Good News Lu

sangora Member Posts: 213
Just got home from my big day at the cancer center. Got there at 8am and left at 4:15pm. Anyway, before my treatment I had a meeting with my oncologist to hear the results of the CT scan and my other lab work to include tumor marker. The CT shows continued no spread, the area in the liver is 50% reduced from 8 weeks ago and my tumor marker is steady at 4.6 and is in normal range for this test. The mass in the esopogus is slightly reduced and she feels at this point slightly may be as good as it gets. I'm happy as long as it isn't growing and thus spreading. I have had 7 cycles of taxatere and have gone a total of 13 months without a chemo holiday. I was doing chemo while on vacation last summer. SOOO I have now been put on a chemo break, the length to be determined by future CT scans and the Tumor marker trend. I know I have 8 weeks, because that is when the next CT scan is planned. If that one shows no change from the one last week, I can stay on holiday an additional 4 weeks and so on til the cancer begins to move. I am sooo excited. If I only get my first 8 weeks I am thrilled, any additional is a true gift as is my surviving past the first 4-6 months. That was my assumed bite the bullet time frame. I have had some real issues with this drug, but now I am pleased to say that it has been worth every bump in the road. I titled this to Lu because we have been on the same protocol from the beginning. Sam Stage IV


  • MissusB
    MissusB Member Posts: 111
    Wonderful news, Sam!
    Thanks so much for sharing. I needed some cheer today and you provided it. Prayers to you - Kim
  • fredswilma
    fredswilma Member Posts: 185
    Fantastic news, enjoy your Chemo holiday.
  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Great news Sam. Praying the
    Great news Sam. Praying the chemo will get a little easier.
  • Callaloo
    Callaloo Member Posts: 135
    Thanks for the good news
    Any good news is a gift. I hope you enjoy your chemo holiday with something fun.

    I'm half-way through my chemo -- doc ordered 6 treatments. How many did you have? I have a CT scan scheduled this Thursday, but I'm thinking of canceling and waiting til after my 4th treatment. I'm developing an intolerance for the scan contrast chemicals, so that I really want to do fewer scans.

    Besides, I've got a big Chinese New Years dinner party on Saturday and don't want the chance of getting sick like I did with my last CT.

    So Gung Hay Fat Choy (Happy New Year) to everyone, and especially to you Sam, who has been an inspiration to me since you started posting.

  • sangora
    sangora Member Posts: 213
    Callaloo said:

    Thanks for the good news
    Any good news is a gift. I hope you enjoy your chemo holiday with something fun.

    I'm half-way through my chemo -- doc ordered 6 treatments. How many did you have? I have a CT scan scheduled this Thursday, but I'm thinking of canceling and waiting til after my 4th treatment. I'm developing an intolerance for the scan contrast chemicals, so that I really want to do fewer scans.

    Besides, I've got a big Chinese New Years dinner party on Saturday and don't want the chance of getting sick like I did with my last CT.

    So Gung Hay Fat Choy (Happy New Year) to everyone, and especially to you Sam, who has been an inspiration to me since you started posting.


    I had seven cycles. The biggest thing is that I went straight from Xeloda to Taxatere, no break. I am learning that 13 months is a long time without a breather. I too am beginning to have some reaction to the dye. My reactions are the usual during the actual scan.The first 6 or 8 I had no hot flashes or any of the other expected things. Now I get the heat rush, feeling that I need to potty and my face turns red. Within an hour all that is gone. I thought it was just me. Have a great party. Sam StageIV P.S. Thank you, I am humbled by your last sentence.
  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493
    sangora said:

    I had seven cycles. The biggest thing is that I went straight from Xeloda to Taxatere, no break. I am learning that 13 months is a long time without a breather. I too am beginning to have some reaction to the dye. My reactions are the usual during the actual scan.The first 6 or 8 I had no hot flashes or any of the other expected things. Now I get the heat rush, feeling that I need to potty and my face turns red. Within an hour all that is gone. I thought it was just me. Have a great party. Sam StageIV P.S. Thank you, I am humbled by your last sentence.

    Thanks for sharing your good
    Thanks for sharing your good news! And enjoy the break!
  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Great News!!!

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful news. With so many new Stage IV's joining the group lately it is great to hear good news and good results from another Stage IV. May you have a super chemo break!

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Enjoy your break, Sam!
    This is wonderful news :) I'm so very glad that you finally get a break after 13 months straight.

    Please do something for you, something enjoyable, during your break!

  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    TerryV said:

    Enjoy your break, Sam!
    This is wonderful news :) I'm so very glad that you finally get a break after 13 months straight.

    Please do something for you, something enjoyable, during your break!


    Glad to hear your good news!!
    Hi Sam,
    So good to hear your good news and happy that the scan results were so good, no spread is good news at this point. Just wanted to add that I get that hot feeling and feeling like I am going potty every time I get the scan. I would say as long as it goes away it is alright, also sometimes have dumping afterwards. Ask the dr, it may be considered normal. take care and happy to see you Lu posting too. You two give all of us hope as we may be in your shoes and I try to explain to my hubby that if EC shows up again, I still might have more time and life left. Thanks to you both!! take care,
  • NikiMo
    NikiMo Member Posts: 342

    You are my hero, I respect your courage and true grit!! Keep up that positive attitude, and have some fun on your chemo break.

  • bonitoweiy282
    bonitoweiy282 Member Posts: 8
    Thanks for sharing your good
    Thanks for sharing your good news! - smoking and high blood pressure | dehydration and blood pressure Smoking causes an acute increase plasma ACTH, cortisol, aldosterone, and catecholamine levels which can in turn lead to indirect elevation of blood pressure. Each time a cigarette is smoked there is an acute rise in blood pressure. Further more studies have shown that smoking interferes with the metabolism of multiple anti-hypertensive medications.