Side Effects are Kicking my otherwise happy demeanor, not to mention my behind!



  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    debi.18 said:

    We love you!
    Keeping it short and simple - We love you Chen!


    We know you love us, Chen
    and we love you too. By the way, you are soo not a "whiney baby" but if you feel like it, you just come right on here and whine away. Even though I know this is not your character, some days we're just "out of character" and are entitled to be.

    All I can do is offer you my most positive energy, kindest thoughts and send a ton of love your way. You hang in there, sweet girl. You will soon be on the other side and feeling well again.

    Hugs and hugs, Renee
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    missrenee said:

    We know you love us, Chen
    and we love you too. By the way, you are soo not a "whiney baby" but if you feel like it, you just come right on here and whine away. Even though I know this is not your character, some days we're just "out of character" and are entitled to be.

    All I can do is offer you my most positive energy, kindest thoughts and send a ton of love your way. You hang in there, sweet girl. You will soon be on the other side and feeling well again.

    Hugs and hugs, Renee

    Hi Chen/Claudia!
    Hi, hi, hi
    So good to hear from you as always. I hate that the stupid chemo is causing you such grief. I, too, had all the side effects of Taxotere and just thinking back on it makes me cringe. I don't remember how many of these lovely infusions you still have to look forward to.

    Please check back with us when you are the internet feels up to it. I miss you and worry about how you're doing.

  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    oh Claudia, telling us how
    oh Claudia, telling us how you feel is not whining. And with all that you have going on, you are still able to lift the spirits of so many. That is a true gift. I feel honored and blessed to know you.


  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    You are still amazing taking the time to let everyone know what you are going through. You are never the whiner, so the fact that you are letting us know what you are going through means it is not very good.
    I hate that the side effects are taking such a toll on you. Hopefully your body will adjust or maybe they can adjust the dosage and it will still be effective.
    Your mantra says it all. The hummingbird became my symbol when I had it tatoo'd over my scars from the mastectomy in 2003. It reminds me every time I get out of the shower of where I have been, how beautiful life is, and how much more living I have in me.

    I am sending prayers and healthy hugs back your way for a happy healthy 2012 for you, your Reggie your daughter, and everyone of us warriors in pink.
