New to the world of cancer :(



  • Ballerina
    Ballerina Member Posts: 152
    MsGebby said:

    It's funny. So many friends
    It's funny. So many friends and family call me a fighter ... a survivor ... "YOU can do this" they say. And I know I can and will do this. But sometimes, I just want to stop fighting! No sooner do I get back on the horse, I get thrown off again. I've had 2 surgeries in 3 months, I need more surgery to my neck and now my breast. I am in constant pain and have numbness in both arms and legs. Now cancer!!! I won't give up but I can honestly say I am tired. AND I know that once chemo starts being tired will have a whole new meaning. I am sorry. I am complaining but I think I have reached a breaking point. Your words mean a lot to me. I am going to pick myself up (again) as soon as the shock wears off.

    Bless you for being such an inspiration.


    I know about getting on that darn horse and getting knocked off
    Hi MsGebby,I know about getting on that darn horse and getting knocked off. I've had six surgeries from July 2010 to June 2011. I was diagnosed with bc in june 2009 had lumpectomy and radiation. BC came back June 2010 had lumpectomy, mastectomy, breast reconstruction and surgery in the groin. You just keep getting back on that horse and hold on. May God give you strength and peace.

  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    Ballerina said:

    I know about getting on that darn horse and getting knocked off
    Hi MsGebby,I know about getting on that darn horse and getting knocked off. I've had six surgeries from July 2010 to June 2011. I was diagnosed with bc in june 2009 had lumpectomy and radiation. BC came back June 2010 had lumpectomy, mastectomy, breast reconstruction and surgery in the groin. You just keep getting back on that horse and hold on. May God give you strength and peace.


    Welcome aboard!
    Sorry you have to be here but it's a great place full of wonderful people that you can ask absolutely anything. There are a couple quotes that have popped up from time to time that might help. (They might not, but . . . )

    "You never know how strong you can be until strong is your only option"

    "Women are like tea bags, you never know how strong they are until they're put in hot water." (Eleanor Rosevelt)

    It's a roller coaster ride to be sure but there are bright spots along the way.

    My journey started with chemo before the surgery (mastectomy in December 1020), and ended with rads. It has been a long haul and I guess it's never really over but there's lots of support along the way. Just remember to "Figth Lika a Girl!" We're here for you.
  • MsGebby
    MsGebby Member Posts: 659
    So how does this treatment go? How long is a session? I have been told that I would have 2 different drugs. Are they administered simultaneously?
  • MsGebby
    MsGebby Member Posts: 659
    Ballerina said:

    I know about getting on that darn horse and getting knocked off
    Hi MsGebby,I know about getting on that darn horse and getting knocked off. I've had six surgeries from July 2010 to June 2011. I was diagnosed with bc in june 2009 had lumpectomy and radiation. BC came back June 2010 had lumpectomy, mastectomy, breast reconstruction and surgery in the groin. You just keep getting back on that horse and hold on. May God give you strength and peace.


    Oh my goodness! I really
    Oh my goodness! I really wasn't trying to complain. Reading of your journey, I am more subdued. I can only pray that you have nothing but good news from here on in. I guess a good sign off would be "Giddee UP"

    Thank you for sharing with me.

  • robang13
    robang13 Member Posts: 333
    welcome Mary. Sorry we had
    welcome Mary. Sorry we had to meat under these conditions : (. I had surgery and then a re-incision to remove whatever was missed. Luckily I didn't need chemo, just radiation and now tamoxifen. Whatever you need to do we are here to help you along and to get through it. These woman are the best. They are what kept me sane during my journey. Sending you prayers and {{hugs}}

  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    robang13 said:

    welcome Mary. Sorry we had
    welcome Mary. Sorry we had to meat under these conditions : (. I had surgery and then a re-incision to remove whatever was missed. Luckily I didn't need chemo, just radiation and now tamoxifen. Whatever you need to do we are here to help you along and to get through it. These woman are the best. They are what kept me sane during my journey. Sending you prayers and {{hugs}}


    I wanted to pop in and join the pink circle of open arms. You are right cancer does suck. I did chemo first, I am IDC Stage 3 no lymph nodes. But because of the size of my tumor I had to have a mastectomy. Through careful thought and the backing of my husband I opted for a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. So I did 4 rounds of chemo, once every three weeks. My infusion consisted of three drugs Taxotere,Adriamycin and cyclophosphamide given all in the same sitting (took just under 3 hours). I was targeted for 6 treatments but my tumor shrunk extensively that my onco said 4 was enough.

