Brain MRI on Monday

camul Member Posts: 2,537
Shouldn't need the bus, have the boys going with me, followed by lunch. Results should be posted by the time we get home! I am good with MRI to rule out mets.

Good news is UTI has cleared, no protein and only trace of blood. Good news following bladder resection 2 years ago for tumors.

Have been sleeping so much (some days 20 hours), but onco said it is because my body needs it. I am on Navelbene every week for 3 weeks 1 week off and Herceptin every week with no breaks, then on the week with no navelbene I have xgeva shot for the bones. I was borderline for her2 with the bone biopsy with the mets, and since other chemos have not slowed the tumors, I am being treated now as triple positive. Can't hurt.

Onco thinks extreme fatigue is combo of cancer/Navelbene. But it is wiping me out. He told me to quit fighting sleep, my body needs it to fight the cancer. Of course I have it in my head that if I give in to sleep I am giving in to the cancer. I sit down and fall asleep or lay down for an hour and wake up 10 hours later, get something to eat and go back to sleep til morning. Sometimes I just think that I am giving up precious time sleeping. Once in a while I feel okay and then I do all that I can!

So I signed up to take a ceramics class once a week for 2 hours for fun (on chemo day, figured may as well put the steroid hype to use). I can work on some of it at home at my own pace. It is through the community and I always wanted to do this but never had the time. Next week a very good friend from SO CA is doing a 4 day visit. She is not expecting a sightseeing trip, just wants to spend time with me, so it is without pressure just fun!

Thanks for listening, this whole process is draining sometimes! But I won't give up the fight!



  • Nana C.
    Nana C. Member Posts: 108
    I had a hard time giving in to sleep too!
    I don't know why, but after I was told I had cancer, I never wanted to sleep either! I felt like I did not want to waste time sleeping. Have gotten better, but so much as you can see what time I am postin this. Good luck to you with your new treatment and will be praying for good results from MRI.

    Hugs and prayers!
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Nana C. said:

    I had a hard time giving in to sleep too!
    I don't know why, but after I was told I had cancer, I never wanted to sleep either! I felt like I did not want to waste time sleeping. Have gotten better, but so much as you can see what time I am postin this. Good luck to you with your new treatment and will be praying for good results from MRI.

    Hugs and prayers!

    Hoping and praying for good
    Hoping and praying for good results on the MRI!

    Hugs, Angie
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    Angie2U said:

    Hoping and praying for good
    Hoping and praying for good results on the MRI!

    Hugs, Angie

    I'll be with you in spirit, Carol
    and in prayer. Hoping and praying for the best results on the MRI. Glad those boys will be with you.

    Hugs, Renee
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    missrenee said:

    I'll be with you in spirit, Carol
    and in prayer. Hoping and praying for the best results on the MRI. Glad those boys will be with you.

    Hugs, Renee

    Keep us posted....
    Even though the boys are going with you, I think we'll sneak on the bus and just follow you all...if we get loud and obnoxious you can always pretend you have no idea who that bunch of wild and crazy women are....we're all rooting for you, Carol....

    Hugs and best know we care, deeply...
  • epark
    epark Member Posts: 339
    MAJW said:

    Keep us posted....
    Even though the boys are going with you, I think we'll sneak on the bus and just follow you all...if we get loud and obnoxious you can always pretend you have no idea who that bunch of wild and crazy women are....we're all rooting for you, Carol....

    Hugs and best know we care, deeply...

    Carol I will be with you in
    Carol I will be with you in though and spirit...praying for a good MRI result...give in to sleep your poor body is exhausted and needs it listen to your dr.....please keep us posted....

    Take care and God bless
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    MAJW said:

    Keep us posted....
    Even though the boys are going with you, I think we'll sneak on the bus and just follow you all...if we get loud and obnoxious you can always pretend you have no idea who that bunch of wild and crazy women are....we're all rooting for you, Carol....

    Hugs and best know we care, deeply...

    Thanks everyone
    I just think it has to be good results! We already know that I have lesions on my brain, but that was found b4 the bc returned and is believed to be possibly Parkinson's (I get the head ticks and arms, etc), but the bc came back with a bang and we decided that there was not point in treating something that else that by the time that it caused real issues, the bc would have already done its thing. I had a brain MRI in April that showed other changes in the white matter in my brain but it was not showing as cancer so we decided to do a wait and see.... so that is what this is, the wait and see.

    But I will just smile if it gets pretty loud in there and only I will know the reason why!

