Interesting vegan reading.

Nana b
Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
I went off my supplements and juicing since early November. I am back on them! It's the only thing I changed and my liver met us growing. Time for me to get back to my Tumeric and others.


  • toyfox
    toyfox Member Posts: 158 Member
    vegan reading
    Thanks for the information. We are already follow most of
    of the guidelines in the article...nice to get information
    from additional sources.
    My husband says he is feeling better than he has in a long time.
    Take care....Linda
  • plh4gail
    plh4gail Member Posts: 1,238 Member
    Thanks Raquel...I love and
    Thanks Raquel...I love and appreciate all the info! I have gone back to the gym (amazed at how weak I really am). And still keeping up with following the advice from you, Lisa, Lisa, and Emily. I'm thinking of looking for something more now. Hmm...what. Naturopath?...

    Love ya buddy!