

    Hi Jean
    I am so happy you reached out and have such understanding co-workers and supervisors. Now, with an eased conscience, you will be able to take a day or two off and not feel guilty (which you shouldn't, but I was the same way when I was working). That one or two days can make all the difference enabling you to rest, re-energize and feel better.

    You're right in saying that breast cancer doesn't end with our last treatments. I was surprised to find out how many people don't know that.

    Take good care and hope you are feeling better with your new "schedule."

    Hugs, Renee

    That's great Jean that you
    That's great Jean that you did ask for help. I think sometimes we all try to be so strong that we hate to ask for it when we should.

    Good luck to you!