ANOTHER new one!



  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    And this is why I continue
    And this is why I continue to have the love and admiration for all you ladies. What great role models you are for the rest of us. Keep going full speed ahead, cause there ain't no time a wasting in your household. We will be here on the sidelines rooting you on...


    Praying Marsha that this new
    Praying Marsha that this new drug will be your miracle. You are an amazing sister and we all would be lucky to just have half of your strength, willpower and kind heart.

    We love you Marsha!
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    And this is why I continue
    And this is why I continue to have the love and admiration for all you ladies. What great role models you are for the rest of us. Keep going full speed ahead, cause there ain't no time a wasting in your household. We will be here on the sidelines rooting you on...


    I double posted
  • Pam5
    Pam5 Member Posts: 232
    Megan M said:

    I double posted

    Marsha - what a strong
    Marsha - what a strong warrior you are! I too will keep you in my prayers! God bless you!
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    SIROD said:

    To Marsha and Halaven
    Dear Marsha,

    Sorry to read about the progression. I have been reading a lot about Halaven on web sites for those with mets. It's a new drug as you point out and with all drugs, some have excellent response and some don't as you well know. One never knows what drug will be "the one" and I am hoping Halaven for will be for you. You are certainly a trooper and admire your tenacity.

    Hey, a little play does wonders for the spirit, so play away Marsha, you have earn that right.

    Thinking of you and sending positive energy your way.



    Wanted you to know that you
    Wanted you to know that you will be in my prayers tomorrow Marsha for your scan.

    Hugs, Diane
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    Feel for you, thinking of you. Hope if mine returns or whatever I have the strength you have. Good luck with new med.

    Marsha, praying that with
    Marsha, praying that with your scan today that you will get some good news. Please post to let us know when you have the time.

    Huge hugs!!!
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    missrenee said:

    Marsha--hoping this drug is the miracle you deserve
    Thank you for posting and letting us know what's going on. I hope the drug does wonderfully for you in a gentle, low-side effect way. You are certainly an inspiration and you give us all hope and strength.

    So glad you got to kick up your heels at the casino. Get your joy whenever and however you can!

    Hugs, Renee

    Praying that your scan will
    Praying that your scan will be good news for you today Marsha!
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    I'll be thinking
    I'll be thinking of you.Hoping this new thing works out.I know it must be tough trying something new and you don;t know what to expect.I am sure after a short while if they see no or very little improvement they will start another treatment till they find what works.

    Thinking of you, Praying and wishing a MIRACLE. It's gonna happen.

    Keep us informed. We'll all be thinking of you.

    Lynn Smith

    Praying for a miracle for
    Praying for a miracle for you Marsha and that your scan today will bring good news.

    Hugs, Lex
  • jennytwist
    jennytwist Member Posts: 896
    Pam5 said:

    Marsha - what a strong
    Marsha - what a strong warrior you are! I too will keep you in my prayers! God bless you!

    Keeping you
    in my prayers - and sending you gentle hugs to hold you - what an inspiration you are for all of us - I hope the new drug kicks some serious @*% !!!
    Keep us posted!
    much love,
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    Pam5 said:

    Marsha - what a strong
    Marsha - what a strong warrior you are! I too will keep you in my prayers! God bless you!

    You have been on my mind
    You have been on my mind today Marsha knowing that this was the day you got your scan. I join the other pink sisters in wishing you the best and praying! There is a lot of strength in our prayers!

    ♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    susie09 said:

    You have been on my mind
    You have been on my mind today Marsha knowing that this was the day you got your scan. I join the other pink sisters in wishing you the best and praying! There is a lot of strength in our prayers!

    ♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣

    You are an inspiration and a
    You are an inspiration and a hero to all of us Marsha! You do amaze me with what you've been thru and what you still have facing you.

    You stay strong, stay positive and keep updating us.

    Praying for you,

  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    how wonderful to hear that you haven't lost that fighting spirit! I'm so glad you felt well enough to go to casino with your sister. Wishing with all my heart that the new chemo works well in shrinking or stabilizing your tumors. All we can do is pray and keep the faith.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Pam5 said:

    Marsha - what a strong
    Marsha - what a strong warrior you are! I too will keep you in my prayers! God bless you!

    You are on our prayer list
    You are on our prayer list at church Marsha!

    Hoping the scan that you had will have some good news. Post when you can the results for us.

    Hugs, Diane
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Ticky said:

    Good attitude
    We are joining you in hopes and prayers. It is wonderful to hear that you are staying positive and strong.



    I am praying that this new
    I am praying that this new drug will work for you Marsha. I've always admired you for your attitude and strength. We should all be more like you in that regard.

    Hugs, Kylez
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    how wonderful to hear that you haven't lost that fighting spirit! I'm so glad you felt well enough to go to casino with your sister. Wishing with all my heart that the new chemo works well in shrinking or stabilizing your tumors. All we can do is pray and keep the faith.
    {{hugs}} Char

    Marsha, any news on your
    Marsha, any news on your scan results yet? Praying for you!

    Sue :)
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Ritzy said:

    Marsha, any news on your
    Marsha, any news on your scan results yet? Praying for you!

    Sue :)

    Marsha, How are you doing?
    I have read about Havalen and it seems as a very tough drug. I hope you have minimal side effects and able to continue your normal routine. Please know we are thinking about you Praying this new drug will be a silver bullet against your cancer.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    Praying that this new treatment is gonna do it's job with no SE.

    Prayers and angels surrounding you.


    I'm praying Marsha that this
    I'm praying Marsha that this new chemo will help you. I feel so sorry for you that you have to keep going thru this. Like someone else wrote, it just isn't fair.

    I will always be praying for you.

    Big hugs,

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    Ticky said:

    Good attitude
    We are joining you in hopes and prayers. It is wonderful to hear that you are staying positive and strong.



    Just thinking of you Marsha
    Just thinking of you Marsha and praying that you got good news on your scan.

    Hugs, Debby
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    skipper54 said:

    Hoping the new treatment goes well
    Play when you need to, fight when you need to.

    Sending prayers for peace, good outcome, and wisdom for the docs.

    Marsha, I've been praying
    Marsha, I've been praying for you and wondered if you got your results back from the scan.

    Hugs, Megan
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Marsha, How are you doing?
    I have read about Havalen and it seems as a very tough drug. I hope you have minimal side effects and able to continue your normal routine. Please know we are thinking about you Praying this new drug will be a silver bullet against your cancer.

    Hoping and praying like
    Hoping and praying like everyone else to see you post an update on your scan results Marsha.

    Hugs, Jan
  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    You are a strong woman!
    Dear Marsha,

    You are one strong woman!!! are a very positive woman. May your strength and positiveness chase away the cancer from your body. Looking forward to a good report on the scan.

    Lots of Hugs