    For me I did chemo first to shrink the tumor for my skin sparing mastectomy. Next came my surgery followed up with radiation. We are all different and our doctors have different ideas according to their education. I am currently undergoing the rest of my reconstruction, my tissue expanders come out on Nov. 3rd and I will then get my saline implants. My journey started a year ago October 26th. It was a trying year, but I can tell you looking back now it really went fast.

    The key is to have a great support system and it sounds like that's already the case for you. It really helped me to be open about my journey thus educating other women along the way. So many of my friends both in life and on this silly computer, have reached out to me with gratitude for giving them the gift of knowledge of what we breast cancer survivors go thought.

    You sound like you have an excellent demeanor and I have all the confidence you will get through this with dignity and humor. To me that's the best approach... Don't let the beast take control...

    Keep us posted along the way, we will all be here holding your hand..
    Your forever sister,
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    MsGebby said:

    It's funny. So many friends
    It's funny. So many friends and family call me a fighter ... a survivor ... "YOU can do this" they say. And I know I can and will do this. But sometimes, I just want to stop fighting! No sooner do I get back on the horse, I get thrown off again. I've had 2 surgeries in 3 months, I need more surgery to my neck and now my breast. I am in constant pain and have numbness in both arms and legs. Now cancer!!! I won't give up but I can honestly say I am tired. AND I know that once chemo starts being tired will have a whole new meaning. I am sorry. I am complaining but I think I have reached a breaking point. Your words mean a lot to me. I am going to pick myself up (again) as soon as the shock wears off.

    Bless you for being such an inspiration.


    Welcome Mary! Never stop
    Welcome Mary! Never stop fighting! You can and you will do this! We do understand as we have been thru this, so, come and vent, but mainly, keep fighting!

    Big cyber hugs to you,

  • MsGebby
    MsGebby Member Posts: 659

    I wanted to pop in and join the pink circle of open arms. You are right cancer does suck. I did chemo first, I am IDC Stage 3 no lymph nodes. But because of the size of my tumor I had to have a mastectomy. Through careful thought and the backing of my husband I opted for a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. So I did 4 rounds of chemo, once every three weeks. My infusion consisted of three drugs Taxotere,Adriamycin and cyclophosphamide given all in the same sitting (took just under 3 hours). I was targeted for 6 treatments but my tumor shrunk extensively that my onco said 4 was enough.

    For me I did chemo first to shrink the tumor for my skin sparing mastectomy. Next came my surgery followed up with radiation. We are all different and our doctors have different ideas according to their education. I am currently undergoing the rest of my reconstruction, my tissue expanders come out on Nov. 3rd and I will then get my saline implants. My journey started a year ago October 26th. It was a trying year, but I can tell you looking back now it really went fast.

    The key is to have a great support system and it sounds like that's already the case for you. It really helped me to be open about my journey thus educating other women along the way. So many of my friends both in life and on this silly computer, have reached out to me with gratitude for giving them the gift of knowledge of what we breast cancer survivors go thought.

    You sound like you have an excellent demeanor and I have all the confidence you will get through this with dignity and humor. To me that's the best approach... Don't let the beast take control...

    Keep us posted along the way, we will all be here holding your hand..
    Your forever sister,

    Thank you so very much,
    Thank you so very much, Lorrie. I am hoping for a second opinion just to make sure I am on the right path to recovery. I just feel so robotic in this war. I mean, someone TELLS me to see so and so, and to go this facility for diagnostic test or this hospital for surgery. That makes me feel like I am not part of the team. Does that make sense? I have actually set up an appointment to see the specialists at Cancer Treatment Center of America in Philadelphia. Have you heard anything about them? I just want to make the most qualified decision about my cancer. I don't want to be lead around on a leash and told what to do rather than being made aware of what ALL my options are.

