new diagnosis....

belovid1 Member Posts: 2
My name is karen, and I am 40 yrs old, married with three children, josh is 19yrs, gabriel is 5 yrs and emily is 2. I have been diagnosed with breast cancer, a 7cm tumor and two satalite tumors approx 2cm and possible lymph node on the right, and a small tumor on the left. My ca 15-3 is 81. I have mri and ct scan tomorrow, biopsys and bone pet scan on thursday. I am scared!


  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    Welcome to this board
    I am sorry for the reason you need to be here but glad you found us. You will get a lot of support and information from all of the pink sisters here. Being scared is a normal reaction that I think all of us have had. You will probably have a lot of questions that you can get help with from us.
    Just remember You Can Do This!

  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    We are the group no one wants to join, but we are the best group of support you will ever find. It is natural to be scared. I have three children as well, 19, 15 and 13. I was first diagnosed in 2003 and had a recurrance in 2009. You can beat this girlfriend. Take it one day at a time. Make sure you take someone with you to the doctors when you get the results of all your tests, aske them to take notes. You will be overwhelmed and not remember a thing so it is a good idea. I wish you the best and anytime you need us we are here. I can always be private messaged too. God Bless and Positivity.

  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Pathology reports
    Get a copy of your pathology report if you have not already done so. It sounds like you have already done so as you said "my ca is 15-3 is 81." And this sounds like doctor speak. I had a 6.6cm tumor at it's largest dimension. I was lucky as my pathologist goes to my church and so I could also have asked her any questions I might not have grasped had I not understood enough when speaking to the doctor. Do you know if your cancer is an estrogen, progesterone, HER2 or Triple Negative? Sometimes it can be a combination of a couple of these too.

    My children are grown but I have grandchildren. I have always had a strong influence on the grandchildren so yes it was scarry. They have taken the news well. I adjusted how I told them according to thier age. Many of us pray for each other on this board so just ask for prayer if you need it.
  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    Hi Karen,sorry you had to
    Hi Karen,sorry you had to find this site,but you will get lots of support from the ladies on here as there is sure to be some one with the same cancer as you and can answer most questions for you.I know your scared have Strength,Courage and Hope.Make sure you take some one with you tomorrow to help with all the info as your brain is not going to be able to proses every think they tell you.I hope you have good support from your family.Hugs Frankie
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    It's a scary ride Karen
    but we are all on it with you. As time progresses, you are
    going to find so much support and information on this board,
    you are not alone.
    Once the initial shock settles in, you will get a crash course
    in cancer and a game plan for your treatment. This will all help
    ease the anxiety and shift your focus from fear to healing. Arm
    yourself with as much information as you can, I found it is easier
    if you take an active role in your treatment. You will be surprised
    to see just how many women are battling alongside of you. I am glad
    you found this board it played a big role in my healing process.
    Feel free to come here anytime with questions, concerns or thoughts
    you may have.

  • belovid1
    belovid1 Member Posts: 2
    Thank you everyone for the
    Thank you everyone for the support. I had the ct scan of chest and abdomen as wll as the breast mri today. I will not have results back until next wed, I have biopsys tomorrow of both sides, and a bone scan if they can fit it in. Next wed I meet first with the onocologist and then the surgeon. I do not know what type of tumors they are, just that it is cancer. We are in the information gathering stage, or as i call it, the information overload stage! I am glad I found all of you, ish it was under better circumstances. I live in Olympia, wa, anyone else? I am also a wound care nurse for a home health agency.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    belovid1 said:

    Thank you everyone for the
    Thank you everyone for the support. I had the ct scan of chest and abdomen as wll as the breast mri today. I will not have results back until next wed, I have biopsys tomorrow of both sides, and a bone scan if they can fit it in. Next wed I meet first with the onocologist and then the surgeon. I do not know what type of tumors they are, just that it is cancer. We are in the information gathering stage, or as i call it, the information overload stage! I am glad I found all of you, ish it was under better circumstances. I live in Olympia, wa, anyone else? I am also a wound care nurse for a home health agency.

    Used to on Whidbey
    Lived on Whidbey Island for 10 years. Hubby was stationed at NAS Whidbey 2 different times and Son lives in Woodland now. We're in the Black Hills.
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    Rague said:

    Used to on Whidbey
    Lived on Whidbey Island for 10 years. Hubby was stationed at NAS Whidbey 2 different times and Son lives in Woodland now. We're in the Black Hills.

    My dear my heart goes out to you and all the other newbies going through this "just finding out" stage. We all know what you are going through, all the tests, questions, worries and concerns. I can only tell you that you have found a great source for support right here on this board. A year ago I was in your shoes, now I am happy to say I am in remission. The tunnel looks dark and dismal right now, but if you look real hard you can see us holding flashlights on the other end guiding you through it. Reach out to us when you need it and ask a million questions. We don't mind...

    Wishing you nothing but great results along the way...
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member

    Hi Karen,sorry you had to
    Hi Karen,sorry you had to find this site,but you will get lots of support from the ladies on here as there is sure to be some one with the same cancer as you and can answer most questions for you.I know your scared have Strength,Courage and Hope.Make sure you take some one with you tomorrow to help with all the info as your brain is not going to be able to proses every think they tell you.I hope you have good support from your family.Hugs Frankie

    Welcome Karen to the best
    Welcome Karen to the best site! You will find lots of support here. I want to wish you good luck with your tests.

    Hugs, Debby