Possible Bad News

JimboC Member Posts: 264
I just had my post-op PET/CT today and unfortunately, I had some hot spots show up. One was near my ear but the physician said that may possibly be related to an ear infection he is treating. One is near the diaphram which could be related to the surgery. The last one is a lymph node near the esophagus. That is the one that has me most worried. I called my oncologist and managed to get my appointment moved up to tomorrow to discuss the results so we'll see what is in store. We're a little down here at the house but trying to keep in focus that this isn't really bad news until the oncologist interprets it.


  • LilChemoSmoker
    LilChemoSmoker Member Posts: 185
    Nothing confirmed yet...
    Oh Jimbo,

    I know all too well that you and your wife are sitting on pins and needles. But pour all your energies into a positive direction as will Eric and I and as I am sure all of your family here. We will send prayers your way for positive information on the scan tomorrow and that the 'hot spots' are benign activity. Keep us posted and we will be here with you!

    Love to you!
  • Wpturner05
    Wpturner05 Member Posts: 114
    Rain cloud

    Kevin and I always refer to thing like that as a raincloud - there may be a rain cloud, but we can't worry about the rain that has not fallen yet. . . . I pray that your rain cloud passes by and does not rain.

    Many prayers for good news.

  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Will be praying for all to
    Will be praying for all to be false reports.I know when I went through this once , how down it can make you feel.
    You will be in my thoughts and prayers,
  • bingbing2009
    bingbing2009 Member Posts: 177
    Easier said than done
    Jimbo, I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry too much until you find out more. You wouldn't believe the gloom and doom that I was given, and as it turned out, it simply was not an accurate report. Hopefully, it will be the same for you.
    You will remain in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there!
    Sending you lots of good wishes and hugs,
  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Hoping it is a false positive

    My oncologist is not a believer in PET scans unless they are used to confirm an issue identified in a CT scan. He says he sees so many false positives that cause anxiety only to be found to be an infection, or scar tissue, or something else. I know it is hard to not to get ahead of your oncologist's analysis but try to remember it is not an issue until he says it is.

    I will be hoping and praying for a false positive.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor
  • birdiequeen
    birdiequeen Member Posts: 319
    I'm sorry you and your
    I'm sorry you and your family have to wait to findout more, I'm glad you were able to move the appointment up to tomorrow. I will pray they have good news for you.
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    I've done a lot of reading
    I've done a lot of reading on here and Dr. Google and I see that there is a lot of concern with false positives and PETs. Along the lines of what Paul said, I saw Dr. Gibson at UPMC right after the path came back from my nodes. If I recall correctly, he mentioned that he prefered CTs unless something came back of interest on it then he would do a PET. I brought this on myself by getting the results early rather than waiting for my oncologist to read it. My GP is an amazing friend and doctor but he even defered to the oncologist. We just read over the radiologist report with me. Radiologist include every detail they see in an imaging study no matter how insignificant.

    I feel so guilty for being concerned when so many of us here are going through so much more. I appreciate everyone on here for your love, concerns and prayer. I feel so close to so many of you. It really hurts when I read of your bad news and I get so darn happy when I see your good news.

    I'm going to try not to worry too much tonight. Thanks everyone!
  • jojoshort
    jojoshort Member Posts: 230 Member
    Chin up
    And try not to get too stressed out until you know what the real story is. As everyone is saying, there have been many false positives which can send you into a tizzy unnecessarily.
    Just don't let your thoughts run away with you--chin up!

  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Pray for good tomorrow
    We are right here waiting with you, Jimbo. I can only imagine your worry. Have a glass of and do your best to get a good night's rest

  • MissusB
    MissusB Member Posts: 111
    TerryV said:

    Pray for good tomorrow
    We are right here waiting with you, Jimbo. I can only imagine your worry. Have a glass of and do your best to get a good night's rest


    Will be thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers, Jimbo. Kim
  • chemosmoker
    chemosmoker Member Posts: 501
    JimboC said:

    I've done a lot of reading
    I've done a lot of reading on here and Dr. Google and I see that there is a lot of concern with false positives and PETs. Along the lines of what Paul said, I saw Dr. Gibson at UPMC right after the path came back from my nodes. If I recall correctly, he mentioned that he prefered CTs unless something came back of interest on it then he would do a PET. I brought this on myself by getting the results early rather than waiting for my oncologist to read it. My GP is an amazing friend and doctor but he even defered to the oncologist. We just read over the radiologist report with me. Radiologist include every detail they see in an imaging study no matter how insignificant.

