New to this board - Uterine polyps found

Hello, I am new to this board, but not this site. My husband passed away from head and neck cancer two years ago and I have thyroid cancer. Doing tests a year after my thyroid had been removed and I had undergone radiation, my tumor marker bloodwork was elevated. I then underwent several tests, one being a PET scan. My left ovary lit up, so I was referred to a gyn who preformed a vaginal ultrasound. Two polyps were found on my uterious. They want me to come back to do a sono-hist (?). I am 51 and still have my period. For the past several years they have been extremely heavy and last 7 days. I recently started bleeding between periods (one month I bleed lightly the entire month). I also have extreme cramping one or two days during my cycle. My primary doctor attributed the symptoms to my age (she thought I might be going through menapause even though I have a period every month). My question is, does anyone know if polyps should be "taken care of". I have been through so much the past 4 years that if possible I would prefer to just let this be. I know that polpys have a very low percentage of being cancerous. Thank you in advance for all your help.


  • Tresia23
    Tresia23 Member Posts: 77 Member
    Diagnostic hysteroscopy
    Hi, So sorry to hear about your loss. Head and neck cancer is pretty traumatic. Always tough on the carer, and you are dealing with thyroid cancer as well. I can understand that you just want to be left alone. Not sure if your gyn is talking about hysteroscopy but this is probably what you are calling sono-hist. It is a procedure to examine the lining of the uterus and openings of the fallopian tubes. A biopsy is taken usually. It is a day procedure so you come home after it is done. It would be wise to investigate the heavy bleeding and pain and put your mind at ease. If the endometrium is thickened it can cause the heavy bleeding. There is plenty of good information about this on If the pathology results are all clear then you can continue to look after yourself and get on with your life. Hope you stay well,
  • CherylMike
    CherylMike Member Posts: 118
    Tresia23 said:

    Diagnostic hysteroscopy
    Hi, So sorry to hear about your loss. Head and neck cancer is pretty traumatic. Always tough on the carer, and you are dealing with thyroid cancer as well. I can understand that you just want to be left alone. Not sure if your gyn is talking about hysteroscopy but this is probably what you are calling sono-hist. It is a procedure to examine the lining of the uterus and openings of the fallopian tubes. A biopsy is taken usually. It is a day procedure so you come home after it is done. It would be wise to investigate the heavy bleeding and pain and put your mind at ease. If the endometrium is thickened it can cause the heavy bleeding. There is plenty of good information about this on If the pathology results are all clear then you can continue to look after yourself and get on with your life. Hope you stay well,

    Thank you for your response
    Georgia, thank you for the information on the website. I will definitely research. I am just really struggling with proceeding forward with testing. I am not sure that I really need to? From what I have read, polyps are not usually cancerous. The symptoms do not bother me anymore (I have dealt with them this long) and if this is the only reason for further testing, I would prefer not to. Thank you again for your reply.
  • minniejan
    minniejan Member Posts: 88

    Thank you for your response
    Georgia, thank you for the information on the website. I will definitely research. I am just really struggling with proceeding forward with testing. I am not sure that I really need to? From what I have read, polyps are not usually cancerous. The symptoms do not bother me anymore (I have dealt with them this long) and if this is the only reason for further testing, I would prefer not to. Thank you again for your reply.


    I had polyps removed from my uterus prior to menopause and they were not cancerous. It was a very easy procedure done right in the surgery wing of my doctor's office. The reason was very heavy blooding and "flooding." But a few years later I was diagnosed with UPSC, and now I am awaiting a biopsy on my thryoid as well. Any connection? I doubt it, but I have learned to ask questions.

  • TiggersDoBounce
    TiggersDoBounce Member Posts: 408

    Condolences over the loss of your husband and your own personal have been through alot...

    My Uterine cancer was diagnosed through a polyp removal. I would recommend removal if the doctors suggest it. Mine came out through a D/C.

    Hopefully once removed, the outcome will be a good one for you and then you can stop worrying about it!

    Just my 2 cents, stay in touch!

  • Japatt1953
    Japatt1953 Member Posts: 1
    uterine bleeding polyp

    Im 66 and have been dxd with uterine bleeding from polyp.  Biopsy was taken last week, waiting on results.  I was put on double progestrone and am still bleeding with cramping now.  If the biopsy is negative, how will they treat the bleeding?  I have been bleeding for 3.5 weeks and am extremely tried of bleeding through during night and day when working.  Im also much more tired.  Can I just request a D&C ASAP to get this overwith if it is benign?  I relize if positive, I would have the hysterectomy.


    How soon should all of this be done?  Immediately  or can I wait for a week of two due to family obligations?


  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,176 Member

    Biopsies for uterine cancer can be hit or miss for catching it. They have to biopsy just the right spot and where that is can be hard to tell for a simple biopsy, so many recommend a D&C as a more reliable diagnostic tool. Bleeding after menopause is a hallmark symptom for cancer, so it's nothing to ****-foot around with and I would also ask for a referral to a gyn oncologist who knows better what they are doing when you are having a symptom like this at your age. Enodmetrial cancer tends to be slow-growing, so there is time to get these appointments and tests, but it's best to get the ball rolling because not knowing but suspecting is going to be hard. 

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,533 Member
    Totally agree with MAbound's

    Totally agree with MAbound's suggestion.  That is a good strategy, especially the part about asking to be referred to a gynecologic oncologist.  I found that I had to wait to get in to the gyn onc's office a few weeks anyhow, so you should get your couple weeks you need.  I would also suggest to take a breath.  You are doing the right thing looking in to all of this, but try not to freak out until you get answers.  

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    edited March 2019 #9
    I wonder what happened to

    I wonder what happened to CherylMike. She hasn't been on the board since January of 2015. Does anybody know?



  • pinky104
    pinky104 Member Posts: 574 Member

    I had one benign uterine polyp at 51 and 6 benign cervical polyps removed over the years.  When I had some bleeding at 61, my GYN told me it would most likely be benign, too, but after a D&C to remove it, he was on the phone with me as soon as he got the pathology report wanting me in his office that very day.  To make a long story short, that 5 cm. polyp was diagnosed as Uterine Papillary Serous Carcinoma, a vey aggessive cancer, and I was already at stage IVb, the highest stage.  I'm still fighting it 9 years later.  Now, I have cancer in the muscles of my abdomen and in my transverse colon.  Two years ago, I had it in my ascending colon, peritoneum, retroperitoneum, and rectum. When it was first diagnosed, it was in the uterus, both ovaries, the omentum, and the small intestine.  I've had a bunch of surgery and chemos, am now finishing radiation and then going on to chemo again, this time with 3 drugs instead of the usual two.  If I were you, I'd RUN to that doctor.  Even if it does turn out to be negative this time, be sure to report any future symptoms.  The earlier you have it taken care of, the better your odds for survival.  

  • Kathy G.
    Kathy G. Member Posts: 245 Member
    Eldri...I just noticed her

    Eldri...I just noticed her post was an old one!

    How did it get posted? Does this mean more problems with the site?

    Regardless, I hope she is okay!

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,022 Member
    When someone comments

    the thread moved to the top.   Japatt1953 who is new, posted on an old thread and brought it to the top of the discussion.  I remember being new and trying to figure out how this site works.  

  • Kathy G.
    Kathy G. Member Posts: 245 Member
    Gotcha Forherself...thank you

    Gotcha Forherself...thank you!