Question about first chekup after chemo

Cinkal Member Posts: 161
I finished chemo in July and have my first checkup visit with my oncologist in a couple weeks. I was wondering what to expect and any suggestions for questions to ask. I know they will be drawing blood. What are they looking for? My surgeon ordered a mammogram for December. Are there any other tests they order?
I guess now that radiation and chemo are over, I am nervous about keeping the cancer away. I have been eating well and started to exercise again. I do my monthly self exams. I guess that is all I can do.
As you ladies know all too well, my life has been forever changed. There is always going to be that voice wondering if it has came back.


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    My Oncologist asked how I felt, and went over my lab work with question to him was " how do we know all this worked?". His reply, " when it doesn't come back...". Well in my case we know it put it in remission for two far as tests other than a mammogram, none....I then saw him every three months and lab work for the first year...then every 6 months...I asked about scans..none unless a symptom presented itself...which mine did 2 years after first diagnosis...

    Wishing you the very best.
    Hugs, Nancy
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    The only tests that Dr T.
    The only tests that Dr T. has ordered for me for post chemo appts were the same blood work that was done before each infusion. We just talked about how I was doing, and complaints, and he did a breast exam on the remaining one and for the area of mast. and underarm. Was told to just keep doing whatever I was doing and see you in 6 m onths. No tests/sccans unless there seems to be 'something going on'. The first one was 3 months after last chemo but in the 1 1/2 yrs since it's been every 6 months. My Dr does not do marker tests as he says they aren't reliable - my PA agrees with him so I've never had any.

    I have had 2 scans (MRI and bone) in that time frame but they were ordered by my PA for possible problems which both came back 'clean' as in the problems were not caused by mets. Not to forget annual mammo every Aug.

    We're all different as are our Drs so yours may do something a bit different.

  • JoAnn4818
    JoAnn4818 Member Posts: 83
    I just had mine
    Hi Cinkal,

    Last week I had what was actually my second visit after treatments ended which was April 28. Not much went on - I didn't even have blood drawn. My doctor just asked me what was going on and if I had any concerns. We discussed a few things but she didn't feel anything was cancer recurrence related. Most of my problems are normally found post chemo - vision changes, joint pains, etc. I just had my muscle expander removed and a silicone implant put in with a breast lift on the other side in September so I didn't get too much of an exam. I have triple negative breast cancer (no Tamoxifen) and would like to have a PET scan or bone scan but she'll only have them done if I have symptoms that warrant them. I'm always concerned about a recurrence too.

    I hope all goes well with your visit!

  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    I just had my first checkup
    I just had my first checkup today after chemo. I had my mammo yesterday - clear thank God - and today they checked my blood for vit. D, overall blood count (my WBC was low), and tumor markers. They will tell me the results of those on Monday.

    I asked my doctor these questions:

    1. I am 33, what would be the best test combination for me considering my age and that my breasts are so dense.

    Their answer: We suggest a yearly MRI, but we were able to see your mass with the mammo. (scheduled for an MRI six months from now.).

    They suggest I check for tumor markers every 4 months. So I will have to check blood three times a year, and have a mammo and MRI (6 months apart).

    They did warn me, that the MRI shows everything! To prepare myself emotionally in case they need to rule out c. Honestly? I panic, but I would rather go for the test so not to be sorry later.

    2. What should I eat?

    Their Answer: Avoid soy, red meat, and foods with hormones. If you can afford it, go organic. If you can only get some organic foods, get organic meat and dairy.

    They told me when they're not checking me, if something comes up to alert them.

    Best of luck to you. Please keep us posted.
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member

    I just had my first checkup
    I just had my first checkup today after chemo. I had my mammo yesterday - clear thank God - and today they checked my blood for vit. D, overall blood count (my WBC was low), and tumor markers. They will tell me the results of those on Monday.

    I asked my doctor these questions:

    1. I am 33, what would be the best test combination for me considering my age and that my breasts are so dense.

    Their answer: We suggest a yearly MRI, but we were able to see your mass with the mammo. (scheduled for an MRI six months from now.).

    They suggest I check for tumor markers every 4 months. So I will have to check blood three times a year, and have a mammo and MRI (6 months apart).

    They did warn me, that the MRI shows everything! To prepare myself emotionally in case they need to rule out c. Honestly? I panic, but I would rather go for the test so not to be sorry later.

    2. What should I eat?

    Their Answer: Avoid soy, red meat, and foods with hormones. If you can afford it, go organic. If you can only get some organic foods, get organic meat and dairy.

    They told me when they're not checking me, if something comes up to alert them.

    Best of luck to you. Please keep us posted.

    Post-treatment checkups
    Since completing chemo and radiation (in 2009), I've seen my oncologist every 3 months, and he does blood work every time. Now, 2 years on, he's really only checking for tumor markers -- but, for the first year, he was also keeping a close eye on my white blood cell counts.

    One thing to warn you about: My oncologist told me it's normal for WBC counts to seesaw A LOT in the first 6 months to a year out of chemo. I completely freaked out at my first post-treatment appointment, when the nurse brought me my CBC report, and my WBC count was down around 2 -- I was a wreck by the time my doctor came into the room. He reassured me that it was nothing to worry about -- and, sure enough, the next time I saw him it was back up. And then it was down. And then it was up.... So don't let that scare you.

  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    Just check ups
    My oncologist said she would order a scan if I wanted but didn't think they were necessary. Tumor markers she said were not that reliable. I will see her every 4 to 6 months unless I have an issue. She said to let her know if something comes up.
    I did ask her about what to do to keep my heart healthy since estrogen helps with the heart some how.
    She said exercise and loose weight! That will help with the bone density too.
    All the best!
  • Cinkal
    Cinkal Member Posts: 161
    Thanks for your comments
    Thanks for your comments ladies.

  • mollieb
    mollieb Member Posts: 148
    mamolady said:

    Just check ups
    My oncologist said she would order a scan if I wanted but didn't think they were necessary. Tumor markers she said were not that reliable. I will see her every 4 to 6 months unless I have an issue. She said to let her know if something comes up.
    I did ask her about what to do to keep my heart healthy since estrogen helps with the heart some how.
    She said exercise and loose weight! That will help with the bone density too.
    All the best!

    Symptoms of Metastasis?
    So since none of our doctors seem to think a scan is necessary, how are we to know if breast cancer has spread? I had a bone scan and a PET scan after my mastectomy and before I started chemo. They were clean. But since this is the second time I have had breast cancer, I am very concerned about it coming back and about the possibility that what I already have is hiding out someplace in my body waiting to grow. I know the treatments I had are generally very effective, but my chance of a recurrence the first time was 4%. I am no longer comfortable relying on the odds. The second cancer didn't show up on my diagnostic mammograms, the last only six months before I found the lump. I am scheduled for an MRI, but I wonder why they don't just do an ultrasound -- the last one certainly showed up there! I have my first post-chemo checkup in a couple of weeks, too, and I have these questions on a list, but sometimes they are very good at avoiding an answer.