Mom is a new person!

Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
This morning my brother took mom for her 2nd CT scan of the tumor, an MRI, and tattooing for radiation. Took 1.5 hours then he took her home. I didn't get to call her until 4:30. I heard a lilt in her voice! She said, "I'm fine! I feel wonderful! I watered outside, I cleaned the kitchen, there is nothing wrong!"

I was shocked. Well, come to find out she took Morphine Sulpher at 6 pm last night, again at 6 a.m. this morning, and vicodin before eating. She was 100% pain free!

Chemosmoker -- thank you for a post you wrote wherein you said there's no reason for pain and you named drugs that are effective. I insisted she get something stronger and Morphine Sulpher was the response 30 mg. Mom also said she slept the entire night! She was so uplifted. I was very happy to hear my mom back!

Tomorrow another long day with the cancer research doc. I'm holding out good hope for his work!

Thank you everyone here. You have all been so helpful. All of you, patients and caregivers, are in my prayers daily! Bless you!



  • LilChemoSmoker
    LilChemoSmoker Member Posts: 185
    What a perfect ending to the Evening

    What a wonderful post! What a dream to know that she is feeling so well. Pain relief is a must in any case of a patient with cancer of any kind! I am so happy to hear that your mother had a great day AND was able to sleep through the night! As a caregiver it is the joy of these moments we cherish. You made my night and thank you for sharing the inspiration! Kudos!

  • chemosmoker
    chemosmoker Member Posts: 501
    I am SO glad to hear how your mom is doing today!!!
    Great job on YOUR part advocating for her! If it weren't for Michelle, I would never have had those wonderful drugs to tell you about. It takes a great caregiver to be a good patient; To this I can attest.

    I am so happy that you get your mom back and she is pain-free. I am glad she is LIVING as she deals with this. That was paramount to us and what we fought for from the start.
    A life not worth living is hardly a life, and it sound like she IS back! That's so cool!

    I will look forward to your next post when you have more results hopefully from the research doctors and know more about her prognosis and treatment plans. THAT will be a big next step!

    I will continue to keep you both in my prayers.
    Keep up the good work and make sure you rest and take care of yourself too, Mom needs you now more than ever.

    God bless you and THANK YOU for posting and sharing this with us. You really DID make my night! Off to bed now myself. Hope she sleeps as well again!