New Job and Cancer. How does it affect your health insurance premiums?

Has anyone switched jobs while under treatment? Did you have to change Health Care Provider? Do they provide insurance for pre-existing conditions like cancer? Did your premium change? My current insurance premium is mostly paid by my employer. Wonder if i switch would i still get the same benefit?


  • Buckwirth
    Buckwirth Member Posts: 1,258 Member
    As long as there is no lapse in coverage
    Pre existing conditions don't matter (in a group plan). You only need to worry about the employer setting you loose in the individual market.
  • plh4gail
    plh4gail Member Posts: 1,238 Member
    After I finished treatment
    After I finished treatment and went back to the same employer I was able to sign up for insurance just as was before with the same price. The place my cancer made a difference was my eligibility for Life Insurance. They said I had to be cancer free for two yesrs. This was just last summer.

    Six weeks after I went back to work I changed jobs. I was nervous. But it worked out wonderful. My insurance was not a problem at all. And there was a random thing going on where the Life Insurance was offered without a health screening. I jumped on it and signed up for the max along with long term disability and death and dismemberment.

  • menright
    menright Member Posts: 256 Member
    I made a job change just last year. At the time I was not underging treatment but did have routine CT/PET scans. The new job provided insurance with the same carrier Aetna. I am not sure if this is why there were no issues, but there were none.

    I fretted over the "pre exisiting condition" dilema for many months. The press has really been negative and I thought there was was no way to accept a new position with a new company.

    It seemingly has worked out okay.

    I am just now though having to take time off for chemo. I had not told my new company about my cancer since it was in remission at the time. Now I wonder what might happen because the upcoming chemo and eventual surgery are very expensive. Likely the concern is unfounded and all will be covered.

    Good luck with your decision. Mine cam complete with a move from Connecticut to San Diego.

  • TxKayaker
    TxKayaker Member Posts: 176
    menright said:

    I made a job change just last year. At the time I was not underging treatment but did have routine CT/PET scans. The new job provided insurance with the same carrier Aetna. I am not sure if this is why there were no issues, but there were none.

    I fretted over the "pre exisiting condition" dilema for many months. The press has really been negative and I thought there was was no way to accept a new position with a new company.

    It seemingly has worked out okay.

    I am just now though having to take time off for chemo. I had not told my new company about my cancer since it was in remission at the time. Now I wonder what might happen because the upcoming chemo and eventual surgery are very expensive. Likely the concern is unfounded and all will be covered.

    Good luck with your decision. Mine cam complete with a move from Connecticut to San Diego.


    I changed jobs last June no
    I changed jobs last June no problems I have been out of treatment since Nov '09. My insurance started the day I went to work.