Just Started Chemo......



  • RogerRN43
    RogerRN43 Member Posts: 185
    Crazymom said:

    New patient
    Hi Everyone

    I just found out today that I have head and neck cancer. They did a biopsy on my lymph node and found cancer. I will go to MD Anderson in two weeks and hopefully find the primary tumor. Then the treatments. I am scared. I have full time job and two kids. Times are going to be tough.

    Yes, start a new thread to have it as yours and be able to read all your personal responses instead of buried here.
    You will find lots of great support here on this forum, it is a good place because we share the experience.

    I was pretty much at the top of my health in the summer, 43 years old, great wife, two young kids, noticed a swollen lymph node, needle biopsy confirmed, no visible primary until they did a left tonsillectomy. It's a challenging road full of mixed feelings, emotions, life changes, but it's doable chemorad. We all make it through treatment.

    For whatever reason, this news report gives me inspiration, reminds me of you, mom with kids.
    She looks good, note this is well after her treatment has completed, but it's your light at the end.


    Best wishes, hope to hear from you.
  • Crazymom
    Crazymom Member Posts: 339 Member

    Hi Crazymom
    Welcome to the community. The overwhelming start to this journey has likely got you in a tailspin right now. You will find lots of help on this board, including advice on drumming up resources and coping with all this things coming at you right now. You should post this message again as a new thread. That way it will get a lot more notice and responsee, not being hidden down here.

    Best wishes to you, and welcome.


    posting to thread
    How do I post something to a new thread?
  • Crazymom
    Crazymom Member Posts: 339 Member
    RogerRN43 said:

    Yes, start a new thread to have it as yours and be able to read all your personal responses instead of buried here.
    You will find lots of great support here on this forum, it is a good place because we share the experience.

    I was pretty much at the top of my health in the summer, 43 years old, great wife, two young kids, noticed a swollen lymph node, needle biopsy confirmed, no visible primary until they did a left tonsillectomy. It's a challenging road full of mixed feelings, emotions, life changes, but it's doable chemorad. We all make it through treatment.

    For whatever reason, this news report gives me inspiration, reminds me of you, mom with kids.
    She looks good, note this is well after her treatment has completed, but it's your light at the end.


    Best wishes, hope to hear from you.

    Thanks for the note
    I told my boys today...17 and 12. They seem a bit depressed, but I told them we would get through it. I don't know how to start my own thread.

    How much work did you miss? I like my job and wonder if I will lose; however, my life if much more important than my job....I will try to figure out how to do my own thread.

    Ann..Crazy mom
  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    Crazymom said:

    posting to thread
    How do I post something to a new thread?

    top left of this page
    click on "discussion boards," then click "head and neck cancer", then click "post new discussion thread." Then post away:)