    I feel so guilty for being concerned when so many of us here are going through so much more. I appreciate everyone on here for your love, concerns and prayer. I feel so close to so many of you. It really hurts when I read of your bad news and I get so darn happy when I see your good news.

    I'm going to try not to worry too much tonight. Thanks everyone!

    Breathe Breathe Breathe YOU WILL KNOW MORE TOMORROW...
    Yes PET's are notoriously fuzzy and only glow. They do NOT have the details of a CT so don't freak. Breathe. I know that it take over a MILLION cancer cells to make a tiny white spot the size of your PINKY nail on the scan, and at that, it's fuzzy and grainy.
    WAIT and find out.
    We are ALL praying for you and pulling for all false positives and good news.

    We love you. Hang in there. We all wait to hear more....

    God bless you both,

    PS-that's NOT me in my profile pic. I just love the idea....It ain't the smoking as CHEMOSMOKER says. lol
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    Here's what we know at this point....
    My oncologist is most concerned about the one lymph node near the esophagus that showed up hot. He was going to call Dr. Luketich and see what how he wanted to proceed. My oncologist said absent a tissue sample, no issue exists so he felt we would probably need an EUS with a biopsy. If it is cancerious, given it's location, it's still localized and thus treatable either by surgery or radiation. So, not bad news. I'll be heading to Pittsburgh next week to see what it all means. I'm going prepared to spend a bit of time and hopefully get this resolved.

    Thanks everyone!
  • annalan
    annalan Member Posts: 138
    JimboC said:

    Here's what we know at this point....
    My oncologist is most concerned about the one lymph node near the esophagus that showed up hot. He was going to call Dr. Luketich and see what how he wanted to proceed. My oncologist said absent a tissue sample, no issue exists so he felt we would probably need an EUS with a biopsy. If it is cancerious, given it's location, it's still localized and thus treatable either by surgery or radiation. So, not bad news. I'll be heading to Pittsburgh next week to see what it all means. I'm going prepared to spend a bit of time and hopefully get this resolved.

    Thanks everyone!

    Wonderful that what you
    Wonderful that what you thought was bad news is not afterall and an operation or radium will resolve it. So different to what I was told in England. Really pleased for you. Good luck.

    Ann (2)
  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    JimboC said:

    Here's what we know at this point....
    My oncologist is most concerned about the one lymph node near the esophagus that showed up hot. He was going to call Dr. Luketich and see what how he wanted to proceed. My oncologist said absent a tissue sample, no issue exists so he felt we would probably need an EUS with a biopsy. If it is cancerious, given it's location, it's still localized and thus treatable either by surgery or radiation. So, not bad news. I'll be heading to Pittsburgh next week to see what it all means. I'm going prepared to spend a bit of time and hopefully get this resolved.

    Thanks everyone!

    Not totally bad news

    Well, not the "nothing to worry about" answer we were hoping for, but it sounds like even if it does develop into something that needs to be addressed they have a plan.

    I guess we will just have to keep our fingers crossed a bit longer until you get some feedback from the team at UPMC.

    I will be praying that things go well in Pittsburgh.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
  • bingbing2009
    bingbing2009 Member Posts: 177
    JimboC said:

    Here's what we know at this point....
    My oncologist is most concerned about the one lymph node near the esophagus that showed up hot. He was going to call Dr. Luketich and see what how he wanted to proceed. My oncologist said absent a tissue sample, no issue exists so he felt we would probably need an EUS with a biopsy. If it is cancerious, given it's location, it's still localized and thus treatable either by surgery or radiation. So, not bad news. I'll be heading to Pittsburgh next week to see what it all means. I'm going prepared to spend a bit of time and hopefully get this resolved.

    Thanks everyone!

    Paul said it all
    I totally agree with Paul. While not the best news, it's also not the worst. Thank goodness it appears that you will be able to deal with it.

    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Please keep us updated as you can.

