A sad day



  • Glv49
    Glv49 Member Posts: 206 Member
    Please stay strong
    Hi Lisa,

    I don't get on here very often anymore but do sneak on here sometimes, I have been following your journey as my hubby also had mets on his liver and lungs, he had a resection in 08 but they returned he is now on the xeloda pill, and scans next week... Please Lisa stay strong .. I am keeping you and your family in my prayers.. miracles do happen.

  • P_I_T_A
    P_I_T_A Member Posts: 133
    Don't know what to say
    I haven't been on the site in what seems like forever and this is what start off reading? I will be praying for you and your family. Hopefully you know just how many people you've touched and helped through this discussion board. Being that I am post #82 on this thread it should be self explanatory. I want to thank you for helping me deal with the toughest thing I've ever dealt with in my life.

  • sharpy102
    sharpy102 Member Posts: 368 Member
    Dear Lisa:

    I have been postponing the reply to you...I don't know what to write. I'm devastated! I am shocked. I am angry (at cancer). I don't know what to say...I just don't find the words...and I just don't want to believe or accept it. I guess I can only say for now, stay strong, and take advantage of every minute you can with your children and your husband. And although we never met in person, but you are one of the very few people who made my life better, and helped me to be a better person! I'll think of you and hope to hear how miracle decides to show up!
    Hugs to you and your family!
    - Sophie
  • Livingbyfaith
    Livingbyfaith Member Posts: 55
    I read your site and found
    I read your site and found what great advice you gave, time to take this for yousef. Keep searching for another opinion. I will be praying for you.
    Be your own advocate & do not just blindly follow and believe only what your one oncologist tells you. Seek out 2nd, 3rd, even 4th opinions from both oncologists and surgeons. Never give up, even if you're told "this is it"- different doctors have different ideas and opinions. Find one who is more positive if you're dealing with someone who gives you the doom and gloom story. Also, I recently (starting in Feb 2011) sought out the advice and help of a naturopathic dr to work with me along with my oncologist. Finding ways to make the body detox and grow healthier can only be good & I am hopeful that it will help my cancer go away too (or support my immune system during chemo, at the very least- my nurses already have commented "your blood counts are great- keep up whatever you're doing!".
    Stay strong! (not only physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually).
  • soccermom13
    soccermom13 Member Posts: 224
    hugging from afar
    I haven't been on in quite a while and just wanted to check in. I am so very sorry that things have taken a different turn in this journey for you. Please know that you were one of the first to respond to me when I joined this board and I have appreciated your kind thoughts. You have put up an amazing fight and I know that the good Lord is wrapping you in his arms. Love you! Many hugs to you.
  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    Our thoughts and prayers are
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you Lisa! I personally want to thank you for all of your encouragement to me during my pain of chemo, etc...

    Best Always, mike
  • impactzone
    impactzone Member Posts: 555 Member
    love you so much....

    love you so much....
  • Carl_Renee
    Carl_Renee Member Posts: 84
    Reading this made me cry. Doesn't seem to take much anymore, but having kids still at home myself I know the pain of telling them when bad news comes in. I never know which is worse the pain of whats going on or the pain of telling them:(

    Many comforting prayers to you and your loved one

  • seek@light
    seek@light Member Posts: 26
    oh no
    I am always trying to hold my emotion. I failed this time. Lisa, you were the first one to answer my very first thread and gave me a lot of encouragement.

    This sad news breaks my heart.

    HUG and LOVE!

  • merrysmom
    merrysmom Member Posts: 51

    oh no
    I am always trying to hold my emotion. I failed this time. Lisa, you were the first one to answer my very first thread and gave me a lot of encouragement.

    This sad news breaks my heart.

    HUG and LOVE!


    Dearest Lisa
    I read your posting the first day it came out and I cried. I could not find the words to express what you mean to me. My first posting you responded and gave me hope. I know right now you are walking through the valley, just remember His rod and His staff protect you. He is by your side and your families side. He can bring you out of that valley. I am praying for you and your family. God bless you for who you are and your incredible testimony. God bless you Lisa and may he keep you in the palm of his hand. Tons of love and prayers, barb
  • krystiesq
    krystiesq Member Posts: 240 Member
    my heart breaks
    Lisa- I've followed your story for a long time now and you are without a doubt the bravest person I have ever had the opportunity to know on this board. Even though the extent of "know" is reading your posts and checking in to see what Lisa42 has posted. I admire your strength and bravery. I am praying for you and your family and from a daughter's perspective that had a mother with this disease, I can only hope to be as brave as my mom was.