hair loss

littlebe Member Posts: 18
Feeling a little low today. Hair started coming out on Wed. I went this morning and had it shaved off. I know this is just a small thing. Don't want hair falling on the Christmas Goose!!
Good Luck and many Prayers to everyone!


  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
    I'm sorry
    Im so sorry about your hair. I understand the way you must be feeling today. My hair started coming out by the handfuls one year ago today & I had it shaved on Christmas eve. Its a very hard thing to deal with & I won't even tell you the usual stuff that people say when you loose your hair because yes this sucks, but it is a step closer to getting better. Girl you just stare that cancer down & scream I'm kicking the crap out of you cancer!!!! Put your scarves, hats , or wigs on & rock them while you wear them & know that you are beautiful & very very strong.

    I'm sending you a big hug,

  • BetsyJane
    BetsyJane Member Posts: 127
    So Sorry about your hair
    When I lost my hair, it was devastating. That to me is one of the hardest things I had to deal with having cancer. Before it started falling out, I had my hair cut very short and bought a wig. I didn't want many people knowing that I had cancer. I only told my husband, sister, brother and my best friend. (My mom doesn't even know since there was no sense worrying her).

    I must admit, there were a few times when I got so mad and frustrated wearing my wig that I just ripped it off my head and threw it across the floor. I must have looked like a raving maniac! (ha ha). I finished with chemo in June and my hair is now slowly but surely growing back. It's about 2 1/2 inches long.

    Hang in there and feel free to rip your wig off whenever you want. We'll understand.

    Merry Christmas.

  • taiga
    taiga Member Posts: 75 Member
    BetsyJane said:

    So Sorry about your hair
    When I lost my hair, it was devastating. That to me is one of the hardest things I had to deal with having cancer. Before it started falling out, I had my hair cut very short and bought a wig. I didn't want many people knowing that I had cancer. I only told my husband, sister, brother and my best friend. (My mom doesn't even know since there was no sense worrying her).

    I must admit, there were a few times when I got so mad and frustrated wearing my wig that I just ripped it off my head and threw it across the floor. I must have looked like a raving maniac! (ha ha). I finished with chemo in June and my hair is now slowly but surely growing back. It's about 2 1/2 inches long.

    Hang in there and feel free to rip your wig off whenever you want. We'll understand.

    Merry Christmas.


    Then go the eyebrows and eyelashes
    I didn't mind the hair loss so much - I had some great wigs! But when the eyelashes and eyebrows went it seemed to make me look "sicker". I knew it was time to get it shaved off when I had to dry my hair outside because so much of it was falling out. I just finished 15 mos. of treatment in a clinical trial for stage 3 clear cell ovarian cancer. I was dx with breast cancer last month and start chemo next week. I had the BRAC analysis done after my OC dx and it was negative. I've been on Avastin all year as part of the clinical trial - how ironic to be on that and develope breast cancer! I am ER+ (99%), HER2+++, so I am having chemo first, then probably a double masectomy. My chemo will be 8 cycles, 4 of FEC and the 4 of Taxotere and Herceptin. I just washed those darn wigs this spring and put them away!!
  • LaundryQueen
    LaundryQueen Member Posts: 676
    taiga said:

    Then go the eyebrows and eyelashes
    I didn't mind the hair loss so much - I had some great wigs! But when the eyelashes and eyebrows went it seemed to make me look "sicker". I knew it was time to get it shaved off when I had to dry my hair outside because so much of it was falling out. I just finished 15 mos. of treatment in a clinical trial for stage 3 clear cell ovarian cancer. I was dx with breast cancer last month and start chemo next week. I had the BRAC analysis done after my OC dx and it was negative. I've been on Avastin all year as part of the clinical trial - how ironic to be on that and develope breast cancer! I am ER+ (99%), HER2+++, so I am having chemo first, then probably a double masectomy. My chemo will be 8 cycles, 4 of FEC and the 4 of Taxotere and Herceptin. I just washed those darn wigs this spring and put them away!!

    Best wishes Taiga
    I am glad you posted--I came over here hoping to find out how things were going for you. I hope that since you are ER + & HER2 +++ , you take some small comfort in knowing you have more treatment options than chemotherapy alone.

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas this year & a merrier one next year.
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member

    Best wishes Taiga
    I am glad you posted--I came over here hoping to find out how things were going for you. I hope that since you are ER + & HER2 +++ , you take some small comfort in knowing you have more treatment options than chemotherapy alone.

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas this year & a merrier one next year.

    Hang in there, littlebe -- you can do this!
    Just wanted to mention that not every chemo "cocktail" causes every person to lose their eyelashes and eyebrows....littlebe, I don't think I've seen you mention which cocktail you're getting?

    I had 4 rounds of Taxotere/Cytoxan (TC) -- never affected my eyelashes at all, and my eyebrows only got sparse toward the very end of treatment, and for only a couple of weeks, then went right back to normal.

    Of course, chemo drugs affect everyone differently (as they say, "your results may vary" :-), but it's fairly common to keep your eyelashes and eyebrows with TC.

    (In my case, the first hair to go was in the "southern region," which for some reason I found completely funny. Everyone kept asking me, "So, are you losing your hair yet?" "Well...depends on what hair you're talking about! :-)

  • taiga
    taiga Member Posts: 75 Member

    Best wishes Taiga
    I am glad you posted--I came over here hoping to find out how things were going for you. I hope that since you are ER + & HER2 +++ , you take some small comfort in knowing you have more treatment options than chemotherapy alone.

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas this year & a merrier one next year.

    I log on and jump back and forth between the ovarian cancer and breast cancer boards. Never thought I'd be in this position. It is overwhelming most times - but I found this board when I was dx. with OC and it has provided so much info. and comfort. I just keep on keeping on....
  • Findingout
    Findingout Member Posts: 132
    Dear Littlebe,
    I well

    Dear Littlebe,
    I well remember March of this year when mine started falling out. It was one more thing to mourn. Then I got used to having all Good Hair Days, not having to color it, no friz, and always 'looking good.' Well, the lashes and brow loss were kinda hard but, one just has to keep-a-moving! Wishing you all the best.. My hair is now 1-2" long. It's not growing evenly but it's coming back, and yours will too!
  • littlebe
    littlebe Member Posts: 18
    TraciInLA said:

    Hang in there, littlebe -- you can do this!
    Just wanted to mention that not every chemo "cocktail" causes every person to lose their eyelashes and eyebrows....littlebe, I don't think I've seen you mention which cocktail you're getting?

    I had 4 rounds of Taxotere/Cytoxan (TC) -- never affected my eyelashes at all, and my eyebrows only got sparse toward the very end of treatment, and for only a couple of weeks, then went right back to normal.

    Of course, chemo drugs affect everyone differently (as they say, "your results may vary" :-), but it's fairly common to keep your eyelashes and eyebrows with TC.

    (In my case, the first hair to go was in the "southern region," which for some reason I found completely funny. Everyone kept asking me, "So, are you losing your hair yet?" "Well...depends on what hair you're talking about! :-)


    hair loss
    I am on the same chemo. Taxtere/Cytoxin.I am having 4 rounds also. I don't really care if my eyebrows ans eyelashes fall out just so I beat this thing!
    Your "southern region" was so funny ! Good to laugh ! Thanks to all of you whi posted re: my hair loss. you are all fabulous!
