Lean study completed

roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
Since May 26th, I have been part of a Yale study looking at diet and exercise for bc survivors. The hope is that insurance companies will pay for after treatment care for cancer survivors to reduce recurrence rates. I'm finally done! I lost 30 lbs, my bone density significantly improved, I lost 9 inches in my waist and 5 inches in my hips. The blood work results are not in yet. I had committed to logging my food, working with a dietitian, walking 10,000 steps a day and doing 30 minutes of exercise 5 times per week. I look great but more important is that I feel great. Whenever I wanted to cheat, I thought of my bc sisters and how positive results from this study would make more services available to them. They will check in in 6 months to be sure I am still on track. Please pm me if you want more information about what I did to cut the fat...fat at my age is where estrogen is produced. The less fat the better!

Love and hugs!



  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Roseann, you are truly an
    Roseann, you are truly an inspiration. You have proved to us that we can do it. Thank you for posting as you really make me want to get out there and move more and eat less!
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member

    Roseann, you are truly an
    Roseann, you are truly an inspiration. You have proved to us that we can do it. Thank you for posting as you really make me want to get out there and move more and eat less!

    When I started the study, I was just under the guidelines for obese. Now my bmi is normal. Before bc I was overweight but Arimidex had caused an additional 20 pound weight gain which was reversed by the guidelines of the study. This is exciting stuff!

  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Roseann... congratulations on your weight loss and a new healthier YOU! Let us know study results when they come in. Keep going, you're doing GREAT!
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    Roseann... congratulations on your weight loss and a new healthier YOU! Let us know study results when they come in. Keep going, you're doing GREAT!

    and thank you for posting this. I think several health insurance companies now pay for gym memberships. Mine has wellness programs and a coach will call and talk with me often. It's not the same as face-to-face support, but it is available if I want it.

    Your comment about reversing the 20 lbs. gained on Arimidex should be very very encouraging to many. Arimidex has not caused me to gain weight - it's what I put in my mouth. I know this because I'll gain 5 lbs, and then get myself back on the wagon (sensibly) and can lose those 5 lbs. with diet and exercise. Imagine what I could do if I followed your plan!

  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member

    and thank you for posting this. I think several health insurance companies now pay for gym memberships. Mine has wellness programs and a coach will call and talk with me often. It's not the same as face-to-face support, but it is available if I want it.

    Your comment about reversing the 20 lbs. gained on Arimidex should be very very encouraging to many. Arimidex has not caused me to gain weight - it's what I put in my mouth. I know this because I'll gain 5 lbs, and then get myself back on the wagon (sensibly) and can lose those 5 lbs. with diet and exercise. Imagine what I could do if I followed your plan!


    The plan is
    very similar to the weight Watchers program. The difference for me was that I was being counseled by a licensed dietitian. They stressed controlling protein to 4 oz servings and being aware of high fat sources. I really don't think my weight gain was due to Arimidex. I think that my activity level was not high enough and I was stress eating. My oncologist thought it was Arimidex and it can cause weight gain in some people. When I started tracking my activity with a pedometer and keeping a food journal it was clear that my calories were not high for my level of daily activity. Knowledge is power so I hope more women will have the luxury of expert advice in losing weight post treatment. I will be in a focus group to bring this to women during treatment. There is evidence that mild exercise increases the effectiveness of chemo and radiation during treatments. Exciting stuff!


  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    Roseann, you are truly an
    Roseann, you are truly an inspiration. You have proved to us that we can do it. Thank you for posting as you really make me want to get out there and move more and eat less!

    Thanks Roseann! This is
    Thanks Roseann! This is great and congrats to you! I know I should eat healthier and hopefully someday I will.

    Good luck,

  • janie560
    janie560 Member Posts: 42
    roseann4 said:

    The plan is
    very similar to the weight Watchers program. The difference for me was that I was being counseled by a licensed dietitian. They stressed controlling protein to 4 oz servings and being aware of high fat sources. I really don't think my weight gain was due to Arimidex. I think that my activity level was not high enough and I was stress eating. My oncologist thought it was Arimidex and it can cause weight gain in some people. When I started tracking my activity with a pedometer and keeping a food journal it was clear that my calories were not high for my level of daily activity. Knowledge is power so I hope more women will have the luxury of expert advice in losing weight post treatment. I will be in a focus group to bring this to women during treatment. There is evidence that mild exercise increases the effectiveness of chemo and radiation during treatments. Exciting stuff!



    This is great news. I
    This is great news. I oppted not to take arimidex because I was afraid of the effects, this gives me hope. I exercise regularly and hope it helps.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    janie560 said:

    This is great news. I
    This is great news. I oppted not to take arimidex because I was afraid of the effects, this gives me hope. I exercise regularly and hope it helps.

    Roseann4 --- Wonderful and inspirational news
    I am so PROUD of you! Looking forward to what you have to say, or accomplished next!

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • KGore
    KGore Member Posts: 2
    LEAN study
    Hi, Roseann....so happy to see your posting just now and learn how positive you feel about the LEAN study. I've just started my 6 month involvement and hope my experience will be similar to yours. I'm looking at food labels....cereal labels! so much more carefully in just my first week. Congratulations to you!

  • MMO3
    MMO3 Member Posts: 44
    you are an inspiration to us all!
    I just want to congradulate you and your new journey to health/life style change..I am proud of you and wish you the support and strength for you to continue your 'new'..'you' :) I am a firm believer in you are what you eat but maybe throwing that theory out the window as I am or was i thought a pretty fit healthy 42yr old who always cared about label readings...And still diagnosed BUT I DO SAY AND AGREE be knowledgeable of estrogen feeding foods bad and good so PLEASE, dont get me wrong, I PROMOTE your attitude as i stated..You are an inspiration and thank you for sharing your information and guiding anyone to better health starting with weight management. Kudos to you and congrats! good luck and thank u for sharing and being able to provide the facts and road to others future weight health!
    Hugs and stay strong!