Newly Diagnosed!



  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Welcome. I did my research about what to expect right on this site. I also have grandchildren who are pretty adept at knowing when things are not going right. So I kept them fairly well informed once I knew what was likely to occur. Keeping people informed is kind of a social worker thing to do anyway. They handled the information well as I explained it in terms they could understand according to thier age.

    Once I got the information on what particular type of breast cancer I had I then branched out to medical school sites that dealt with cancer research. In this way I got the best information. In this way I could be my own advocate as I wonder how those who don't do this fare in our medical system. You will get a lot of informal education here.

    Sorry you had to join us, but welcome none the less.
  • sdukowitz
    sdukowitz Member Posts: 250
    sharing helps
    Most friends will not pity you .... in real life or online ..... it definitely helps and gives you strength to get thru
    everything prayers help too am sending you mine from Alaska just finished up radiation in Dec
    Sharing and talking about it to true friends and online is really important from my experience
    Praying for you!
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    Wendy: welcome...sorry we
    Wendy: welcome...sorry we have to meet here... I had DCIS 2008 surgery first, radiation then tamoxifen then Hysterectomy May 2011-so far all my blood labs & Mammo good..

    Try a journal...sounded silly to me when I started it..but in hind sight it helped me.

    thinking of you,

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    alexcc said:

    I worried about the surgery
    I worried about the surgery until I had my chemo. After chemo I figured I could handle ANYTHING! The surgery went well and I was back at work in a week and a half. (I should have rested longer) I really just tried to take everything one day at a time, educated myself on my cancer, and decided I wasn't going to let it beat me. I lost my sister to breast cancer and I wasn't going to let my parents lose their only other child to this beast! Remeber you have a say in your treatment options. I am a big believer in being pro active in your options.

    I would like to say hi to
    I would like to say hi to you Wendy and to welcome you to this fantastic site!

    Hugs, Jan
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Welcome to this site
    it has been a God send for me. So supportive, and you can vent, ask questions, give support, receive support, and just plain be with people who really do understand what you are feeling. There is always someone on this board who has or is going through the same treatments, or have just finished or started the same treatment, surgeries, tests, etc.

    First off, the pity looks don't last long and you get use to them. It is the remarks from those who don't know what to say, so they just say anything that will give you the OMG, I didn't just hear that. I am so glad that I have a warped sense of humor because it has gotten me through so many of the comments, where I actually walk away and end up cracking up! I have been asked by many if I am going to die, now I just say not today!

    People mean well, they just don't always know how to express themselves. They want to help but don't know how, so I have learned how to take things with a grain of salt. You will find friends who you thought would be there for you can't deal with it, and others who you had no idea could be so supportive or helpful who are.

    I received an amazing amount of UNSOLICITED ADVISE, mainly from family who read about my cancer on-line, then think they can treat me better than my oncologist. I have learned how to thank them for the info and tell them that I will run it by my doctor! They mean well, just don't realize that I go to an oncologist because he is a specialist and has the schooling, knowledge, and experience to treat my disease. lol But I know they have my best interest at heart....

    Mostly, I wish you the best and hope that all goes well. Once you get all the information the whole process will not be quite so scary, it is the not knowing that is so hard.

    Prayers and hugs,
  • Wendy Joy
    Wendy Joy Member Posts: 51
    camul said:

    Welcome to this site
    it has been a God send for me. So supportive, and you can vent, ask questions, give support, receive support, and just plain be with people who really do understand what you are feeling. There is always someone on this board who has or is going through the same treatments, or have just finished or started the same treatment, surgeries, tests, etc.

    First off, the pity looks don't last long and you get use to them. It is the remarks from those who don't know what to say, so they just say anything that will give you the OMG, I didn't just hear that. I am so glad that I have a warped sense of humor because it has gotten me through so many of the comments, where I actually walk away and end up cracking up! I have been asked by many if I am going to die, now I just say not today!

    People mean well, they just don't always know how to express themselves. They want to help but don't know how, so I have learned how to take things with a grain of salt. You will find friends who you thought would be there for you can't deal with it, and others who you had no idea could be so supportive or helpful who are.

    I received an amazing amount of UNSOLICITED ADVISE, mainly from family who read about my cancer on-line, then think they can treat me better than my oncologist. I have learned how to thank them for the info and tell them that I will run it by my doctor! They mean well, just don't realize that I go to an oncologist because he is a specialist and has the schooling, knowledge, and experience to treat my disease. lol But I know they have my best interest at heart....

    Mostly, I wish you the best and hope that all goes well. Once you get all the information the whole process will not be quite so scary, it is the not knowing that is so hard.

    Prayers and hugs,

    Thanks Carol, so helpful!
    Thanks Carol, so helpful! Everyone on here is amazing. I feel so much better now after meeting with my oncologist and meeting with the breast surgeon tomorrow. Feel like I can breathe again! I have to say the reactions are interesting to me. People can get very emotional when you say you have cancer, my goodness. The funniest reaction was a male co-worker who told me that I am being too casual about everything. Maybe because I am calm and not crying when I talk to him. I realize cancer is serious, but it's still ok to laugh, joke around and sometimes actually talk about something else! Thanks again for everything. I feel so strong and informed!
  • Amy-LLL
    Amy-LLL Member Posts: 16
    Wendy Joy said:

    Thanks Carol, so helpful!
    Thanks Carol, so helpful! Everyone on here is amazing. I feel so much better now after meeting with my oncologist and meeting with the breast surgeon tomorrow. Feel like I can breathe again! I have to say the reactions are interesting to me. People can get very emotional when you say you have cancer, my goodness. The funniest reaction was a male co-worker who told me that I am being too casual about everything. Maybe because I am calm and not crying when I talk to him. I realize cancer is serious, but it's still ok to laugh, joke around and sometimes actually talk about something else! Thanks again for everything. I feel so strong and informed!

    Sorry you are in the club I
    Sorry you are in the club I was dx Oct 2011 at 42 and had bilateral mastectomies in November and just received my second of 6 rounds of chemo today. I had stage 1 1.3cm tumor of invasive secretory (about .07% of BC) grade 3 triple negative BRCA2+ hence the more radical approach. My Oncologist and surgeon both recommended as a site to do research on and to be a little weary of the rest of the internet.... Best of luck!!!!

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    Welcome. I did my research about what to expect right on this site. I also have grandchildren who are pretty adept at knowing when things are not going right. So I kept them fairly well informed once I knew what was likely to occur. Keeping people informed is kind of a social worker thing to do anyway. They handled the information well as I explained it in terms they could understand according to thier age.

    Once I got the information on what particular type of breast cancer I had I then branched out to medical school sites that dealt with cancer research. In this way I got the best information. In this way I could be my own advocate as I wonder how those who don't do this fare in our medical system. You will get a lot of informal education here.

    Sorry you had to join us, but welcome none the less.

    We all put the welcome mat
    We all put the welcome mat out Wendy! I know it isn't a group that you want to be in, but, you'll find a lot of caring and supportive sisters here.

    Like someone wrote, we are open 24 hours a day. So, keep posting and keep updating us on how you are.

    Hugs, Lex