    I do like the oncologist I saw last week. She answered all of my questions and even went as far as to bring up information she has access to on her computer to show me how some of her plan was come to. SHe knew I wasn't a dummy and needed to reassure me that she wasn't one either.

    I don't know ... is getting a second opinion going to make me more crazy than I am now?

    Questions Questions

  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    Ballerina said:

    I know about getting on that darn horse and getting knocked off
    Hi MsGebby,I know about getting on that darn horse and getting knocked off. I've had six surgeries from July 2010 to June 2011. I was diagnosed with bc in june 2009 had lumpectomy and radiation. BC came back June 2010 had lumpectomy, mastectomy, breast reconstruction and surgery in the groin. You just keep getting back on that horse and hold on. May God give you strength and peace.


    Mary, lots of pink sisters
    Mary, lots of pink sisters get 2nd, 3rd and even 4 opinions. You have to do what makes you feel comfortable and what you feel is right in your own mind. After all, this is your life, your treatment.

    None of us are the same and we all have different diagnosis's, treatments and feel differently even about what we are told we should do.

    You just do what is in your best interest and what you want to do.

    I will be praying for you!
  • poplolly
    poplolly Member Posts: 346
    Hello. I'm so sorry you had
    Hello. I'm so sorry you had to find us. There are many women here who will give you all kinds of hope. Ask any questions you need answered. In addition, I just finished typing my experiences with cancer, chemo, and radiation. I included questions to ask the doctors, the emotional impact, side-effects of the treatments, a section on finances, and a list of web sites.

    I will offer this free to you or anyone it might help. It's just a typed summary. Nothing fancy, but I hope helpful.

    If you one like me to send it to you my e-mail is:


  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    robang13 said:

    welcome Mary. Sorry we had
    welcome Mary. Sorry we had to meat under these conditions : (. I had surgery and then a re-incision to remove whatever was missed. Luckily I didn't need chemo, just radiation and now tamoxifen. Whatever you need to do we are here to help you along and to get through it. These woman are the best. They are what kept me sane during my journey. Sending you prayers and {{hugs}}


    Many have gone for second
    Many have gone for second opinions just to be sure that all bases are covered and that they have been given ever choice and treatment option.

    I am praying for you and sending you lots of strength, hope and encouragement.

    Hugs, Jan
  • tko683
    tko683 Member Posts: 264 Member
    Sorry to hear your news
    but glad you have found this board. I wish I would have found it when I was going through treatment. It really helps to talk to someone who has been through it. Personally, I had 4 cycles of chemo, mastectomy, 4 more cycles of chemo, radiation, herceptin, failed reconstruction, and have been on hormone therapy now since 2005. When I first started, I was overwhelmed and never thought I would get done with all the treatment but like others have said it goes by fast and just take one day at a time. I also found that it was never as bad as I imagined, none of it. It was easy but it wasn't awful either. You sound like a fighter and you are a survivor already. Feel free to ask any questions, PM, or just vent. Prayers coming your way.
  • madsters1
    madsters1 Member Posts: 120
    new to the group
    Hi, I'm new to the group too. My world also turned upside down in early Aug(2011). I am IDC Stage I (micrometastisis of one node), Er+, PR-. Her2-. I had the surgery (lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy) in Sept and will have a port implant in the morning. I'll start chemo next week. Sounds so factual doesn't it? For me it's been an emotional nightmare!! I may be alone on this one, but truly the cancer doesn't scare me. I couldn't give a hoot. I am a complete control freak. Yes, control is born out of fear. So, I have wrestled the doctors, nurses and anyone else about anything I can possibly control. I am a Christian and know the Lord as my Saviour. He is using cancer to press (hard!) the control out of me. I hate it! Tomorrow for instance I plan to show up at the hospital and negotiate having a local or general anesthesia rather than conscious sedation. I hate the idea of being half way in control of my faculties.
    My point, it's TRULY a journey worse for some than others, far worse. But there IS a reason, a purpose and it's NOT jusr survival. For many it is to cause you to look up to find Him, for us who know Him yet remain "wild mustangs", it's submission and trust. Either way it is in the end good FOR us not AGAINST us PS 138:8. Glad you found us but sorry you had to. In ALL of this I hope you find Him most of all. Big, warm hugs, Victoria (madsters)
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    madsters1 said:

