I don't understand!

My dad has diffuse large b-cell lymphoma stage 4 and he had a clean pet scan in November 2011. Now only two months later after his last treatment and petscan the cancer is there and spread across his throat and chest. I am so sad and terrified. He has to go to a different hospital to start a different intense chemo treatment that lasts 4 days in the hospital(I don't know what the treatment is called yet. I just don't understand how doctors could say it was gone and now its back. Has anyone had this happen where rchop didn't work and another type of chemo responded.Please pray for my dad! P.s. him throwing up the other day was the stomach flu. My kids just got over it too. Lasts a day or two.


  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    So Sorry !!!
    I am so sorry something like this has happened. I have never heard of anything like that happening. Makes me wonder if something was maybe wrong with the scanner. I just do not know. I hope all turns out OK. Please keep us informed to what happene. John
  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    I'm really sorry
    I'm really sorry that you're dad is going through all of this, and not just him but you and your family. I'm going to keep your dad in my prayers! Please take care of yourself and your dad!

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    While it is sad to hear this news, there is always hope. I relapsed immediately after chemo, and many types of aggressive lymphoma do exactly this. I most strongly recommend a second opinion on both diagnosis and treatment, as a single pathologist or doctor can easily miss, or misinterpret something. My first pathology report did not even see cancer, and my first oncologist thought I had a virus. Please ask dad to travel if necessary to a large regional cancer center with extensive experience in DLBCL. A second opinion saved my life. Prayers ascending on his behalf.
  • trustinJesus
    trustinJesus Member Posts: 59
    po18guy said:

    While it is sad to hear this news, there is always hope. I relapsed immediately after chemo, and many types of aggressive lymphoma do exactly this. I most strongly recommend a second opinion on both diagnosis and treatment, as a single pathologist or doctor can easily miss, or misinterpret something. My first pathology report did not even see cancer, and my first oncologist thought I had a virus. Please ask dad to travel if necessary to a large regional cancer center with extensive experience in DLBCL. A second opinion saved my life. Prayers ascending on his behalf.

    What treatment worked for you?
    Time is of the essence. What treatment worked for you? My dad goes to the hospital this Tuesday to start r-dhap treatment for 6 months and then possibly stem cell transplant. His also relapsed immediately. Please respond to my message. I'm worried sick.
  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    What treatment worked for you?
    Time is of the essence. What treatment worked for you? My dad goes to the hospital this Tuesday to start r-dhap treatment for 6 months and then possibly stem cell transplant. His also relapsed immediately. Please respond to my message. I'm worried sick.

    I had a different type
    My lymphoma was a T cell and not a B cell type. They respond to different combinations of drugs. The mix that I got might not even work for someone else with the exact same sub-type that I had. I was blessed that doctor essentially aimed at a moving target with his eyes closed and hit it. As far as treatment goes, a second opinion might really help right now. Is there a clinical trial available?

    If you trust in Jesus, and I know you do, turn to Him for your help. What I am about to say is rather difficult to hear, but when I let go of any claim I had to my life, and turned it completely over to God, He gave it back to me. He was waiting for me to let go and trust Him. It is as much a matter of faith as it is of medicine.
  • trustinJesus
    trustinJesus Member Posts: 59
    po18guy said:

    I had a different type
    My lymphoma was a T cell and not a B cell type. They respond to different combinations of drugs. The mix that I got might not even work for someone else with the exact same sub-type that I had. I was blessed that doctor essentially aimed at a moving target with his eyes closed and hit it. As far as treatment goes, a second opinion might really help right now. Is there a clinical trial available?

    If you trust in Jesus, and I know you do, turn to Him for your help. What I am about to say is rather difficult to hear, but when I let go of any claim I had to my life, and turned it completely over to God, He gave it back to me. He was waiting for me to let go and trust Him. It is as much a matter of faith as it is of medicine.

