what's been happening with me

antcat Member Posts: 270
Hi haven't been on in a while. Had some problems and have been on Alimta now going into my 3rd cycle. Been really hard on my blood counts and had to get a blood transfusion recently so my 3rd chemo was put on hold. Hopefully, my counts will have gone back up. I had a partial bowel obstruction a few months ago because I have a tumor on my bowel. Did a colonoscopy and endoscopy recently and it showed tumor on outside of bowel. Talked to my primary care doc & told him I would like him to speak with the gyn/onc to remove the tumor before it went into the bowel. He told me he would but that they wanted me to get cycle #3 of the current chemo and then have a CT scan. He told me that if it showed tumor growth, surgery would be the next step, removing tumor on bowel & then debulking. He said that until they can compare the CT scan before I started this new chemo drug with the CT scan done 3 months after chemo, they couldn't consider surgery, in case the tumors shrank. He told me not to worry that if there was any growth, surgery was the next option. I'm hoping for shrinkage but at least I know that possibly they can do surgery if they didn't. Has anyone had more than 3 surgeries for their ovarian cancer? Any help you can give me would be appreciated.



  • AnneBehymer
    AnneBehymer Member Posts: 738 Member
    I will join you in that pray
    I will join you in that pray God let them see that the tumor not only shurnk but is totaly gone.

  • kikz
    kikz Member Posts: 1,345 Member
    I am sorry
    you are going through so much. In sounds like your medical team has several options lined up for you. I hope they find that the tumor has shrunk. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    Kathleen B has had several
    Kathleen B has had several surgeries. Jayne Armstrong had 7 or 8. Sadly, Jayne lost her battle last year, but you can still read her blog (I think) at www.shoppingkharma.blogspot.com
