Grace 14

geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
Was it really necessaray for you to post on the Colon Club about our CSN board? You stated "there are nasty people on there and not very encouraging". Perhaps you should be more specific. Most people on CSN are very encouraging, respectful, well informed and compasionate. Yes, there are some bullies that seem to fade in and out with unkind comments but to lump this board as "nasty" "not encouraging" is just wrong.

Without people like Craig, Annabelle, Idlehunters, John23, just to name a few I don't think I could have gotten through these last few years helping my husband on his cancer journey. When I am down, they lift me up with their showers of kindness, encouragement and information.

Whether you are mainstream, alternative, in remission or in the thick of battle, I wish nothing but the best for all my CSN buddies, I care about you very much.



  • Grace14
    Grace14 Member Posts: 65
    Your right that was not very
    Your right that was not very nice of me I should have been more specific. There are alot of very good people on this forum I didnt mean everyone!! I am sorry if I offended you!!
  • Jaylo969
    Jaylo969 Member Posts: 824 Member
    Grace14 said:

    Your right that was not very
    Your right that was not very nice of me I should have been more specific. There are alot of very good people on this forum I didnt mean everyone!! I am sorry if I offended you!!

    A word of warning
    I'd be very careful, because some of the same people who are problematic on this board are cruising around on the colonclub board as well( sometimes using different names). Next fight might be in their neighborhood, heaven forbid!

  • Grace14
    Grace14 Member Posts: 65
    Jaylo969 said:

    A word of warning
    I'd be very careful, because some of the same people who are problematic on this board are cruising around on the colonclub board as well( sometimes using different names). Next fight might be in their neighborhood, heaven forbid!


    Oh I know and some of their
    Oh I know and some of their names aren't disguised!! I knew who I was talking about!!
  • Grace14
    Grace14 Member Posts: 65
    Jaylo969 said:

    A word of warning
    I'd be very careful, because some of the same people who are problematic on this board are cruising around on the colonclub board as well( sometimes using different names). Next fight might be in their neighborhood, heaven forbid!


    Oh I know and some of their
    Oh I know and some of their names aren't disguised!! I knew who I was talking about!!
  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Grace14 said:

    Your right that was not very
    Your right that was not very nice of me I should have been more specific. There are alot of very good people on this forum I didnt mean everyone!! I am sorry if I offended you!!

    It was nice of you to apologize, Grace...
    it's good to see, as it seems apologies are usually in short supply when these kind of things flare up on the internet (now if I could just figure out how to get my wicked sister to apologize for being in-person nasty, my holiday spirit would skyrocket!). Ann
  • Phoebesnow
    Phoebesnow Member Posts: 600 Member

    It was nice of you to apologize, Grace...
    it's good to see, as it seems apologies are usually in short supply when these kind of things flare up on the internet (now if I could just figure out how to get my wicked sister to apologize for being in-person nasty, my holiday spirit would skyrocket!). Ann

    I am sorry too. There are no excuses. Thank you for pointing it out.
  • plh4gail
    plh4gail Member Posts: 1,238 Member
    Thank you :)

    Thank you :)
  • Sonia32
    Sonia32 Member Posts: 1,071 Member
    Just have to say, read the
    Just have to say, read the thread on there, boy it feels like we are in high school. Too much cat fighting going on, rival schools. At the end of the day we may argue, leave (but still lurk?) this is still far a better group. I appreciate the colon club is out there, but I have never felt at place there, too may people on it not really a family atmosphere then we have on here. Thank you Grace for replying.
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    Grace14 said:

    Your right that was not very
    Your right that was not very nice of me I should have been more specific. There are alot of very good people on this forum I didnt mean everyone!! I am sorry if I offended you!!

    thanks grace
    i love and need this board, despite its imprefections.
    funny we are all human, struggling a range of defects and crc is not the only one.

    my wish is we tell our stories peacefully and we have kindness and respect. i will not hold my breath, but its a noble goal. as a community we achieve this at times.

    we learn, i learn alot out of these disputes, its good to learn lessons. it takes courage to fight crc, it takes courage to tell your story in public, even a part of it.

    for me alone, i believe i get most of my baggage offloaded here, despite a few unkind comments. i have developed a thicker skin and tried to be more diplomatic.

    i just wish people felt safe to post, to offload. thats our key benefit. not actually the replies, but righting the posts. getting our thoughts and often our frustrations out of our heads onto the public record so to speak.

    it takes courage to be open, it takes courage to fight this cruel disease. i away your post just says what you were reacting too.

    besides em and scouty taking a break, i hope its a short one. the beauty of the disharmony in itself it shows generally how much love, care and support is on this board. maybe we take what we have for granted. some people never learn how to say sorry, its so easy when you realise your human also. thanks for showing others how easy it is.

    have a wonderful xmas.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Here it reminds me of family. We have our encouragement days and our little squabbles but all in all we are a family through thick and thin. I've never spent any time on colon club as this site always drew me back in with the group of people it has. Thank you, Tina, for the compliment. You are right, everyone is wonderful here. I'm always here to help anyone if I can. OK now everyone, let's give a big group hug :)

    Hugs! Kim
  • yoga
    yoga Member Posts: 87

    Here it reminds me of family. We have our encouragement days and our little squabbles but all in all we are a family through thick and thin. I've never spent any time on colon club as this site always drew me back in with the group of people it has. Thank you, Tina, for the compliment. You are right, everyone is wonderful here. I'm always here to help anyone if I can. OK now everyone, let's give a big group hug :)

    Hugs! Kim

    Beautifully said Kim. It has taken me a while . . . . . always does! . . . . . but I am feeling comfortable here as well as welcome. I do feel like this site has a family-like atmosphere and that brings me a great deal of warmth and positive energy.
    yoga jo
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Thank You, Tina:)
    That's so very kind of you to say, Tina. I'm truly touched by your sentiments; there is water in my eye, but probably just allergies, LOL!

    Well, actually it's your feelings about us and our world here that did it:)

    I share the same feelings that you and Annabelle have on it. When I first came here, I fell in love with everyone here...and I was bound and determined to make this place my home. I found acceptance, validation, friendship and genuine love here and that's all that I needed.

    I couldn't unpack my bags quick enough.

    I know there have been squabbles and from time to time, but I have found it's better to walk away and fight another day. I try and take the high road as often as possible. It's a road less travelled:)

    I tend to like to use my words to help - not hinder. I usually just want to drop my pants and show my **** to my medical team - they get such a treat out of that, LOL!

    But, I love it here and care for the people here so deeply, that they are included in the chapters of my yet to be published book. And in there are glowing reviews and terrific memories of the people who have so touched and enriched my life, that I can no longer see a day when you're all not a part of it.

    I've never thought of trying to find another haven, I have all I know right here and all the people I want to share with, right here.
