"The Chemotherapy Survival Guide"

Ladies, I wanted to share with you a truly excellent guide book that a family member sent to me when I approached my first chemo session back in 2009. I attended the pre-chemo class that my doctor had me attend. Maybe because of the state of shock I was in, I came away still overwhelmed and confused...it was all so new and scary. But then this book came into my life and I still refer to it when any questions or issues concerning my treatment and challenges arise. It addresses ALL aspects of this disease. It is written in layman's terms and very comprehensive. A true answer to alleviate some of my anxiety. It is written by two OCN nurses. I would highly recommend it. Again, this is only my humble opinion but it certainly has helped me.<--break-->Title: The Chemotherapy Survival Guide, Third Edition"<--break-->
Authors: Judith McKay, RN, OCN & Tamera Schacher, RN, OCN, MSN
If it helps one person, then it was worth the posting. Love to all who are on this journey.
Texan By Choice