  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    JimboC said:

    Here's what we know at this point....
    My oncologist is most concerned about the one lymph node near the esophagus that showed up hot. He was going to call Dr. Luketich and see what how he wanted to proceed. My oncologist said absent a tissue sample, no issue exists so he felt we would probably need an EUS with a biopsy. If it is cancerious, given it's location, it's still localized and thus treatable either by surgery or radiation. So, not bad news. I'll be heading to Pittsburgh next week to see what it all means. I'm going prepared to spend a bit of time and hopefully get this resolved.

    Thanks everyone!

    Paul is right
    It's wonderful to have a plan. Sounds like you have a great time behind you, Jimbo! You couldn't ask for more in this situation.

    Glad also that you can get in to the Pittsburgh docs so quickly. That's a blessing.

    Know that we are here rooting for you. Lots of prayers and hugs to you and your family!

  • JimboC said:

    Here's what we know at this point....
    My oncologist is most concerned about the one lymph node near the esophagus that showed up hot. He was going to call Dr. Luketich and see what how he wanted to proceed. My oncologist said absent a tissue sample, no issue exists so he felt we would probably need an EUS with a biopsy. If it is cancerious, given it's location, it's still localized and thus treatable either by surgery or radiation. So, not bad news. I'll be heading to Pittsburgh next week to see what it all means. I'm going prepared to spend a bit of time and hopefully get this resolved.

    Thanks everyone!

    Now that you know.
    It sounds like you have a wonderful team of doctors. The hot spot can be treated. You and your doctors are on top of things. You will be in Pittsburgh next week. Now..you guys need a few good nights sleep. Have a WONDERFUL WEEKEND...NO WORRIES....HAVE FUN...!
    SAL (:(:(:(:
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    JimboC said:

    I've done a lot of reading
    I've done a lot of reading on here and Dr. Google and I see that there is a lot of concern with false positives and PETs. Along the lines of what Paul said, I saw Dr. Gibson at UPMC right after the path came back from my nodes. If I recall correctly, he mentioned that he prefered CTs unless something came back of interest on it then he would do a PET. I brought this on myself by getting the results early rather than waiting for my oncologist to read it. My GP is an amazing friend and doctor but he even defered to the oncologist. We just read over the radiologist report with me. Radiologist include every detail they see in an imaging study no matter how insignificant.

    I feel so guilty for being concerned when so many of us here are going through so much more. I appreciate everyone on here for your love, concerns and prayer. I feel so close to so many of you. It really hurts when I read of your bad news and I get so darn happy when I see your good news.

    I'm going to try not to worry too much tonight. Thanks everyone!

    I'm very glad to be heading
    I'm very glad to be heading to Pittsburgh for this. I am convinced it is one of the best places you can go. As soon as my Oncologist reviewed the PET with me, he said he'd be contacting Dr. Luketich. They are great up there. My ultimate hope is that it isn't cancer so we can just relax but part of me wonders if it is just an early reoccurance.
  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621
    JimboC said:

    Here's what we know at this point....
    My oncologist is most concerned about the one lymph node near the esophagus that showed up hot. He was going to call Dr. Luketich and see what how he wanted to proceed. My oncologist said absent a tissue sample, no issue exists so he felt we would probably need an EUS with a biopsy. If it is cancerious, given it's location, it's still localized and thus treatable either by surgery or radiation. So, not bad news. I'll be heading to Pittsburgh next week to see what it all means. I'm going prepared to spend a bit of time and hopefully get this resolved.

    Thanks everyone!

    Keeping you in our thoughts.
    I really hang on the words that the doctor tells us. If they are positive, we're positive. From what the oncologist said it appears you have to deal with a problem but that it can be taken care of. That sounds like a plan. Good luck and safe trip on your trip to Pittsburgh. BMGky
  • casp42
    casp42 Member Posts: 79
    BMGky said:

    Keeping you in our thoughts.
    I really hang on the words that the doctor tells us. If they are positive, we're positive. From what the oncologist said it appears you have to deal with a problem but that it can be taken care of. That sounds like a plan. Good luck and safe trip on your trip to Pittsburgh. BMGky

    I'm keeping you in


    I'm keeping you in thoughts and prayers. Dr. Luketich is a wonderful dr. and I'm sure he will come up with a plan. What day are you headed to Pittsburgh? Where are you staying?

    Prayers to you,
