Checking in

JimboC Member Posts: 264
I just wanted to check in and let everyone know I am doing fine. I just completed my second post reocurrance infusion yesterday. All in all everything is going well. The hiccups, nausea and joint pain from the chemo has started but it only lasts about 4 days before it starts tapering off. The plan is to scan after my third infusion and depending on the response, look at surgery to remove the nodes or have another three rounds. I still feel so amazing physically so I'm not ready to give up on beating this thing yet. My oncologist is still very hopeful as well. I guess this can be chalked up to my age (42) and health going into it.

May God Bless us all and bring us peace and comfort in the New Year!


  • casp42
    casp42 Member Posts: 79
    Thinkin about you.....

    Thinkin about you and your wife, may 2012 bring us happiness and peace. Keep stayin positive!!!!

    Receive my simple gift of LOVE
    Wrapped with SINCERITY
    Tied with CARE &
    Sealed with BLESSINGS
    2 Keep you HEALTHY & SAFE all the life long.


  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Great to hear from you

    I am so happy to hear things are going well. You have been on my mind a lot lately. I hope in addition to a positive response to the chemotherapy, you are finding a path through the questions about income and insurance. I was fortunate enough to be retired when I was diagnosed, I know it must be difficult to deal with treatment and ongoing questions about finances.

    May God provide provide you with peace and support,

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    Soooooooongoodnto hearbfrom
    Soooooooo good to hear from you!
  • ham6789
    ham6789 Member Posts: 29
    Hang in theere Buddy
    Jim, I am glad you r staying positive. I know that you'll be fine, cause you r a fighter with good people in ur corner.
    I'll look for the good report after ur infusion sequence.

    your friend, Randy
  • bingbing2009
    bingbing2009 Member Posts: 177
    Been thinking of you
    So good to hear from you. I've been thinking of you quite a bit, wondering how things were going. Glad to hear things are going well so far. Hope that coninues. As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • jss2011
    jss2011 Member Posts: 132
    Hi Jimbo
    Good to read that you are doing well with your treatment. Hopefully you will just need the 3 infusions and get those darn nodes out!

  • unclaw2002
    unclaw2002 Member Posts: 599
    A great progress


    A great progress report. Are you still under the care of Dr. Gibson?

    Happy New Year to you and your family.

  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824

    A great progress


    A great progress report. Are you still under the care of Dr. Gibson?

    Happy New Year to you and your family.


    Jimbo, Hoping the New Year
    Jimbo, Hoping the New Year will be full of good things and you can leave the bad in 2011.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers,
  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493
    sandy1943 said:

    Jimbo, Hoping the New Year
    Jimbo, Hoping the New Year will be full of good things and you can leave the bad in 2011.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers,

    Thanks so much for posting,
    Thanks so much for posting, Jimbo. I've been wondering how the treatment was going. That is just so great that you feel amazing physically--a very good sign. Praying for great results on you first scan, so you can speedily overcome this.
  • JReed
    JReed Member Posts: 428
    Great to hear from you
    Thanks for the update and glad that overall you're doing pretty darned good. That is amazing. You hang tough - we're rooting for you all the way!

    Judy & Don
  • annalan
    annalan Member Posts: 138
    So pleased you're doing
    So pleased you're doing well Jimbo and feeling good. A happy New year to you and your wife. I pray 2012 will be a good year and you will lay this beast to rest once and for all.

    Ann (2)
    Wife of Alan t3n1m0
  • nickgunboat
    nickgunboat Member Posts: 35
    annalan said:

    So pleased you're doing
    So pleased you're doing well Jimbo and feeling good. A happy New year to you and your wife. I pray 2012 will be a good year and you will lay this beast to rest once and for all.

    Ann (2)
    Wife of Alan t3n1m0

    Hey Jimbo
    I'm kind of new here, but I've seen some of your earlier posts. Just wanted to say I'm glad your doing well and feeling good. I was 42 when I was going through this, I think we've had youth, well maybe not youth, lets say relatively young age, on our side. Keep up the fight and Happy New Year!

    DX 03.09
    6 wks Chemo and Rad
    Esophagectomy 07.09
    Dr.Tom DeMeester/USC
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Good work, Jimbo!
    Glad to hear that things are going well for you, Jimbo! I know the end of 2011 was worrisome.

    Make a mad dash through recurrence chemo and come out clean on the other side :) That's our prayers for you.

    Love & Hugs to you and the family,

  • MissusB
    MissusB Member Posts: 111
    TerryV said:

    Good work, Jimbo!
    Glad to hear that things are going well for you, Jimbo! I know the end of 2011 was worrisome.

    Make a mad dash through recurrence chemo and come out clean on the other side :) That's our prayers for you.

    Love & Hugs to you and the family,


    Thank for the update!
    Good to hear from you, Homeboy! Hang in there!
  • jgwright
    jgwright Member Posts: 242
    Positive +
    Just another "Keep it UP" note. Attitude makes a world of difference.

  • Wife of patient 50378
    Hi There..... Jimbo!
    I hope you were able to enjoy family & Friends During the Holidays. You have been in my thoughts...glad you have began EC recurr treatments. Dig deep.. Jim..... fight this beast.. I am praying for you!

    REST when you are tired & make sure you STAY hydrated.

    Yes Peace and Comfort for 2012 .....

  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    Thanks everyone
    For the kind words, love and concern. This round got off to a rough start. Lots of joint pain. Still having it but I figure I have a bad week for two good ones so it's worth it. I hope everyone has an amazing New Year filled with love and hope.