
alexcc Member Posts: 19
Was having severe depression and posted here about two months ago. I got some good advice and have since been put on Effexor and Xanax. This helped but for the last two or three days I seem to have slipped backwards. Everyone tells me I have been through alot with the cancer treatment and surgery and just to give it time. Have any of you ladies had this step backwards? Maybe I expect too much of myself. Could use some good advice!!


  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    The holiday season is difficult.
    The stresses of the holiday season can deplete seratonin levels so you may need to adjust your meds. I don't know where you live but the sunlight is not strong in CT during the winter months. I would also have your vit D levels checked. If you have the energy to get outside for a 30 minute walk, I recommend it.

    Wish I could be of more help buy hopefully someone else will respond with some good advise.

  • Dragon5
    Dragon5 Member Posts: 1
    Being gentle with yourself
    Alexcc, I think you're probably being too hard on yourself, but I can understand and appreciate what you are feeling. I just started radiation a couple of weeks ago, and already am putting pressure on myself to get it done and over with and be on to the next part of this "journey" as they call it. Sometimes I literally have to stop and remind myself to be a.) patient b.) gentle with myself. For me that means the space to simply be present with all the emotions that might come up without judging them, positive OR negative/depressing (and believe me, they come whether you want them or not). I don't know a single woman who is overjoyed about having cancer - it IS hell. Based on my own personal experience I'd say the "step back" you're describing is pretty normal (you're allowed to have those - I've had LOTS!). You'll find yourself on the "up" side sooner than you think. Hope this helps. :)
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Dragon5 said:

    Being gentle with yourself
    Alexcc, I think you're probably being too hard on yourself, but I can understand and appreciate what you are feeling. I just started radiation a couple of weeks ago, and already am putting pressure on myself to get it done and over with and be on to the next part of this "journey" as they call it. Sometimes I literally have to stop and remind myself to be a.) patient b.) gentle with myself. For me that means the space to simply be present with all the emotions that might come up without judging them, positive OR negative/depressing (and believe me, they come whether you want them or not). I don't know a single woman who is overjoyed about having cancer - it IS hell. Based on my own personal experience I'd say the "step back" you're describing is pretty normal (you're allowed to have those - I've had LOTS!). You'll find yourself on the "up" side sooner than you think. Hope this helps. :)

    Yes your being to hard on your self. I am on effexor also. Its just a drug, not a cure all. It's helps a lot, but you may still have days that are not so good and thats ok.I have been told, It's only when you have to many days like that is when you need to talk to your doctor. I hate the ups and downs. Hang in there. Hugs
  • alexcc
    alexcc Member Posts: 19
    I am trying to enjoy life
    I am trying to enjoy life again but not sure how to anymore :(. Will try all of the advice given. It is VERY helpful to know wthat I am not the only person to have these feelings. I am very alone in them sometimes. (Not that I want anyone else to feel this way). Thank you all very much!
  • GrandmaJ
    GrandmaJ Member Posts: 209
    I have been on Lexapro since two weeks after my diagnosis in July 2009. I have always gotten depressed in the past once the holidays are over and we have to face the winter months ahead and this year is no different. I miss my grandbabies who have gone back to Maryland and I'm facing another 6 month check up in Feb. Reading this board usually helps me get through the rough days. Hang in there...
  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    Yes a year and a half after
    Yes a year and a half after surgery i had depression and again through the holidays but now that they are over and starting a new year i feel a little better today.We've all been through alot and will have are ups and downs just remember your not alone.Hugs Frankie
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Yes a year and a half after
    Yes a year and a half after surgery i had depression and again through the holidays but now that they are over and starting a new year i feel a little better today.We've all been through alot and will have are ups and downs just remember your not alone.Hugs Frankie

    yes its nirmal to get
    yes its nirmal to get depressed, even with meds. I think they help to maintain a steady state, and not use up valuable energy with sadness, worry and anxiety. However they dont make us numb thank goodness, just help us manage our lives to the fullest. the above sugestions are good. just seek assistance if it gets prolonged, or deep.
  • Lisatoday25
    Lisatoday25 Member Posts: 4
    I have problem with this too, got put on Xanax too. Depends on how bad symptoms and what's going on with me. I ended up with a migraine, cough and high fever the last few days. It's okay things will get better. You have to tell people and don't hold it in or no one knows how you're feeling. Do something you enjoy, or watch a movie that you can't help but smile.You're not in this alone okay?
  • alexcc
    alexcc Member Posts: 19
    Once again.. thank you all
    Once again.. thank you all for your help. This is a wonderful place for getting things out. Sometimes I feel I shouldn't burden people with all of this, but you all understand!
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    alexcc said:

    Once again.. thank you all
    Once again.. thank you all for your help. This is a wonderful place for getting things out. Sometimes I feel I shouldn't burden people with all of this, but you all understand!

    Some thoughts
    I lost what I wrote. I'll try again later!
    I did have some thoughts.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    Don't be so hard on
    Don't be so hard on yourself...easier said then done I know...

  • BetsyJane
    BetsyJane Member Posts: 127
    Cancer is tough - we all get depressed
    Don't be so hard on yourself. Cancer is a horrible disease but you can make it through. Take each day at a time. We have all felt as you do in our journey with cancer. We have our good days and our bad days. Sometimes we feel like it's one step forward and two steps back and some days we feel on top of the world. Winter-time is definitely more depressing for me --- I look forward to spring and summer. Hang in there with us and make sure to take your xanox and effexor when you need to.

    God Bless,