    For some reason I thought you had the same type of cancer. Thanks for the info. I know that I need to put my faith in the Lord. I know I need to leave all my worries to him, but it is hard. My dad pushed his treatment back until next Monday. I don't like the idea of that. It seems like he gets worse daily. I'm trying to get my mom to change his diet and go to church. Did you radically change your diet? I feel like this is so important, but of course faith is the most important thing to have.
  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    For some reason I thought you had the same type of cancer. Thanks for the info. I know that I need to put my faith in the Lord. I know I need to leave all my worries to him, but it is hard. My dad pushed his treatment back until next Monday. I don't like the idea of that. It seems like he gets worse daily. I'm trying to get my mom to change his diet and go to church. Did you radically change your diet? I feel like this is so important, but of course faith is the most important thing to have.

    I tried to eat the same
    A co-worker who beat pancreatic cancer in 1982 did so partially because he forced himself to eat normal amounts of normal food. I remembered that, as virtually no one triumphed over pancreatic cancer in those days. So, when I received my diagnosis, I knew that eating was as important as it had ever been - more so in cases of a high tumor load. I ate as much as I could, although the taste change and later anorexia from treatment made that difficult.

    Many try to starve tumors and restrict sugar intake in an attempt to limit energy that the cancer uses for cloning itself. However, the cancer lives off of the same nutrients found in the same blood that the rest of the body uses to remain alive. Starve the tumor, starve the body. Keep dad's appetite up. If he is to receive prednisone, that will not be a problem, as prednisone is a strong appetite stimulant. He will be eating like crazy if that is the case.

    The point is to keep his food intake up consistently. There is probably a nutritionist at the center where he receives treatment. A visit to that office would be a good idea, as some foods will no longer appeal to dad, and viable substitutes need to be found. Good overall nutrition is best, simply to support the body through the assault that chemotherapy amounts to.
  • jhale17
    jhale17 Member Posts: 9
    This happens
    I have this same cancer and now in treatment for the forth occurance. I started with CHOP in 2000, RICE in 2004. In 2007 I had two salvage chemos of EPOCH+R and then Zevalin a radioactive targeted radiation injection. Today, I am under treatment with a new chomo Treanda+R (not sure of spelling.)

    The initial three occurances gave me remission. A peroid of time where no cancer was seen by the scans or blood work. Understand I was not cured. However, each of those earlier treatment may me feel like I was cured.

    I had a CT/PET scan a few months ago that showed no cancer. A few weeks ago I had to go to ER to find it was back. In treament again I have a chance for remission.

    There are a lot of different treatments for this cancer. Please be pateint as the doctors will re-stage your Dad a determine what is best for him.

    I just now registered for this site and here you are, someone I can share with. I hope this helps.
  • trustinJesus
    trustinJesus Member Posts: 59
    jhale17 said:

    This happens
    I have this same cancer and now in treatment for the forth occurance. I started with CHOP in 2000, RICE in 2004. In 2007 I had two salvage chemos of EPOCH+R and then Zevalin a radioactive targeted radiation injection. Today, I am under treatment with a new chomo Treanda+R (not sure of spelling.)

    The initial three occurances gave me remission. A peroid of time where no cancer was seen by the scans or blood work. Understand I was not cured. However, each of those earlier treatment may me feel like I was cured.

    I had a CT/PET scan a few months ago that showed no cancer. A few weeks ago I had to go to ER to find it was back. In treament again I have a chance for remission.

    There are a lot of different treatments for this cancer. Please be pateint as the doctors will re-stage your Dad a determine what is best for him.

    I just now registered for this site and here you are, someone I can share with. I hope this helps.

    Its good to hear there are alot of different options when relapses occur. My dad goes to the doctor tomorrow to discuss what the next step is. His doctor wanted to start treatment the next day and my dad pushed it back. He is scared to go to the hospital. My uncle (his brother 59 years old) just passed away May 2011 from bladder cancer. Lately, we have had alot of trials, but it has made me a stronger Christian. Pray! I'll be praying for you also.