Any experience with Intermittent HT?

My husband is seriously exploring the IHT for his recurrent PCa. I've found some good material on line but am interested in hearing from anyone who has experience with this protocol.

Many thanks and a wonderful holiday to you.


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    IADT3since2000, aka Jim

    I have read some reports on IHT (IADT) in this forum but not as complete as the reports from a famous survivor (IADT3since2000, aka Jim) that usual corresponds to the following forum. He has been on Intermittent Androgen Deprivation Therapy (triple) 3 since diagnosis in 2000, with a challenging case (Gs 7, PSA=113).
    His detailed chronology of treatment and opinions may help you to understand about the treatment, and surely will serve you as advice in steps to follow.
    Nevertheless, you should remember that in prostate cancer no two cases are equal but similar. What works for one may not work for another.
    (Once at the forum, by typing his acronym, you can get into the many threads on his case)

    Wishing your husband luck in this bumpy road.