    Thanks everyone.

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    epark said:

    Carol I will be with you in
    Carol I will be with you in though and spirit...praying for a good MRI result...give in to sleep your poor body is exhausted and needs it listen to your dr.....please keep us posted....

    Take care and God bless

    Thanks Eva,
    I am trying hard to let myself sleep, but it is not easy. I will keep everyone posted on the MRI. It just seems like it is always something. But I am not doing another PET or Bone scan for a while, I don't think I want to know anymore at this point:))

    Thanks again,
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    camul said:

    Thanks everyone
    I just think it has to be good results! We already know that I have lesions on my brain, but that was found b4 the bc returned and is believed to be possibly Parkinson's (I get the head ticks and arms, etc), but the bc came back with a bang and we decided that there was not point in treating something that else that by the time that it caused real issues, the bc would have already done its thing. I had a brain MRI in April that showed other changes in the white matter in my brain but it was not showing as cancer so we decided to do a wait and see.... so that is what this is, the wait and see.

    But I will just smile if it gets pretty loud in there and only I will know the reason why!

    Thanks everyone.


    Your body needs the rest to heal. I guess the only way it knows how to do that is to sleep. Hard to give in to, I'm sure. Maybe you can sleep through the MRI! If Nancy gassed up the bus and is accompanying you anyway, I hope it swings by my place. It will be difficult to hide the doggone thing, so if anyone asks what the heck we're doing there, you'll have to explain.

    My very best wishes, hopes, and prayers for you.

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Your body needs the rest to heal. I guess the only way it knows how to do that is to sleep. Hard to give in to, I'm sure. Maybe you can sleep through the MRI! If Nancy gassed up the bus and is accompanying you anyway, I hope it swings by my place. It will be difficult to hide the doggone thing, so if anyone asks what the heck we're doing there, you'll have to explain.

    My very best wishes, hopes, and prayers for you.


    I am sneaking on the bus too
    I am sneaking on the bus too and awaiting your results. Your body is going through so much, I get it it I feel that sense of urgency but am so glad you are going to take the class and do something you enjoy. the other day I slept until 12, I felt bad and my husband said "you must have needed it" Listen to your body it is telling you what it needs. HUGS
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    carkris said:

    I am sneaking on the bus too
    I am sneaking on the bus too and awaiting your results. Your body is going through so much, I get it it I feel that sense of urgency but am so glad you are going to take the class and do something you enjoy. the other day I slept until 12, I felt bad and my husband said "you must have needed it" Listen to your body it is telling you what it needs. HUGS

    Carol ...
    I'll be with you in thoughts and prayers. Hoping our PINK Bus makes a stop off here in
    California --- otherwise, I will have fly via Alaska Airlines to be there to support you.

    Where are we going for lunch? I hope your boys don't mind a group of sassy, spunky,
    and rambunctious -- Sisters in PINK joining you for lunch.

    Sleep when you can, so you body can heal itself and regenerate cells, muscle and energy.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • gami43
    gami43 Member Posts: 281
    VickiSam said:

    Carol ...
    I'll be with you in thoughts and prayers. Hoping our PINK Bus makes a stop off here in
    California --- otherwise, I will have fly via Alaska Airlines to be there to support you.

    Where are we going for lunch? I hope your boys don't mind a group of sassy, spunky,
    and rambunctious -- Sisters in PINK joining you for lunch.

    Sleep when you can, so you body can heal itself and regenerate cells, muscle and energy.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam

    Hoping and praying for a
    Hoping and praying for a good MRI for you Carol; my thoughts will
    certainly be with you. God bless. Love and a great big hug!

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    camul said:

    Thanks Eva,
    I am trying hard to let myself sleep, but it is not easy. I will keep everyone posted on the MRI. It just seems like it is always something. But I am not doing another PET or Bone scan for a while, I don't think I want to know anymore at this point:))

    Thanks again,

    You have got my prayers
    You have got my prayers Carol for good results on your MRI!

    Hugs, Kylez
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    carkris said:

    I am sneaking on the bus too
    I am sneaking on the bus too and awaiting your results. Your body is going through so much, I get it it I feel that sense of urgency but am so glad you are going to take the class and do something you enjoy. the other day I slept until 12, I felt bad and my husband said "you must have needed it" Listen to your body it is telling you what it needs. HUGS

    Hoping and praying for good
    Hoping and praying for good news from you on Monday.

    Hugs, Jan
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Bus or no bus, you have my prayers.