Dr. Brant Oelschlager

William, guess this one is for you... I've done some research on Dr. Oelschlager, and it seems like I'm in really good hands.

"Dr. Oelschlager is the Director for the Surgical Specialties "Center for Esophageal & Gastric Surgery" as well as the University of Washington's "Center for Videoendoscopic Surgery". He is the Byers Endowed Professor in Esophageal Research in the UW School of Medicine. Dr. Oelschlager is widely published and recognized both nationally and internationally for his expertise.

In his practice, he provides the least invasive treatment options available to patients with esophageal and other gastrointestinal diseases, through state-of-the-art laparoscopic and endoscopic techniques."

After meeting with him, and his team, I was very impressed. SO... So far, so good.



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  • Mary Pat
    Mary Pat Member Posts: 9
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    UW docs
    Hello out there,
    first time on this site. My husband has been under the care of several UW docs since his diagnosis 10/08 of stage 4 esophageal adenocarcinoma.
    Dr. Pellegrini (same team with Dr. Oeshlager) headed the staging process and when Cancer was seen in the liver sent us on to Dr. Tony Back at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. If surgery had been an option then we would have had Dr. Pellegrini do it. Tony Back is also a professor at the UW.
    We have total confidence in our team and I am sure you will be well cared for at UW.
  • jgwright
    jgwright Member Posts: 242
    Mary Pat said:

    UW docs
    Hello out there,
    first time on this site. My husband has been under the care of several UW docs since his diagnosis 10/08 of stage 4 esophageal adenocarcinoma.
    Dr. Pellegrini (same team with Dr. Oeshlager) headed the staging process and when Cancer was seen in the liver sent us on to Dr. Tony Back at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. If surgery had been an option then we would have had Dr. Pellegrini do it. Tony Back is also a professor at the UW.
    We have total confidence in our team and I am sure you will be well cared for at UW.

    So Sorry
    About the mets to the liver. That stinks.

    I really like the CCA and UW. I live in Moses Lake, and am getting most of my treatments there, but primary care is in Seattle.

  • Mary Pat
    Mary Pat Member Posts: 9
    jgwright said:

    So Sorry
    About the mets to the liver. That stinks.

    I really like the CCA and UW. I live in Moses Lake, and am getting most of my treatments there, but primary care is in Seattle.


    We live in Winthrop and also
    We live in Winthrop and also get chemo thru the Wenatchee valley clinic under direction from our onc, Tony Back at SCCA. dr. Mitch Garrison is our local onc and very nice.
    Keep me posted as you go thru your EC journey.
    Mary Pat
    Husband, Rick, stage IV diagnosed 10/08
  • jgwright
    jgwright Member Posts: 242
    Mary Pat said:

    We live in Winthrop and also
    We live in Winthrop and also get chemo thru the Wenatchee valley clinic under direction from our onc, Tony Back at SCCA. dr. Mitch Garrison is our local onc and very nice.
    Keep me posted as you go thru your EC journey.
    Mary Pat
    Husband, Rick, stage IV diagnosed 10/08

    Just Chemo??
    I'm there every day for radiation. Oh what fun...
