HAI pump- questions

yoga Member Posts: 87

I am just now learning about the HAI pump - sounds fascinating. I spoke with my onc nurse today and she wasn't aware of the procedure and told me that they don't do it at the Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre. So . . . . . I am wondering:

- are there any Canadains out there that have had it done? - where?
- I know there are Americans who have had it done - where?
- can anyone direct me to a good website - there are loads of things out there and I have started to read them - also saw the pic that Phil posted of his
- any personal input that you may be able to give me would also be appreciated

I want to be well prepared when I see my onc on Jan. 13.

I have about 20 mets on my liver - diagnosed in July 2010. I have had 33 chemos so far: the first 30 were FOLFIRI with 5FU; the first 10 of those 30 were with Avastin; when this stopped working I was switched to Oxaliplatin with 5FU and have number 34 tomorrow. My next scan is next Wednesday with the results on Friday. I am not feeling really great about the way the new chemo is working; I passed some white stools on New Years Day (which I know means some sort of Bile Duct blockage) but have no pain in my liver, just some mild discomfort at times.

Anyway, any information that any of you can provide me would be incredibly helpful.
Thanks for being here . . . .
yoga jo


  • janie1
    janie1 Member Posts: 753 Member
    Hi Yoga
    I get treated at sloan-kettering in nyc. There may be only 1-3 places in the U.S. I've always wondered why so few places used the pump. It can be effective, but it does take some close monitoring. It can elevate liver enzymes. If you want to PM me, I'd be happy to answer questions.

    I had also looked at procure.com, to see if liver tumors are treated with that particular technology (radiation beads). Don't know how successful it is. They are opening a couple more centers in the U.S. Not sure about Canada.

    I hope there isn't anything serious going on with your liver. Did you let your one know about the white stools? Jan. 13 is a little ways off.?
  • yoga
    yoga Member Posts: 87
    janie1 said:

    Hi Yoga
    I get treated at sloan-kettering in nyc. There may be only 1-3 places in the U.S. I've always wondered why so few places used the pump. It can be effective, but it does take some close monitoring. It can elevate liver enzymes. If you want to PM me, I'd be happy to answer questions.

    I had also looked at procure.com, to see if liver tumors are treated with that particular technology (radiation beads). Don't know how successful it is. They are opening a couple more centers in the U.S. Not sure about Canada.

    I hope there isn't anything serious going on with your liver. Did you let your one know about the white stools? Jan. 13 is a little ways off.?

    thanks Janie
    Thanks Janie . . . . guess I have some research to do! If / when I have more questions I will PM you - thanks for that.

    I did call my onc nurse first thing on Jan. 2. She called back today and we had a good talk - yes, it is Bile Duct blockage, but since it happened only the one day it probably means that it has worked itself out - for now. She has told me that if I have pain/cramps or it happens again I should present myself at the ER. I have chemo tomorrow and she suggested asking if there is an onc on the floor . . . . as it is not the main centre, but a smaller offshoot the oncs may be seeing their patients but not on the chemo floor. So, I will see if I can see anyone tomorrow and if not, I will just monitor myself (I have never in my life studied my stools as carefully as I have done in the last 1.5 years!!) and if anything changes I will head to the city to the ER. My oncologist is still on holidays and won't be back until next week.

    yoga jo