    new to the group
    Hi, I'm new to the group too. My world also turned upside down in early Aug(2011). I am IDC Stage I (micrometastisis of one node), Er+, PR-. Her2-. I had the surgery (lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy) in Sept and will have a port implant in the morning. I'll start chemo next week. Sounds so factual doesn't it? For me it's been an emotional nightmare!! I may be alone on this one, but truly the cancer doesn't scare me. I couldn't give a hoot. I am a complete control freak. Yes, control is born out of fear. So, I have wrestled the doctors, nurses and anyone else about anything I can possibly control. I am a Christian and know the Lord as my Saviour. He is using cancer to press (hard!) the control out of me. I hate it! Tomorrow for instance I plan to show up at the hospital and negotiate having a local or general anesthesia rather than conscious sedation. I hate the idea of being half way in control of my faculties.
    My point, it's TRULY a journey worse for some than others, far worse. But there IS a reason, a purpose and it's NOT jusr survival. For many it is to cause you to look up to find Him, for us who know Him yet remain "wild mustangs", it's submission and trust. Either way it is in the end good FOR us not AGAINST us PS 138:8. Glad you found us but sorry you had to. In ALL of this I hope you find Him most of all. Big, warm hugs, Victoria (madsters)

    I want to welcome you also
    I want to welcome you also Victoria! You've joined a great support group of pink sisters!

    Hugs, Megan
  • Linedancer54
    Linedancer54 Member Posts: 18
    Megan M said:

    I want to welcome you also
    I want to welcome you also Victoria! You've joined a great support group of pink sisters!

    Hugs, Megan

    Welcome to MsGebby and Victoria. As other Pink Sisters have said, sorry that you have to meet us all on this site, but it is a great place for information and support. Although I haven't posted a lot, I have learned a lot from the wonderful ladies here.And they will have a better understanding of how you feel than your friends who have never been through this.Friends mean well, but they couldn't possibly understand the fear and uncertainty of the Beast.
    Hugs and prayers to you both.

  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    Welcome to MsGebby and Victoria. As other Pink Sisters have said, sorry that you have to meet us all on this site, but it is a great place for information and support. Although I haven't posted a lot, I have learned a lot from the wonderful ladies here.And they will have a better understanding of how you feel than your friends who have never been through this.Friends mean well, but they couldn't possibly understand the fear and uncertainty of the Beast.
    Hugs and prayers to you both.


    Welcome Mary,
    Everyone has

    Welcome Mary,
    Everyone has pretty much covered it all in these posts, so just wanted to welcome you.
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    Welcome Mary,
    Everyone has

    Welcome Mary,
    Everyone has pretty much covered it all in these posts, so just wanted to welcome you.

    Sorry Victoria~Welcome too!
    I just went back and read that you're new as well.
  • poplolly
    poplolly Member Posts: 346
    Ms. G--listen to this
    We can't be positive all the time. I think we have to take time to grieve and to express our fears. I had a mascetomy and then treatment, though some women have had it done the opposite way. I don't know how the doctors determine which to do first.

    I have written a little pamplet about my experiences with cancer. If you'd like to have it, go to the e-mail here and contact me.

    You are not alone,

    Hugs Judy
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    robang13 said:

    welcome Mary. Sorry we had
    welcome Mary. Sorry we had to meat under these conditions : (. I had surgery and then a re-incision to remove whatever was missed. Luckily I didn't need chemo, just radiation and now tamoxifen. Whatever you need to do we are here to help you along and to get through it. These woman are the best. They are what kept me sane during my journey. Sending you prayers and {{hugs}}


    You are right Mary, cancer
    You are right Mary, cancer does suck. But, let's throw everything we can at the beast and rid ourselves of it forever! Wishing you the best!

    ♥ Kristin ♥